wool_diaper_cover_en - wełniane majteczki.pdf

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diaper cover
Size 0-8 months and 10-24 months
Natural diapering is an ecological
alternative. A single diaper-age child
produces nearly 1,000 kilos of
disposable-diaper waste that ends up
in landfills, and therefore by choosing
reusable diapers you will protect the
environment for your child’s future.
In the old days, when there were no
disposable diapers, moms used wool
diaper covers, which were warm, soft
and gentle on the baby’s skin. The wool
diaper cover was worn over a cloth
diaper to keep the baby’s clothes dry.
The concept of wool diaper covers is
old and well-known in various cultures
all over the world. Wool diaper covers
are still a perfectly feasible option in
this day and age!
The performance of wool diaper
covers is based on the unique
properties of untreated 100%
wool: it is highly absorbent, breathable,
greasy and dirt-repellent, and it keeps
temperatures fairly constant. Wool can
absorb liquid up to 40% of its weight
without feeling wet. Wool is breathable
even when damp, allowing air to circulate
and preventing the baby’s bum from
getting damp. Thanks to the wool diaper
cover, a damp diaper stays at the same
temperature as the body, and the baby
won’t feel cold even out of doors in
The diaper cover is made from wool
roving, which is chemically untreated,
unspun pre-yarn. Roving is made from
the wool of Finnish sheep that are
grazed on clean pastures. Roving
contains large quantities of natural
wool grease, i.e. lanolin. Lanolin is
removed in the regular wool-making
process and used in cosmetics to
produce for example skin creams. The
greasiness of the yarn is essential for
the performance of the diaper cover
and for it being gentle on the skin.
Wool contains keratin – the same
protein that is present in the human
skin. Therefore wool is a natural choice
for a material to be worn close to the
baby’s sensitive skin. Wool roving is soft
and long-fibered, and it has not under-
gone unnecessary chemical treatments.
Natural-white roving has not been dyed
or moth-proofed. It is advisable to wash
the finished garment lightly before use
in order to remove the spinning oil that
has been added during the spinning
It’s easy!
A wool diaper cover is worn over a
reusable fitted cloth diaper or over a
flat cloth diaper and panties. It is advisable
to have enough diapers for three days’
use, bearing in mind that you will change
the diaper on a newborn baby on average
eight times and on an older child five
to six times a day.
A reusable cotton cloth diaper is easy
to make. Print out a free pattern and
instructions from our website:
Email your order to:
In U.S.A.
www. genopalette .com
PL 46 90401 OULU FINLAND; MORE INFORMATION: ottobre@ottobre.fi
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1x1 ribbing
Size 0-8 months and 10-24 months
increase 3 x 1 st and 1 x 3 sts
decrease 8 x 2 sts
garter stitch
1x1 ribbing
- 70-90 g wool roving**
- pair of long knitting needles,
5-6 mm (US8-US10)
- thin wool yarn for sewing seams
- 100 cm colored polyester or
cotton ribbon for waist
- large tapestry needle
(blunt-point darning needle)
Pattern stitch:
- ribbing: knit 1, purl 1 (k1, p1) rib
- panty section: loose-knit garter stitch
After decreases, you are left with 10(14)
stitches on the needle . On these stitches,
continue working 12(14) rows in garter
stitch for the crotch area.
Gauge over garter stitch pattern:
12-13 stitches = 10 cm
22-24 rows = 10 cm
Start increasing for the front. At both
edges of the work, increase 1 stitch at the
beginning of the next 3 rows. Then, also at
both edges of the work, cast on 3 stitches
once at the end of the row, using a loop cast
on. You have now added 6 stitches at each
edge of the work and have 22(26) stitches
on the needle.
On these stitches, work 24(28) rows in
garter stitch. Work 15(17) rows in k1, p1 rib
and bind off loosely.
Tip! The knitting should be loose and soft
because wool felts up with wear, causing the
diaper cover to shrink slightly. Before starting
to knit the actual garment, knit a swatch and
adjust your knitting gauge to correspond to
that of the pattern.
**If wool roving is not available, you can use
some other untreated 100% wool yarn,
making sure that the gauge corresponds to
the gauge given in the pattern.
Knit also the first stitch of each row, in order
to produce edges that are easy to join with
Start knitting at the back waist. Cast
on 42(46) stitches. Work 15 (17) rows in k1,
p1 rib. Work 24(28) rows in garter stitch.
You have now knitted the back until the
decreases for the crotch. See illustration.
Pick up 32(36) stitches along the leg
openings and work 6 rows in k1, p1 rib. Bind
off loosely.
Bind off 2 stitches at the beginning of the
next 8 rows, i.e. at both edges of the work.
Bind off loosely, so that the leg openings will
not be too tight.
Knitting with roving: One puck of roving
makes two diaper covers. When casting on,
you can carry regular cotton sewing thread
with the roving if the roving tends to break.
Do not tie the broken ends of yarn in knots
but twist them together between moistened
fingers. While knitting, roving comes off the
center of the puck in two strands.
Sew the front seams with a mattress
stitch using regular wool yarn. Thread ribbon
to the waist using a tapestry needle.
Care instructions for a wool diaper cover:
A damp diaper cover is air-dried in
a well-ventilated area after use. Poop
stains are washed off in water using
a detergent that doesn’t remove
The best detergent for wool is
Marseille soap or wool-washing
liquid. Rub the detergent gently on
a damp garment and leave on for a
short while before washing. Wash
the garment by squeezing it in tepid
water. You can add a drop of white
vinegar in the final rinse water in
order to soften the garment.
Roll the diaper cover in a towel to
remove excess water and dry it flat
on a well-ventilated surface. Do not
use regular washing powder
because it will remove the wool
grease, making the diaper cover
The wool diaper cover needs to be
washed about once in three weeks,
in addition to regular airing after use.
When the diaper cover has been in
use for a long time, it may need to
be treated with natural lanolin in
order to recover the greasiness of
the wool.
For regular use , the baby needs
3-4 diaper covers. A wool diaper
cover is worn over a fitted cotton
cloth diaper or over a flat cloth
diaper and panties.
You will find a pattern and instruc-
tions for a fitted flannel cloth diaper
on our website.
PL 46 90401 OULU FINLAND; MORE INFORMATION: ottobre@ottobre.fi
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