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April 1995
LM3886 Audio Power Amplifier Series
High-Performance 68W Audio Power Amplifier w/Mute
General Description
The LM3886 is a high-performance audio power amplifier
capable of delivering 68W of continuous average power to a
4 X load and 38W into 8 X with 0.1% (THD a N) from
20 Hz±20 kHz.
The performance of the LM3886, utilizing its Self Peak In-
stantaneous Temperature ( § Ke) (SPiKe) Protection Circuit-
ry, puts it in a class above discrete and hybrid amplifiers by
providing an inherently, dynamically protected Safe Operat-
ing Area (SOA). SPiKe Protection means that these parts
are completely safeguarded at the output against overvolt-
age, undervoltage, overloads, including shorts to the sup-
plies, thermal runaway, and instantaneous temperature
The LM3886 maintains an excellent Signal-to-Noise Ratio of
greater than 92 dB with a typical low noise floor of 2.0 m V. It
exhibits extremely low (THD a N) values of 0.03% at the
rated output into the rated load over the audio spectrum,
and provides excellent linearity with an IMD (SMPTE) typical
rating of 0.004%.
Y 68W cont. avg. output power into 4 X at V CC e g 28V
Y 38W cont. avg. output power into 8 X at V CC e g 28V
Y 50W cont. avg. output power into 8 X at V CC e g 35V
Y 135W instantaneous peak output power capability
Y Signal-to-Noise Ratio t 92 dB
Y An input mute function
Y Output protection from a short to ground or to the
supplies via internal current limiting circuitry
Y Output over-voltage protection against transients from
inductive loads
Y Supply under-voltage protection, not allowing internal
biasing to occur when l V EE l a l V CC l s 12V, thus
eliminating turn-on and turn-off transients
Y 11-lead TO-220 package
Y Component stereo
Y Compact stereo
Y Self-powered speakers
Y Surround-sound amplifiers
Y High-end stereo TVs
Typical Application
Connection Diagram
Plastic Package (Note 8)
Top View
Order Number LM3886T
or LM3886TF
See NS Package Number TA11B for
Staggered Lead Non-Isolated
Package or TF11B* for
Staggered Lead Isolated Package
FIGURE 1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application Circuit
*Optional components dependent upon specific design requirements. Refer to the External Compo-
nents Description section for a component functional description.
*Preliminary: call you local National Sales Rep.
or distributor for availability
Overture TM and SPiKe TM Protection are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation.
C 1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M75/Printed in U. S. A.
11031772.004.png 11031772.005.png 11031772.006.png
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1, 2)
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.
Supply Voltage l V a l a l V b l (No Signal)
Soldering Information
T Package (10 seconds)
260 § C
Storage Temperature
b 40 § Cto a 150 § C
Thermal Resistance
i JC
Supply Voltage l V a l a l V b l (Input Signal)
1 § C/W
Common Mode Input Voltage
(V a or V b ) and
l V a l a l V b l s 80V
i JA
43 § C/W
Operating Ratings (Notes 1, 2)
Temperature Range
T MIN s T A s T MAX b 20 § C s T A s a 85 § C
Supply Voltage l V a l a l V b l 20V to 84V
Note: Operation is guaranteed up to 84V, however, distortion may be intro-
duced from SPiKe Protection Circuitry if proper thermal considera-
tions are not taken into account. Refer to the Thermal Considera-
tions section for more information.
(See SPiKe TM Protection Response)
Differential Input Voltage (Note 12)
Output Current
Internally Limited
Power Dissipation (Note 3)
ESD Susceptibility (Note 4)
Junction Temperature (Note 5)
150 § C
Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1, 2) The following specifications apply for V a ea 28V, V b eb 28V,
I MUTE eb 0.5 mA with R L e 4 X unless otherwise specified. Limits apply for T A e 25 § C.
Typical Limit
(Note 6) (Note 7)
l V a l a l V b l Power Supply Voltage (Note 10)
V pin7 b V b t 9V
20 V (min)
84 V (max)
Mute Attenuation
Pin 8 Open or at 0V, Mute: On
Current out of Pin 8 l 0.5 mA,
80 dB (min)
Mute: Off
**P O
Output Power (Continuous Average) THD a N e 0.1% (max)
f e 1 kHz; f e 20 kHz
l V a l e l V b l e 28V, R L e 4 X
60 W (min)
l V a l e l V b l e 28V, R L e 8 X
30 W (min)
l V a l e l V b l e 35V, R L e 8 X
Peak P O Instantaneous Peak Output Power
THD a N Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise 60W, R L e 4 X ,
30W, R L e 8 X ,
20 Hz s f s 20 kHz
A V e 26 dB
Slew Rate (Note 9)
V IN e 2.0Vp-p, t RISE e 2ns
19 8 V/ m s (min)
*I a
Total Quiescent Power Supply Current V CM e 0V, V o e 0V, I o e 0A
85 mA (max)
Input Offset Voltage
V CM e 0V, I o e 0 mA
10 mV (max)
Input Bias Current
V CM e 0V, I o e 0 mA
1 m A (max)
Input Offset Current
V CM e 0V, I o e 0 mA
0.2 m A (max)
I o
Output Current Limit
l V a l e l V b l e 20V, t ON e 10 ms, V O e 0V 11.5
7 A (min)
l V a ±V O l ,V a e 28V, I o ea 100 mA
*V od
Output Dropout Voltage (Note 11)
2.0 V (max)
l V O ±V b l ,V b eb 28V, I o eb 100 mA
3.0 V (max)
*PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio
V a e 40V to 20V, V b eb 40V,
85 dB (min)
V CM e 0V, I o e 0mA
V a e 40V, V b eb 40V to b 20V,
85 dB (min)
V CM e 0V, I o e 0mA
*DC Electrical Test; refer to Test Circuit Ý1.
**AC Electrical Test; refer to Test Circuit Ý2.
Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1, 2)
The following specifications apply for V a ea 28V, V b eb 28V, I MUTE eb 0.5 mA with R L e 4 X unless otherwise specified.
Limits apply for T A e 25 § C. (Continued)
Typical Limit
(Note 6) (Note 7)
*CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio V a e 60V to 20V, V b eb 20V to b 60V,
dB (min)
V CM e 20V to b 20V, I o e 0mA
*A VOL Open Loop Voltage Gain
l V a l e l V b l e 28V, R L e 2k X , D V O e 40V 115
dB (min)
GBWP Gain-Bandwidth Product
l V a l e l V b l e 30V
2 MHz (min)
f O e 100 kHz, V IN e 50 mVrms
**e IN Input Noise
IHFÐA Weighting Filter
10 m V (max)
R IN e 600 X (Input Referred)
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
P O e 1W, A-Weighted,
Measured at 1 kHz, R S e 25 X
P O e 60W, A-Weighted,
Measured at 1 kHz, R S e 25 X
IMD Intermodulation Distortion Test 60 Hz, 7 kHz, 4:1 (SMPTE)
60 Hz, 7 kHz, 1:1 (SMPTE)
*DC Electrical Test; refer to Test Circuit Ý1.
**AC Electrical Test; refer to Test Circuit Ý2.
Note 1: All voltages are measured with respect to the GND pin (pin 7), unless otherwise specified.
Note 2: AbsoluteMaximumRatings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. OperatingRatings indicate conditions for which the device is
functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. ElectricalCharacteristics state DC and AC electrical specifications under particular test conditions
which guarantee specific performance limits. This assumes that the device is within the Operating Ratings. Specifications are not guaranteed for parameters where
no limit is given, however, the typical value is a good indication of device performance.
Note 3: For operating at case temperatures above 25 § C, the device must be derated based on a 150 § C maximum junction temperature and a thermal resistance of
i JC e 1.0 § C/W (junction to case). Refer to the Thermal Resistance figure in the Application Information section under Thermal Considerations.
Note 4: Human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 k X resistor.
Note 5: The operating junction temperature maximum is 150 § C, however, the instantaneous Safe Operating Area temperature is 250 § C.
Note 6: Typicals are measured at 25 § C and represent the parametric norm.
Note 7: Limits are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).
Note 8: The LM3886T package TA11B is a non-isolated package, setting the tab of the device and the heat sink at V b potential when the LM3886 is directly
mounted to the heat sink using only thermal compound. If a mica washer is used in addition to thermal compound, i CS (case to sink) is increased, but the heat sink
will be isolated from V b .
Note 9: The feedback compensation network limits the bandwidth of the closed-loop response and so the slew rate will be reduced due to the high frequency roll-
off. Without feedback compensation, the slew rate is typically larger.
Note 10: V b must have at least b 9V at its pin with reference to ground in order for the under-voltage protection circuitry to be disabled.
Note 11: The output dropout voltage is the supply voltage minus the clipping voltage. Refer to the Clipping Voltage vs Supply Voltage graph in the Typical
Performance Characteristics section.
Note 12: The Differential Input Voltage Absolute Maximum Rating is based on supply voltages of V a ea 40V and V b eb 40V.
Test Circuit Ý 1 *(DC Electrical Test Circuit)
Test Circuit Ý 2 **(AC Electrical Test Circuit)
Single Supply Application Circuit
FIGURE 2. Typical Single Supply Audio Amplifier Application Circuit
*Optional components dependent upon specific design requirements. Refer to the External
Components Description section for a component functional description.
Equivalent Schematic (excluding active protection circuitry)
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