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Marijuana Cultivation
Marijuana Cultivation
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Marijuana Cultivation
Marijuana Cultivation
Marijuana Cultivation
Wikibooks version
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The information contained in this book is intended for use only in jurisdictions where the activities contained
therein are legal. No claim of the accuracy, safety, or the legality of following the instructions contained in this
book is made and it is not recommended to follow them. You are responsible for your own actions if you do so.
Nothing contained in this book should be construed to be legal or medical advice.
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Marijuana Cultivation/ Introduction
Marijuana Cultivation/ Introduction
Marijuana Cultivation
This book is to provide instruction on the use and cultivation of marijuana, also known as
cannabis or hemp. In this book you will find all the information needed to go from seed to a
fully functioning garden.
The information contained in this book is intended for use only in jurisdictions where the
activities contained therein are legal. No claim of the accuracy, safety, or the legality of
following the instructions contained in this book is made and it is not recommended to
follow them. You are responsible for your own actions if you do so. Nothing contained in
this book should be construed to be legal or medical advice.
Copyright (C) 2009 Agent Green. E-Mail -
This text is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License as used by
the Wikibooks project. It has been donated for free and collaborative use for the benefit of
all those who need, want, or enjoy this plant that is capable of industrial utility, medical
potency, recreational happiness, and even supplying the complete nutritional needs of the
Any part of this may be modified according to the terms of the aforementioned license but
this section must remain intact.
How to Use
This book is not designed to read straight through. Information is organized by topic,
although you can certainly read everything through you can also jump right to the topic you
are interested in.
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Marijuana Cultivation/
Fundamentals/ Of Myths and Magic
Of Myths and Magic
There is certainly as much myth and folklore spreading around about marijuana usage and
cultivation as anything else. This book attempts to slash through those myths to actual
proven and utilized techniques that have been put into practice. It is highly recommended
that you consider the tested information in this book as a primary source of information and
doubt conflicting third party information until it is proven to you.
Some common myths that are seen include the use of menstrual blood for flowering. The
claim that baking soda and vinegar will kill plants if used to adjust PH. Some people claim
that absolutely any light level whatsoever will destroy crops and others claim that a couple
hours of light in the middle of the dark cycle will improve the size of flowers. If you want to
know the truth about these claims just dive on in ahead. Everything you need to grow high
quality, potent, and high yielding marijuana plants is contained in these pages.
Marijuana Cultivation/
Fundamentals/ Parts of the Plant
Parts of the Plant
This section is added for the curious who don't know much about marijuana and how it is
used. The entire plant contains the psychoactive ingredients which include Delta-9 THC and
many cannabinoids that give each plant its own unique profile of properties and effects.
However, not all parts contain them in the same concentrations.
The flowers or Buds of the plant contain the highest concentrations of plant resin which in
turn contains the highest concentration of active ingredients. The unpollinated flowers of
the female plants are the part of the plant that is used by recreational users because they
produce copius amounts of potent plant resin in order to try to catch pollen. Marijuana is
one of the few plants today that actually is split by gender and has distinct separate male
and female plants. Female plants do not pollinate themselves in the absence of males but do
contain the genetic capability to produce male flowers and may do so under stress. There
are also hermaphrodite plants that produce both male and female flowers. Male plants and
male flowers are not very potent and are not used recreationally
Marijuana Cultivation/ Fundamentals/ Parts of the Plant
Leaves are generally not used recreationally and will generally give you a headache rather
than get you high. There are however ways to extract the active ingredients from leaves
and the different types of leaves have different potencies.
Large Shade Leaves
These are the large classically shaped leaves on the plant and are the least potent. There
are extraction methods that can be performed to get something useful out of these but the
result won't be very pure and many growers just throw them away.
Grow Tips
These clusters of small tender leaves are the point on the plant where new growth sprouts
from during vegetation. They are more potent than Shade leaves but less potent than trim
leaves or bud.
Trim Leaves
These are the sugar coated leaves that are trimmed from around the buds during harvest.
The sugar coating of trichomes can make these quite potent and they can be as potent as
low quality flowers with seeds.
The stems are not really useful for psychoactive purposes but they are a great source of
plant fiber for rope, paper, etc.
The seeds generally contain only trace amounts of psychoactive ingredients but they are
one of the most nutritious foods currently known to man. They are one of only a handful of
substances that man can sustain off indefinitely with no other food and provide all known
amino acids.
Trichomes are the oil glands of the plant and contain the highest concentration of active
ingredients of any part of the plant. The flowers are sought out because they contain the
highest concentration of trichome and hash is made from collected and pressed trichomes.
These are very useful for determining the maturity of a plant during the flowering stage.
The purpose of the roots is served when the plant is harvested. They have no useful
psychoactive ingredients and aren't typically eaten.
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