================================ Welcome to Electronics Workbench ================================ The Release Notes contain important information that was received too late to be included in the written documentation. They can be found in the online help. To view the release notes, start Electronics Workbench and choose Release Notes from the Help menu. Below is further information which was too late to be included in the online Help. ================================================================ Parser Errors Tab A new tab has been added to the Analysis Graphs Window, called "Parser Errors". The tab appears only if errors occur during the parsing of a subcircuit netlist model. (Note: Parsing occurs after you start a simulation or analysis.) Most of the errors appearing in this list are only warnings. They simply notify the user of syntax in a netlist which is unsupported by Electronics Workbench. ================================================================ Electronics Workbench User's Guide Corrections Page 5-2 - The circuit under Step 1 shows the first connection of the word generator connected to connector "S" and the second connection of the word generator connected to connector "R". This is reversed. The first connection of the word generator should be connected to connector "R" and the second to connector "S". Page 5-4 - The second point under Step 3 should state "Change the frequency to 1 MHz". Page 5-5 - The circuit under Step 1 shows the first connection of the word generator connected to connector "S" and the second connection of the word generator connected to connector "R". This is reversed. The first connection of the word generator should be connected to connector "R" and the second to connector "S". The procedure for setting the logic analyzer under Step 1 is no longer correct as the logic analyzer was revised after the printing of the User's Guide and Technical Reference. The new procedure for setting the Logic Analyzer is as follows: 1. Set the frequency of the word generator to 1 MHz. 2. On the logic analyzer, set the clocks per division to 1. 3. Click on the set button in the clock box and ensure the following: - Clock edge "negative" - Clock mode "internal" - Set internal clock rate to "1 MHz" - Clock qualifier "x" - Logic analyzer "Pre-trigger samples 100" "Post-trigger samples 1000" "Threshold voltage (V) 3.5" 4. Make sure the Current address on the word generator is 0000. 5. Click the Cycle button on the word generator. ================================================================ Technical Reference Corrections PAGE 14-22 - The picture of the opened logic analyzer is incorrect. Since the manual was printed, the Time Base feature has been removed and replaced with a Clocks per division feature. The "Time base" setting was used to set the logic analyzer's display in units of seconds/division. The "Clocks per division" setting is used to set the traces in units of clocks/division. The number of clocks refers to the number of samples of the data from the input terminals which have been taken. Page 14-23 - The third paragraph discusses how to specify the number of samples stored before and after triggering. The user can also specify the number of samples by selecting the set button in the clock box of the logic analyzer and making the appropriate changes. ================================================================ Electronics Workbench is a registered trademark of Interactive Image Technologies Ltd. Copyright (c) Interactive Image Technologies Ltd., 1996.