2D Artist - 031 - 2008-07.pdf

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Concept Art, Digital & Matte Painting Magazine
Issue 031 July 2008 $4.50 / €3.25 / £2.25
The Sketchbook of Jeff Haynie
Gerhard Moszi, Rich Anderson – plus more!
Levente Peterffy, Alon Chou – plus more!
Making Of’s
‘Hellboy’ by Kerim Beyit – plus more!
NEW Space Painting Tutorial Series by Dr Chee Ming Wong – plus more!
Welcome to Issue 031!
Well, we’re oficially
halfway through 2008
now, and seriously
questioning where the
time goes these days
as we get stuck into the
serious work on your
August issue already!
So before we wake
up to Christmas bells
ringing in the morning,
let me quickly mention
some of this month’s
highlights so you can
get stuck in!
First of all, I can’t help
but excitedly tell you about our brand new Space Painting Tutorial Series
by the we-can’t-believe-he-has-time-to-write-tutorials-for-us busy Dr. Chee
Ming Wong (page 101) . Chee actually called me up not too long ago to
ask me if he had any limitations as to what he could write for this tutorial,
as he loves to get into the theory and talk about the details in depth, and
as soon as we heard this we got really excited and simply couldn’t wait to
see the inished draft... which we proudly feature in this magazine – just for
you! Chee certainly impresses us all with this irst tutorial instalment, and
I am proud to announce that this tutorial series will in fact be running for
this and the next 11 months! Yep, that’s right: a 12-month tutorial series all
about space art creation – so get your space hats on, pick up your Wacom
and get painting! We all expect to see some wonderful space creations
this time next year, so no excuses – get stuck in and learn from the Master,
exclusively in 2DArtist mag!
Our must-see interview this month is with ArenaNet Concept Artist, Rich
Anderson, aka “FlapTraps” (page 041) . We ind out where the nickname
“FlapTraps” originated from, all about his work environment and his
inspirations... and how he has developed the trick of using the eraser in
Photoshop to enhance his awe-inspiring artworks! This interview is pretty
much packed with all the kind of stuff that great interviews are made of, and
because we love his work so much we’ve given plenty of his images full-
page spreads to really get the creative juices lowing in all of you. So enjoy
Rich’s offerings and don’t say I didn’t warn you about that inspiration thing
– you’ll be diving on that Wacom in no time, trust me!
We’ve actually taken a ‘politically correct’ stance on our interviews this
month, with equal measures of interview goodness from the guys and gals.
There’s plenty in this issue for all and everyone, so get reading before the
August issue comes out and you run out of time! *winks*
We’ve heard that a lot actually: that we put so much content in our mags
that it’s actually hard to get through the whole issue – cover to cover – in
just a month! Well, we take that as a compliment as we’re not likely to stop
providing the packed content anytime soon, so enjoy the latest instalment
from the 2DArtist team and feel free to let us know what you think! Ed.
What’s in this month?
Drazenka Kimpel
Illustrator & Graphic Designer
Gerhard Moszi
Concept Artist & Matte Painter
Kirsi Salonen
Freelance Concept Artist, Writer & Illustrator
Rich Anderson
ArenaNet Environment/Character Concept Artist
Sketchbook of Jeff Haynie
10 of the Best 2D Artworks
Stylised Challenge
This Month’s Finalists/Last Month’s Making Ofs
Painting Curls
How to Paint Curls by Bente Schlick
Speed Painting
With Robin Olausson & Serg S.
Space Painting
NEW Painting Series By Dr Chee Ming Wong
Creature Concept
Part Five of Mike Corriero’s Tutorial Series
Beacon Tower
Project Overview By Andrew Berends
Jamukha, Got Milk?
Project Overview By Rodny Mella
Project Overview By Kerem Beyit
No Control
Digital Art Masters Free Chapter Promotion
About us
Zoo Publishing Information & Contacts
Lynette Clee
Lead Designer
Chris Perrins
Layla Khani
Bobby Brown
Lynette Clee
Lynette Clee
Tom Greenway
Richard Tilbury
Chris Perrins
Jo Hargreaves
Lynette Clee
Free Stuff!
Wherever you see this symbol, click it to
download resources, extras and even movies!
page 2
Issue 031 July 2008
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is a concept artist, writer and
illustrator from Finland, who’s
based her passion for art
strongly around the fantasy
genre. She uses only 2D software to create visually
strong atmospheres, to tell stories through various
sets of emotive characters.
Every month, many creatives and artists around the world contribute to
3DCreative & 2DArtist Magazines. Here you can read all about them! If
you would like to be a part of 3DCreative or 2DArtist Magazines,
please contact: lynette@zoopublishing.com
is an Australian artist who has
worked both remotely and
on-site for studios in the USA,
Austria, Germany, Australia,
and the UK. He studied traditional art at university
before exchanging the paintbrush for a Wacom, and
now works primarily in the digital medium. He has
been working as a concept artist and matte painter
for ilm and games development for the last 5 years,
and his work can be seen on his website and blog.
is a Florida-based Illustrator
and Graphic Designer with over
9 years of experience in the
digital medium. She is currently
employed full-time with Magicgate Software Inc. and
is open to commissions in many ields of illustration
and design.
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Issue 031 July 2008
has worked as an Art Director
and Concept Artist for
companies like DreamWorks
Interactive, EA Games and
THQ on games such as Medal of Honor, Need for
Speed Hot Pursuit 2, Clive Barker’s Undying and Evil
Dead Regeneration. As an illustrator his client list
includes Disney, Pixar, Warner Brothers, American
Airlines, Texas Instruments, Pepsi-cola, and Frito-
lay. Jeff is currently an Art Director at Big Fish
has over 8 years of creative
visualisation and pre-production
experience, having worked
on various independent game
projects, publications and CGI pre-production
artwork. He is currently the CEO of his own digital
art studio, Opus Artz, based in London. Previous
work includes his role as Senior Concept Artist and
Visual Lead for ‘Ininity: The Quest for Earth MMO
2009’, plus numerous commercial publications.
is a 22 year old freelance
concept artist/illustrator from the
South of Sweden. He’s a highly
motivated, self-educated person
who always love new challanges. In the future he
hopes to get work in the games industry, publish his
own comics, and become one of the top designers
and illustrators!
was born in St. Petersburg,
Russia, and moved to the
United States when he was
about ten. He has studied
illustration, ine art and design
at various institutions and now works as a concept
artist for the video game/ilm industry. He’s currently
with Interplay working on Fallout Online. In his spare
time he has started a forum to educate and discover
new Visual Development artists in So.Cal.
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Issue 031 July 2008
Dr CM.
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