POtHS - Why We Do What We Do.txt

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First, I must say I do not enjoy researching these evils as it sickens me to no end.  To my heart's dismay, it troubles me deeply to find such devilish people and corruption among society.  There may be some that want to point their finger of blame upon me for doing this, however in good conscience, I cannot remain silent and allow these individuals to continue to betray humanity and God.  There are too many "Good Christians" who are being hurt and led astray by these arrogant devil mongers.  They need to be exposed for what they are by helping to alert and prepare those indearing to God for the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Too any sinister ministers, politicians, royalty, corparations, various organizations and affilliations, and secret societies around the world are covertly promoting and/or manipulating the world's ignorant populace into the great falling away as mentioned in the Book of Revelations.  These documentaries and related materials serve to provide various details of the actual devil worship and actions conveyed in sermons, rules, laws, policiies, strategies, and secret agendas to further the hidden misgivings culminating towards a satanic world dominance. They have been slowly enveloping the citizens and nations of the world into their structured demonic lifestyles, teachings, and governence convinncing the unsuspecting societies that it's for their benefit.  As time draws nearer, they begun to expose their secrets more and more.  As a result, they are much easier to detect for those with any sort of knowledge.  Using the excuse of global wars, they invade foreign lands to takeover territories, eliminate fellow Christians, and establish their control.  Through the Emerging Church, and Spiritual / New Age movements, they invade from within to inspire their satanic rituals and destroy the Christian cohesiveness, family unity, and "God's Holy Word".  They are discretely changing the laws of the lands so Christians will eventually be deemed Terrorists and ruining the global economies for economic callapse and devaluzation of currenies in order to promote global UNITY, a One World Religion, and the NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) monetary system.  All of which is to foster the dependence and loyalty of citizens around the World for the ONE WORLD Gloabl Government.

**On a more personal note in an effort to identify these individuals, please be more aware of your surroundings.  These cretons are not only the big players, but are also found within your local communities as they are now the majority.  By noticing those around you, it may help you identify who some are.  Look for signs of loyalty, any demon talk, reptilian eyes (symptom of demonic pssession) with their own rubbing or scatching of their arms or body, and/or most obvious, various satanic/masonic hand guestures used by many more, such as the devil's goatshead (with the forefinger and pinky pointed striaght up and the two middle fingers bent inwards) or the famous devil's triangle shape made using both hands (too name a few).  It's amazing that so many Chrisitans have been fooled by these creeps and remain unaware of their devilishness and false teachings by whom they encounter in their normal daily lives.  

Jesus has warned us all about such false preachers, as well as, these times which we live today.  The climax found in Revelations is about to occur soon for us or our children to see.  Please alert your loved ones and prepare to meet your maker.  This is only the beginning of the end with much more evil yet to come.  We at the POtHS series will do our best to keep you informed along the way.  Although some of our references may offer reliable material to expose the various evils living amoung us, these same sources should not be considered fighting for God but for their own self-rightious reasons.  The truth is out there.  So, stay informed and do your own research.  Remain true to yourselves, goodness, and God, the most high, and keep praying to God for enlightenment and safety.  Our Savior is soon to arrive!!!  

God Bless.

Edited - I received inspiration to write the following text.  I hope that inspiration will be passed onto you after reading it.

Our Holy Temple:
Don't get me wrong; the scriptures ARE great and all.  But Jesus came here and sacrificed himself allowing the Devil to torture and crucify him, not merely for the sake of the scriptures, but for YOU!  It's the Goodness of "YOUR" Holy Temple which he seeks being created in the Image of the High Father and ALL his Glory.  It's about time Christians realize this and begin to treat themselves worthy of such a WONDERFUL gift!!!  

For instance, the 10 Commandments are not simply to teach us right from wrong, but to help us understand how to treat our Temples.  If you are unwilling to recognize the essence and worth of your Holy Temples, God's greatest gift, and respect yourselves enough and treat them accordingly, then how do you expect anyone else, including God, to respect you?  Too many Christians give the excuse that breaking the Commandments and turning to sin is acceptable because Man is of sin.  Newsflash - WE ARE MADE IN GOD's IMAGE, Like God, and For God, NOT the Devil.  Our Temples are HOLY, not unholy!  God gave us these Commandments and ordered us NOT to commit SIN, not because it's unattainable, but because it's expected of us!!!  

Do not shy away from this and quit searching for an easy way out.  Excuses through poor use of the scripture is readily found.  However, they're just excuses that ease your burden of conscience.  Thus, removing all Fear associated to not following the Holy Spirit of Grace and Eternity in the Firy Furnace.  ALL Christians know the best form of worship anyone may give to God is to treat and place their Holy Temples, made in God's Image, in such high regard over and above all forms and pervasiveness of evil.  Why do Christians take better care of their personal belongings than they do their Holy Temples??  If they do NOT respect themselves, they do NOT respect GOD!  Stop this madness and recognize what you're actually destroying.  

God's Grace offers salvation, but only to those who both desire and commit to that salvation.  If lacking the courage to commit, then Christians need to rely more on their Love for God and not hurt him so deeply.  Please STOP making God shed his tears due to your ingratitude and lack of desire.  Drop this MIS-conception that it's okay to SIN and still be saved.  God does not want to send his children to Hell, but it's OUR choice.  If you Love God or at least love yourselves, do not follow this path of disregard and discontent.  Open your hearts and be thankful for what God has given us and your HEAVENLY rewards that lay in wait.  The BEST is yet to come.  Remember, loving God is loving yourself and for anyone not knowing, the more you love him, you'll realize the more you love yourself and everything else around you.  It's simply wonderful.  SO, remove yourselves from the FLESH and stop living for the moment.  Failure will only acknowledge your unwillingness to be Blessed.  

I plead with you, follow ALL of the 10 Commandments, Obey God's Laws and the Sabbath, Cherish his Love for us, and if necessary, be willing to DIE for him and his LAWS.  God, in all his Majesty, is apart of us all.  Stop living only for yourselves and SHARE your life with him.  He's living it with you anyhow, so WAKE UP and start living it with HIM!!!

Hebrews 10:26:29
If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the Truth,
NO sacrifice for sin is left,
but only fearful expectation of judgement and of raging fire
that will consume the enemies of God.  

Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died
without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.  
How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished
who has trampled to Son of God under foot,
who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant
that sanctified him, and
who has insulted the Spirit of Grace?
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