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Hordes Quickstart for web.indd
HORDES is a fast-paced and aggressive 30mm tabletop miniatures battle
game set in the wilds of the Iron Kingdoms™. hese Quick Start rules are
designed to get you up and running with the contents of your Warpack set.
hey are streamlined to facilitate quick learning of the game’s fundamentals, and
therefore they omit certain special rules and options.
HORDES: Primal provides greatly expanded rules covering all the models
including troops and characters as well as extensive background for the world of
the Iron Kingdoms.
hese Quick Start rules present several important game terms necessary to
play HORDES. When such a term appears in the text but has its definition
elsewhere, it will appear in italics . When one of these game terms is defined, it
will appear in bold .
A warlock is a powerful shaman and deadly warrior. His greatest talent,
however, lies in harnessing the raw primal power contained within his
warbeasts. He feeds off the unbridled fury generated by his warbeasts to
enhance his combat abilities and cast spells. All warlocks are unique characters.
A warbeast is a monstrous living creature bred and trained for battle. hough
simple of mind, they are cunning in the ways of slaughter. Warbeasts bear
cruel weapons backed by thick muscle and sinew, but their destructive power is
amplified when goaded by warlocks who can unlock their full potential.
Every model has a unique stat card that provides a quick reference to the
model’s profile and abilities. he card’s front shows things such as stats, ability
lists, and life spirals. Ability explanations appear on the back. he back of a
warbeast’s card also lists its animus , but warlocks have a separate card for their
spells and feats. We recommend placing the cards in plastic card sleeves or
sheet protectors found in most game and hobby stores. hat way you can mark
damage on the plastic sleeve with a dry-erase marker to avoid damaging the card
itself. Alternatively, you may track damage on a photocopy of the card.
In addition to card protectors or reproductions, you will need a handful of
six-sided dice, a flexible ruler or tape measure, and some tokens, coins, or glass
beads to represent fury points and spell effects.
Speed (SPD): he number of inches a model can normally move.
Strength (STR): he measure of a model’s physical strength.
Melee Attack (MAT): he measure of a model’s skill with melee weapons.
Ranged Attack (RAT): he measure of a model’s accuracy with ranged weapons.
Defense (DEF): he measure of a model’s ability to avoid being hit by an attack.
Armor (ARM): he measure of a model’s ability to resist being damaged.
Command (CMD): he measure of a model’s willpower, leadership, and self-
Fury (FURY): Warbeasts generate fury by being forced to perform certain
actions, and warlocks draw from that fury to enhance their own abilities. he
FURY stat on a warlock’s card is the maximum amount of fury he can draw
from his warbeasts at one time. On a warbeast’s card, FURY represents how
much the warbeast can be forced.
hreshold (THR): he measure of difficulty of controlling that warbeast.
Warbeasts with lower THR are more likely to frenzy .
Power (POW): he base amount of damage a weapon inflicts.
(P+S): he sum of the model’s STR and its melee weapon’s POW.
Range (RNG): he maximum distance in inches a ranged weapon can be used
against a target.
Rate-of-Fire (ROF): he maximum number of times a ranged weapon may be
used in a turn.
Area-of-Effect (AOE): he diameter in inches of an attack’s area of effect .
(SPECIAL): A model’s stat card lists its weapons’ special rules.
Each model has a damage capacity represented by a number of damage circles.
Every time a model takes damage, mark one damage circle for each damage
point taken. A model may suffer penalties due to the damage it has taken. It is
destroyed and removed from the table when all its damage circles are marked.
Unmarked damage circles are sometimes called wounds.
Starting the Game
he contents of your Warpack set make a balanced army. Alternatively, you
may select one warlock and any number of warbeasts from the same faction to
an agreed upon points total. After setting up the battlefield, both players roll
a d6. he high roller chooses who goes first. he first player deploys his army
up to 10” in from a table edge, after which his opponent does the same. hese
armies should be deployed on opposite sides of the battlefield with at least 20”
separating the opposing forces.
HORDES battles are fought in a series of game rounds . Each game round,
both players take a turn . he player who deployed his army first takes his turn
first every game round. After the second player takes his turn, a new game round
A game effect that has a duration of one round expires at the beginning of its
creator’s next turn.
The Player Turn
he turn is divided into three phases:
Maintenance Phase: Remove any effects that expire on your turn.
Control Phase: his phase consists of several steps that must be performed in
1. Your warlock leaches fury points from his warbeasts.
2. Your warlock spends fury points to upkeep spells.
3. Your warbeasts that have fury points remaining on them make threshold checks .
Any that fail the check immediately frenzy .
4. Resolve any other effects that occur during the Control Phase.
Activation Phase: Activate your models in any order. When activated, each model
can move and then perform either one combat action or one special action.
A model must use or forfeit its movement before performing its action. When
moving a model, first declare the type of movement the model will perform,
and then measure the distance.
Advancing: A model may move up to its SPD in inches. A model always
faces the direction it is moving, but it may change its facing freely during its
movement and may face any direction at the completion of that movement. A
moving model’s base may not pass over another model’s base.
Running: A running model may move up to twice its SPD in inches. A
warbeast must be forced to run. A running model’s movement follows
the same guidelines as advancing. After the model finishes moving, it
immediately ends its activation. A model that runs loses its action. A model
that runs cannot cast spells, use animus, or use feats this turn.
Charging: Charging combines a model’s movement and combat action.
A warbeast must be forced to charge. A model may attempt to charge any
model currently in its line of sight . A model denied its full movement for
any reason cannot charge. The charging model moves its SPD plus 3” along
any straight line that will get it into melee range with its target. It can only
move across open terrain , cannot cross any obstacles , and cannot change its
facing while charging. At the completion of its movement, the charging
model turns to face its target. If the charging model moved at least 3” before
entering melee range, its first melee attack is a charge attack. This attack roll
may be boosted . If the attack hits, its damage roll is boosted automatically.
Damage cannot be boosted further. A model may not make power attacks
or ranged attacks after charging. A model attempting a charge ends its
activation if it encounters a terrain feature or another model while moving
or if it stops with its target outside of melee range.
A model can either make one attack with each of its melee weapons or one
attack with each of its ranged weapons. Warlocks may spend fury points to
make additional attacks of the same type, and warbeasts may be forced to
make additional attacks of the same type, but a ranged weapon cannot exceed
its ROF. A model making more than one attack may divide them among
any eligible targets. Instead of attacking normally, a model may make one
special attack but may still spend fury points or be forced to make additional
standard attacks. hese additional attacks must be of the same basic nature
(either melee or ranged) as the special attack.
Attack Rolls: Melee Attack Roll = 2d6+MAT; Ranged Attack Roll =
2d6+RAT. Boosted attacks roll an additional die. Other rules may further
modify the number of dice rolled. An attack hits if the roll equals or exceeds
the target’s DEF. Rolling all ones (1) always results in a miss, and rolling all
sixes (6) always hits unless you are rolling only one die.
Melee Combat
A model can make a melee attack against any target in melee range of the
weapon being used. A model’s melee range extends 1/2” beyond its front arc for
a normal weapon or 2” for a weapon with Reach. A model that moves out of its
opponent’s melee range suffers a free strike .
Engaging and Engaged: A model in an enemy model’s melee range is engaged .
A model with an enemy model in its melee range is engaging that enemy. Models
that are engaged or engaging are in melee .
Free Strikes: A model may make one free attack with any melee weapon
against an opponent that moves out of its melee range . his attack roll cannot be
boosted, but it gains a +2 to the attack roll. If the attack hits, the damage roll is
automatically boosted.
A power attack is a type of special attack that may be made by a warbeast during
its combat action. here are many kinds of power attacks. To perform a power
attack, the warbeast must be forced . It may also be forced to boost the attack and
damage rolls. Only one power attack may be made per combat action. A warbeast
may make additional normal attacks after the power attack, but it must be forced
to do so.
Head-butt: As a power attack, a warbeast may be forced to head-butt its
opponent and drive it to the ground. A head-butt made against a model with an
equal or smaller-sized base suffers a –2 to the attack roll. If the model has a larger
base, the attack suffers a –4 to the attack roll. A successful hit inflicts a damage
roll of 2d6 + the attacker’s current STR and causes knockdown.
Slam: Before its movement, a warbeast may be forced to slam an enemy by
ramming it with the full force of its body to send it flying backward and knock
it to the ground. A Slam combines a warbeast’s movement and combat action.
A warbeast may attempt to slam any enemy model currently in its line of sight
and not knocked down. A model denied its full normal movement for any reason
cannot slam. he model attempting the slam moves its SPD plus 3” directly
toward its target along the shortest path possible. It can only move across open
terrain , cannot cross any obstacles , and cannot change its facing after the slam.
If the slamming model moved at least 3” before entering melee range, it makes
a slam attack. A slam attack roll suffers a –2 penalty against a target with an
equal or smaller-sized base or a –4 penalty against a target with a larger base.
A successful hit slams the target d6 inches directly away from its attacker. he
target is knocked down and suffers damage detailed under Slam Damage . If the
slamming model did not move at least 3”, the attack roll suffers a –2 penalty
regardless of the target’s base size. If this attack is successful, the target does not
move but suffers damage detailed under Slam Damage . After a slam, the warbeast
may be forced to make additional melee attacks against any models in melee
range. A model may not make ranged attacks after a slam. A model attempting a
slam ends its activation if it encounters a terrain feature or another model while
moving or if it stops with its target outside of melee range.
Being Slammed: A slammed model is moved d6 inches directly away from its
attacker. his distance is halved if the target has a larger base than the attacker.
Terrain affects this movement normally. A slammed model will move at half
rate through rough terrain, suffer the effects of any hazards, and be stopped if it
collides with an obstacle , obstruction , or a model with an equal or larger-sized base.
A slammed model may not be targeted by free strikes during this movement.
Slam Damage: Determine damage after the target’s slam movement finishes.
he damage roll is 2d6 + the attacker’s current STR. Slam damage may be
boosted. Roll an additional damage die if the slammed model collides with
an obstacle, obstruction, or a model with an equal or larger-sized base. he
slammed model is knocked down.
Collateral Damage: If a slammed model collides with another model that has
an equal or smaller-sized base, that model is knocked down and suffers a
damage roll of 2d6 + the slamming model’s current STR. Collateral damage
cannot be boosted. A struck model with a base larger than the slammed
model’s does not take collateral damage.
hrow & Double-Handed hrow: As a power attack, a warbeast may be
forced to pick up and throw a model with an equal or smaller-sized base.
A warbeast must have at least one claw to perform a hrow and two claws
to perform a Double-Handed hrow. Make a melee attack roll against the
target. he attack roll suffers a –2 penalty when attempting a hrow but not
a Two-Handed hrow. If the attack hits, the defender rolls a d6 and add its
STR. he attacker rolls a d6 for a hrow and 2d6 for a Double-Handed
hrow and adds its STR as well. If the defender’s total is greater, it breaks
free and avoids being thrown. If the attacker’s total is equal to or greater than
the defender’s, it throws the defender. he defender suffers damage and is
knocked down.
Being hrown: he attacker throws the defender a distance equal to half the
throwing model’s STR in any direction within the attacker’s front arc. A
heavy warbeast throwing a model with a small base adds 1” to this distance.
he final destination of the thrown model automatically deviates d3” from
the designated point of impact. Move the thrown model in a straight line
from its current location to the final point of impact and end its movement
centered on that point. A model performing a Double-Handed hrow may
instead throw the defender at a target model within LOS (ignoring the
thrown model). If this target model is outside of the throw distance, the
thrown model deviates d3” from a point on the line to the target at the throw
distance. Otherwise, make a ranged attack roll against it. If the roll succeeds,
the thrown model moves from its current location directly toward the
target model, ends in base-to-base contact with it, and collides with it if the
movement is unhindered. If the attack fails, the thrown model deviates d3”
from the center of the target. Move the thrown model to the point of impact
as described above.
he thrown model’s movement is not affected by rough terrain, but the model
will be stopped if it collides with an obstacle , obstruction , or a model with an
equal or larger-sized base. A thrown model may not be targeted by free strikes
during this movement.
hrow Damage: Determine damage after finishing the target’s throw
movement as described under Slam Damage and Collateral Damage .
A model in melee cannot make ranged attacks. A model may declare a ranged
attack against any target in line of sight. A model is screened , gaining +2
DEF, if it is within 1” of another model with an equal or larger-sized base that
obscures any portion of its base from the attacker (i.e. an intervening model ). A
ranged attack against a model in melee suffers a –4 penalty to the attack roll.
Declare the attack before measuring range. If the target is beyond maximum
range, the attack misses.
• A model may forfeit its movement to aim. An aiming model gains a +2 to its
ranged attack rolls made this turn.
• An Area-of-Effect (AOE) attack affects every model in an area with a
diameter equal to its AOE stat. If the attack roll hits, center the template over
the model hit. he intended target suffers a direct hit damage roll (2d6+POW),
and every other model in the AOE takes blast damage (2d6+1/2 POW,
rounded up). If the attack roll misses, the AOE deviates d6 inches (but no more
than half its original range) in a random direction and does blast damage
to every model in the AOE. An AOE attack declared against a target out of
range misses, and its point of impact deviates from a point on the line to its
declared target at a distance equal to its RNG.
• Spray Attacks: An attack with a RNG of SP is a spray attack. Make a
ranged attack roll against every model in a straight path 1” wide and 8” long
from the attacker’s front arc. A model targeted by a spray attack does not
receive any benefit from concealment , cover , or screening models.
When an attack calls for deviation, use the Deviation Template pictured here
to determine the outcome. First orient the template along the direction of the
attack, then roll a d6 to determine the direction of the deviation. For example, a
roll of 1 means the attack goes long, and a roll of 4 means the attack lands short.
After determining the direction of the deviation, roll again for the distance.
multiple rolls during its activation.
Run, Charge, & Power Attacks (Warbeast): A warbeast must be forced to
run, charge, or make a power attack. A warlock does not need to spend a fury
point to run or charge.
Cast Spell (Warlock): A warlock can cast a spell any time during his
activation by spending the required number of fury points. Resolve the spell’s
effects immediately. A warlock may continue to cast spells throughout his
activation as long as he has the requisite fury points, and he can do so while in
melee even when casting ranged spells.
Use Animus (Warbeast): A warbeast may be forced to use its animus at any
time during its activation. Resolve the effects of the animus immediately. A
warbeast may only use its animus once per activation and may not use its
animus at all if it runs. Instead of placing one fury point, place fury equal to
the animus’ cost on the warbeast. hough doing so often creates a spell effect,
it is not considered a spell when a warbeast uses its animus.
2 3
• Apply an automatic effect every time a model makes a successful attack.
• Apply a critical effect to a successful attack if any two dice in the attack roll
show the same number. An AOE attack’s critical effect only functions on a
direct hit , but it affects all models in the AOE.
Stationary Models: A stationary model must forfeit both its movement and
action. It cannot move, attack, cast spells, use animus, or use feats. A melee
attack against a stationary target automatically hits. A stationary target has
its DEF lowered to 5. Stationary models do not have a melee range. hey
never engage enemy models nor are engaged by them.
• Knockdown: A model knocked down becomes stationary . Mark it with an
appropriate counter or token. A knocked-down model does not block line
of sight or provide screening. A knocked-down model can stand up during
its next activation. However, if a model is knocked-down during its owning
player’s turn, it may not stand up until that player’s next turn even if it has
not yet been activated. To stand up, a model must forfeit either its movement
or its action. It may face any direction when it stands. A model that forfeits
its movement to stand performs its action normally. Its ranged attacks do not
receive an aiming bonus. A model that forfeits its action to stand may advance
normally but cannot run, charge, or slam.
A warlock’s greatest asset is the primal energy known as fury. Warbeasts gain
fury points when they are forced during their activations. Warlocks leach these
fury points from their warbeasts and use them to cast spells and power their
own combat abilities. A warlock may only force or leach friendly warbeasts
within his control area . his control area covers 360 degrees with a radius
equal to twice the warcaster’s FURY in inches. A warbeast cannot have fury
points in excess of its FURY stat at any time.
A warlock may force a friendly warbeast in his control area during the
warbeast’s activation for any of the effects described below or in the models’
special rules. To force a warbeast, place a fury point on it and apply the
chosen effect. A warbeast may be forced more than once during its activation,
but it may not be forced if the amount of fury it would gain would cause it to
exceed its FURY stat.
A warlock begins the game with a number of fury points equal to his FURY
stat, but to replenish them, he must leach them from his warbeasts. At the
beginning of your Control Phase, your warlock may leach fury from any
friendly warbeasts within his control area up to his FURY stat. Remove each
fury point leached from the warbeast and place it on the warlock. A warlock
may also leach his own life force for fury points by taking one damage point
for each fury point gained this way. his damage may not be transferred . A
warlock cannot have a total number of fury points greater than his FURY
stat as a result of leaching.
A warlock may spend a fury point to benefit from the following effects. A
warbeast may be forced in order to benefit from the following effects. Note
that some effects are only available to warlocks, and some are only available to
warbeasts. Each use of fury grants a single use of the effect.
Additional Attack: A warbeast or warlock may make an additional normal
melee or ranged attack during its combat action. It may make one additional
attack for each use of this effect . Special attacks may not be made this way.
Boost Attack & Damage Rolls: Boosting adds an additional die to the roll.
Each attack or damage roll can only be boosted once, but a model may boost
Healing (Warlock): A warlock may spend fury points any time during his
activation to remove damage from himself or from a friendly warbeast in his
control area. Each fury point spent removes one damage point. Damage may
be removed from anywhere on a warbeast’s life spiral.
Damage Transference (Warlock): Whenever a warlock suffers damage,
he may immediately spend a fury point to transfer this damage to a friendly
warbeast in his control area. he warbeast suffers all damage from that attack
instead of the warlock. Damage may not be transferred to a frenzied warbeast
or a warbeast that has fury points equal to its FURY stat. Transferred
damage exceeding the warbeast’s remaining unmarked damage circles is
applied to the warlock and may not be transferred again. he warlock is still
considered to have suffered damage even if the damage is transferred.
Rile (Warbeast): A warbeast may be forced for the sole purpose of gaining
fury. Place any number of fury points on the warbeast not to exceed it’s fury
stat. A warbeast may be riled even if it runs.
Discard Fury (Warlock): A warlock may simply remove fury points from
himself at any time during his activation for no effect. He may do this even if
he runs or is stationary .
Warlocks are able to capture the life essence of dying warbeasts. When a
friendly warbeast is destroyed within a warlock’s control area, that warlock
may reave its fury. Transfer all of the destroyed warbeast’s fury points to the
warlock and discard any in excess of the warlock’s FURY stat.
During your Control Phase, after leaching, make a threshold check for each
warbeast you control that has fury points . To perform a threshold check, roll
2d6, add one for each fury point on the warbeast, and compare the result
to the warbeast’s THR. If the total is greater than the warbeast’s THR, the
check fails and the warbeast frenzies . It immediately activates and attempts
to attack another model. If there are models in melee range , it will attack one
of them, enemy models first. If there are no models in the warbeast’s melee
range but there are models engaging it, the warbeast will advance toward and
attack the closest, enemy models first. Otherwise, the frenzied warbeast will
charge and attack the nearest model in line of sight, friendly or enemy. If the
frenzied warbeast cannot charge, it will advance toward the selected model
instead. If there are no models in the frenzied warbeast’s line of sight, it will
advance toward and attack the nearest model, friendly or enemy. When there
is a choice of models, select one of them at random. A frenzied warbeast that
is knocked down will forfeit its movement to stand up and attack if possible.
Otherwise it will forfeit its action and advance toward the nearest model. A
frenzied warbeast never makes special attacks. It makes one attack with each
of its melee weapons. Its attack and damage rolls are automatically boosted. If
it destroys its target before it has made all of its attacks, it will attack another
model in melee range, enemy models first. A warbeast that frenzies cannot be
forced nor can it receive transferred damage for one round. Frenzy is an effect
that lasts for one round.
Damage Rolls
A damage roll is 2d6+POW. Melee attacks add the attacker’s STR as well. Boosted
damage rolls gain an additional die. A damage roll may only be boosted once. Mark
one damage circle for every point by which the damage roll exceeds the target’s
Mark damage left to right. he model is destroyed when you mark its last
damage circle. Remove it from the table. he game ends when a warlock
leaves play—you lose!
A warbeast’s damage circles are arranged in a life spiral . A life spiral consists of
three aspects : Body, Mind, and Spirit. Each aspect consists of two numbered
branches joined at their inner portions. he attacking player rolls a d6 to
determine which branch suffers the damage. Starting with the outermost
empty circle in that branch and working inwards, mark one damage circle per
damage point taken. Once a branch is full, continue recording damage in the
next branch clockwise containing unmarked damage circles. Continue shifting
branches as required until every damage point taken has been recorded. he
warbeast is destroyed when you mark its last damage circle. Remove it from the
Once all of an aspect’s damage circles have been marked, that aspect has
been lost. While a warbeast’s aspect is lost, it suffers a corresponding penalty.
If healing later returns an aspect to a warbeast, remove the corresponding
Lost Body: Roll one fewer die for the warbeast’s damage rolls.
Lost Mind: Roll one fewer die for the warbeast’s attack rolls.
Lost Spirit: he warbeast cannot be forced .
Spell & Animus Stats
Fury Cost (COST): he number of fury points a warlock must spend to
cast the spell or the number of fury points placed on a warbeast when it is
forced to use its animus . A warbeast cannot use its animus if doing so would
cause its fury to exceed its FURY stat.
Range (RNG): Same as the weapon stat. If RNG is “Self,” the spell or
animus can only target the model casting the spell or using the animus.
Area-of-Effect (AOE): Same as the weapon stat. If AOE is “CTRL,” the
spell affects every model in the warlock’s control area.
Power (POW): Same as the weapon stat.
Offensive spells and animi , (indicated by an X in the OFF column) require
the model to make a magic attack roll. A magic attack roll is 2d6+FURY.
Boosted attacks roll an additional die. An attack hits if the roll equals or
exceeds its target’s DEF. Rolling all ones (1) always results in a miss, and
rolling all sixes (6) always hits unless you are rolling only one die. Magic
attacks follow all the rules for ranged attacks, but they may be used in melee .
Magic attacks do not gain the aiming bonus.
Upkeep spells (indicated by an X in the UP column) can be maintained for
more than one round. During his controller’s Control Phase, a warlock may
spend a fury point to keep an upkeep spell he cast in play. If a fury point
is not spent for upkeep, the spell expires immediately. A warlock may have
only one of each specific upkeep spell in play at a time, but he can maintain
any number of different upkeep spells simultaneously. A model may
only have one friendly and one enemy upkeep spell cast on it at a time. If
another upkeep spell is cast on a model that already has one from the same
source—friendly or enemy—the new upkeep spell replaces the previous
one, and the old one immediately expires.
An animus (plural animi ) is a dormant primal power innate in a warbeast.
A warlock is able to tap into these abilities by forcing a warbeast to use
its animus or by casting the animus as a spell himself. A warbeast may be
forced to use its animus any time during its activation. A warlock may cast
an animus belonging to a friendly warbeast in his control area as if it were
one of his spells. A model may only have one friendly animus in play on it
at a time regardless of its source. If another friendly animus is put into play
on a model that already has one, the new animus replaces the previous one,
and the old one immediately expires.
Special Rules
Warlocks and warbeasts have many special rules that take precedence over
the basic rules.
Abilities: Always in effect, abilities apply every time a game situation
warrants their use.
Special Attacks ( Attacks): Instead of attacking normally during its combat
action, a model may make one special attack. A model does not need to spend
a fury point or be forced to make a special attack. A model may normally only
make one special attack per activation.
Feats: A feat can be freely used once per game anytime during that warlock’s
A model’s facing is the direction indicated by the
orientation of its head. he 180° arc centered on
the direction its head faces defines the model’s
front arc; the opposite 180° defines its back arc. A
model draws line of sight and attacks through its
front arc. A model is in another’s front arc if any
part of its base is in the front arc.
Command Checks
A model is sometimes required to make a command check . Roll 2d6 and
compare the result to the model’s CMD stat. If the roll is less than or equal
to the model’s CMD, the check succeeds. If a warbeast is within a friendly
warlock’s command range , it may use the warlock’s CMD instead of its own
for the check. A warlock’s command range is equal to his CMD stat in inches.
Unused Rules
he following advanced rules are not used with the Quick Start rules. Ignore
references to them on the models’ cards: back strikes, cloud effects, combined
melee and ranged attacks, fleeing, forests, orders, soul tokens, and any power
attacks not explained in these rules.
Terrain Effects
Open terrain can be crossed without penalty.
Rough terrain slows a model to half its normal move rate.
Impassible terrain completely prohibits movement.
A linear obstacle is up to 1” tall but less than 1” thick. It may be crossed
at no penalty as long as the model has enough movement to get its base
completely clear of the obstacle. If this is not possible, the model must stop
short. A running or charging model cannot cross a linear obstacle.
An obstruction is a terrain feature greater than 1” tall. Treat obstructions as
impassible terrain.
Concealment and Cover: A model within 1” of a terrain feature that
obscures any portion of its base from an attacker gains a +2 DEF bonus
for concealment or a +4 DEF bonus for cover against ranged and magic
attacks. It can only benefit from one of these bonuses at a time. Concealment
is provided from terrain features that will not stop an attack, such as a light
fence or brush. Cover is provided by terrain features that will stop an attack
such as a brick wall or a large boulder. Decide which terrain features provide
concealment or cover when setting up the table.
Line of Sight
A model has line of sight (LOS) to another model if it can draw a straight
line from the center of its base at head height through its front arc to any
part of the other model, including its base. Line of sight cannot be drawn
across a terrain feature that completely obscures the other model. A model
whose base is crossed by any line between the attacker and its target is an
intervening model. Line of sight cannot be drawn across an intervening
model’s base to models with equal or smaller-sized bases.
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