A Kink in Her Tails - Sahara Kelly.pdf

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An Ellora’s Cave publication written by
MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-528-7
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© Copyright Sahara Kelly, June 2003.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave.
Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc. USA
Ellora's Cave Ltd, UK
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Edited by Briana St. James
Cover Art by Sahara Kelly
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A KINK IN HER TAILS has been rated NC17, erotic, by three individual reviewers. We strongly
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To all those who shared so generously with me during the writing of this story, my everlasting thanks. I
hope you’ll find I’ve treated this lifestyle with respect.
To one staunch friend whose support and encouragement never failed, whose seemingly endless supply
of URL’s took me to places I’d never dreamed of, and who continually urged me to open my mind to all
the possibilities, I thank you. If not for you and Matilda, this book would never have been conceived, let
alone written. Thanks, Boss.
And to Jen and Briana—there are no words sufficient to express my profound gratitude for your
enthusiasm and support. Bless you both for letting me take a chance.
Apartment 4B
Chapter 1
It was Saturday morning. Nobody abused a doorbell at eight thirty on a Saturday morning. Nobody Eve
Bentley knew, anyway.
“Goddammit. I’m coming, I’m coming.”
Eve sleepily dragged herself from her warm bed, slipped most of her body into her old chenille robe and
tied the belt haphazardly round her waist.
She ran a hand through her spiky brown hair and stifled a yawn as she stumbled to the door before it
made that disgustingly intrusive sound one more time.
She eased the door open a crack and tried to focus on whoever was disturbing her slumber so rudely.
“What?” she asked.
She blinked and opened the door a smidgen more.
Oh lord.
He was delicious. Better than coffee. Her sore eyes relished the sight of him. Six foot-and-then-some of
delectably masculine attributes. Shoulders that were just perfect for cuddling up to topped a broad chest
and tapered down to a huggable waist. It was a package that cried out to be explored, all while being
held close by a pair of muscular arms.
“Sorry to bother you…”
Eve shut her mouth with a snap, realizing her saliva had dried to dust and she couldn’t swallow. She also
realized she looked like death on a bad hair day and wished she could slam the door, go change, and
start again.
Given that changing would involve a facial, a hair appointment and possibly some liposuction, she
supposed it wasn’t an option.
“I woke you, didn’t I?”
Swell. Obviously the man was also an Einstein.
“Um, well, I was just going to…actually…”
He thrust a package at her.
“This is so sudden. We hardly know each other.” Eve couldn’t stop the words from slipping out of her
His lips twitched. “It was delivered to my door this morning and I took it inside and opened it without
realizing it. I am awfully sorry, but you know how it is before you’ve had coffee.”
“Oh, do I ever.”
She took the package from him and looked at it.
“It doesn’t bite, you know. And I already opened it, so I can guarantee it doesn’t explode.”
“So, it would probably be okay if you opened it and looked inside?”
“Think so?”
“Mmm hmm.”
Eve looked at him again. Her hormones slapped her upside the head—hard. She could swear she heard
her dear departed mother’s voice someplace, yelling at her. Eve, find a nice man, for God’s sake. You
’re not getting any younger.
“So, uh, did you have your coffee yet? I guess I’m just about to make some.”
He tilted his head while he considered her contorted statement.
He grinned. “Hey, I’d love to. Can’t do anything on just one cup, can you?”
“No. I mean yeah, I guess so. Or not. Or whatever. Why don’t you come on in?”
“Oh. One question.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“Simon Austen. Nice to meet you.”
He held out his hand, willing her to take it, wanting to touch the rumpled warmth he felt radiating from this
enchanting woman.
“Eve Bentley, Ma…” she bit off the response as she shook his hand.
“Ma…? That would be the sheep Bentleys?”
“Sorry.” She chuckled as she led the way into the kitchen. “That would be Eve Bentley, Marketing
Design, which is how I usually introduce myself when shaking hands. Force of habit I guess.” She
glanced down at herself. “I remembered just in time that this wasn’t a formal moment.”
She made a half-hearted attempt to straighten her robe, which failed miserably, bringing a mental cheer to
Simon’s libido. From where she’d seated him at her small breakfast bar, he had an excellent view of the
curve of her lovely breasts beneath her nightgown as she bent to the coffee machine.
She was delightfully mussed, warmly sleepy, and he was finding it hard to resist the urge to pick her up
and carry her back to wherever it was she’d just gotten up from. He’d like to muss her some more.
A lot more.
His pants started to hurt.
“So you live here in the building, Mr. Austen?”
“Please, call me Simon. Yes, been here about two weeks, I guess, but what with trying to unpack and
also meet a major deadline for a job, well…I really haven’t been anywhere for the last ten days but my
Simon had a feeling the question was probably more polite than interested. Damn, how long would it take
this woman to wake up? To realize that from the first moment he’d set eyes on her, he’d developed a
major case of lust, which was probably showing in his gaze and his pants?
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