Stare wygi - Old Dogs (2009) DVDRip XviD.txt

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{3380}{3433}This walk is exactly|what you need.
{3434}{3500}You've been coiled up like a spring.|I don't even know who you are anymore.
{3501}{3555}It's a big meeting, I'd think|you'd be a little nervous.
{3556}{3626}I don't get nervous, Dan. I get excited.
{3649}{3696}Please don't tell the story.
{3697}{3741}You're a people person,|Charlie, that's wonderful,
{3742}{3807}but in business meetings you tell|personal items from my life,
{3808}{3877}- and it embarrasses me.|- Girls, girls, girls!
{3878}{3967}Hey! Ten miles!
{3968}{4034}I'm sorry, Lucky.
{4035}{4104}I think he's too old for sprints.|I can hear his legs clicking.
{4104}{4140}Those are my knees.
{4141}{4207}Do you really think I tell|that story for my own amusement?
{4208}{4257}I do it because it's a sales tool.
{4258}{4306}Charlie, let's win this account|on our pitch.
{4307}{4351}It's sports marketing.|You need an edge.
{4352}{4439}- I don't want to be the edge.|- Hey, mister! Little help!
{4440}{4479}Sure thing, guys!
{4555}{4609}- Ow!|- Oh! Oh! Oh!
{4610}{4682}- Why did you do that?|- My bad! Sorry!
{4683}{4750}- I didn't mean to.|- You're a monster!
{4751}{4791}I'm sorry!
{4792}{4834}You're allergic to anything|under four feet. You're a mess.
{4835}{4906}- Promise you won't tell the story.|- Fine. I won't tell the story.
{4923}{4994}OK, you guys want to hear|the greatest Dan Rayburn story ever?
{4995}{5045}- No, don't.|- Please. Come on, Danny.
{5046}{5117}All right. Seven years ago,|Dan's divorce had just come through
{5118}{5171}and his ex-wife had|left his heart in tatters.
{5172}{5238}And his bank account drained.|Tell them that.
{5239}{5301}He was taking it pretty well.
{5302}{5363}That's good.|You're taking it like a man!
{5364}{5428}Stiff upper lip! Getting smart!
{5454}{5512}- What?|- Oh, God!
{5512}{5564}"People say I saved|my partner's life that day."
{5604}{5658}So many people get divorced.
{5659}{5737}And neither one of you wanted kids.|Now that seems like a stroke of genius!
{5738}{5817}But that didn't console him.|I had to act. I had to do something.
{5818}{5901}Mr. Good Time is going to|teach you how to live! Yeah!
{5902}{5988}- Why are there two pieces of luggage?|- Oh, just a little jaunt.
{6020}{6072}Nothing too wild.
{6108}{6195}Hey, Mr. Good Times.|You said we'd come to Miami, we did.
{6196}{6222}Can we go home now?
{6268}{6303}- Whoa.|- Yeah!
{6304}{6342}Does this drink|come with a diving board?
{6343}{6397}It's insane! Just a sip, I think.
{6398}{6461}So as a best friend, I felt compelled
{6462}{6526}to give him a gentle reminder|of what it was like to be free.
{6544}{6607}- I want it to say: "free man!"|- Free man.
{6608}{6642}Big letters, right across his chest.
{6643}{6690}{y:i}"Free man!" Comprende?
{6714}{6790}Oh. Good night, nurse.
{6839}{6882}"I could have sworn|that guy spoke English."
{6883}{6963}It was supposed to say "free man. "
{6964}{7020}Fremont, Fremont, Fremont...
{7048}{7080}Free man!
{7171}{7268}It's funny, guys.|Come on. They love it.
{7289}{7327}Then the unexpected happened.
{7328}{7411}Look at all the babes.|Don't look, don't look. Now look.
{7412}{7463}"Fourteen hours after|signing his divorce papers,"
{7464}{7527}{y:i}Dan met Vicki, the girl of his dreams.
{7528}{7569}- Whoa!|- Whoa.
{7570}{7605}Girl in white,|eleven o'clock.
{7606}{7666}- Yeah, but...|- Oh, give her the Queen's wave.
{7667}{7725}- No, the other Queen.|- Oh. Hello.
{7726}{7766}"She was traveling|with a friend."
{7767}{7833}"I thought maybe the friend|was a magician or a jazz dancer,"
{7834}{7871}"because of the way|she was moving her hands."
{7872}{7917}Turns out she's a hand model.
{7918}{7973}- ... hand model.|- A hand model?
{7974}{8008}They model with their hands.
{8043}{8094}So, within minutes,|Dan is back to his old self.
{8095}{8177}No, scratch that.|He's better than his old self.
{8178}{8213}Charlie, look at these pictures!
{8214}{8279}My whole life I've never taken|a good picture.
{8280}{8351}"� No matter how|they toss the dice, it had to be �"
{8352}{8385}"I'd never seen him|so free, OK?"
{8386}{8441}"I mean, so impulsive.|He was a changed man."
{8496}{8549}{y:i}Or maybe not so changed.
{8550}{8621}"It's hard to explain to a guy|who's never had an impulsive moment"
{8622}{8681}"in his life there's|two kinds of impulsives."
{8682}{8752}The good kind, OK,|but this is plain stupid!
{8788}{8830}That was so romantic.
{8904}{9015}But when he woke up, he remembered,|"I was just married 14 painful years
{9016}{9063}- and I've gone and done it again!"|- Whoops.
{9064}{9187}To a woman that|he barely knows. His "soul mate. "
{9222}{9289}...soul mate.|- Soul mate!
{9347}{9376}Soul mate!
{9508}{9553}They never laugh this much.
{9585}{9670}"So, a few hours later,|my buddy here, my hombre,"
{9671}{9763}is the only guy I know that's been|divorced twice in a 24-hour period.
{9764}{9871}Now, that's a true story.
{9872}{9960}Fremont! Fremont! Fremont!
{10043}{10138}- It was supposed to say "free man. "|- But it didn't. It said "Fremont. "
{10139}{10199}It's a big mistake.|It's on his chest forever.
{10200}{10333}I don't really think that story|honors the feelings I had for her.
{10334}{10401}No, I'm sorry.|Dan, people love that story.
{10402}{10503}So just get up there and do|your thing. Because I killed.
{10532}{10587}{y:i}Ixnay on the banzai.
{10588}{10631}Nishamura Media Group
{10632}{10706}entering the US sports market|is a huge deal.
{10707}{10771}Now, I know you've met|with larger groups,
{10772}{10883}but I'm about to show you|why working with a boutique firm
{10884}{10978}run by two seasoned pros|is a smart move for you.
{11020}{11080}Forty-seven million dollars|over five years.
{11081}{11141}Man, you better shape up|on your Japanese,
{11142}{11178}'cause you're going to Tokyo, baby!
{11179}{11242}Thank you. This is the kind of|opportunity I've been looking for.
{11243}{11327}And you will not be sorry.|In college my nickname was "GT."
{11328}{11421}- That's "Go To. " You go to me.|- What's the matter with you?
{11422}{11487}Biggest deal of our lives|isn't exciting enough for you?
{11488}{11562}So it's a done deal now?|There are a few small details.
{11563}{11602}Like next week when Nishamura|and his son come to town
{11603}{11638}we have to win them over|on the golf course.
{11639}{11674}- That'll be easy.|- I'm great at golf.
{11675}{11728}Then, two weeks from now,|we have to make a presentation
{11729}{11781}- to their executive board of directors.|- Done.
{11782}{11832}All right, sunshine.|What's really wrong with you?
{11866}{11918}I was not divorced twice, OK?
{11919}{11961}One of them was an annulment.
{11962}{12023}- Look at that face!|- Charlie, don't!
{12024}{12069}Look at this, Craig.|You know what this face is?
{12070}{12118}- The face of a winner.|- This face is willing to hibernate
{12119}{12188}for six months to make the|best deal he could possibly make.
{12188}{12275}And I don't care who knows it. A toast|to my best buddy and business partner,
{12276}{12319}- Dan Rayburn! Whoo!|- Whoo!
{12539}{12569}It all comes down to this.
{12570}{12605}- I don't think so.|- Three, two, one.
{12606}{12644}This one's the shooter.
{12645}{12675}- Let's see it.|- Golden moment.
{12716}{12749}- Oh. Uh-oh!|- Oh, you're just sinkin' em.
{12750}{12793}Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh.
{12794}{12843}Let's hit it. There you go.
{12844}{12880}- It's a leaking dog.|- Yeah.
{12880}{12971}That's a... That's a neat trick.|How old is that dog?
{12972}{13031}I lost count. Vet said it was a record.
{13032}{13098}You might want to put|a diaper on him, or underwear.
{13124}{13191}- Yo.|- Hey. Where you been?
{13192}{13253}Japanese real estate agents.|Some apartments for Craig-san.
{13254}{13303}Thank you. I just want to find|something authentic.
{13304}{13353}I've been getting so immersed|in Japanese culture,
{13354}{13413}by the time I hit Tokyo, they're|going to think I'm part Japanese.
{13414}{13466}They'll be like, "Who is this local?"
{13467}{13555}I don't care if you stay on the top|of Mount Fuji. Just bring home the yen.
{13556}{13620}- This can't be.|- What do you got?
{13645}{13686}- Vicki.|- Vicki who?
{13687}{13739}South Beach Vicki? She's in town.
{13740}{13835}- She wants to see me. Today.|- She just called you out of the blue?
{13861}{13906}- No.|- Dan? Dan?
{13907}{13974}You know last Christmas|when I moved in to the condo?
{13975}{14034}I was feeling really lonely.
{14036}{14091}And maybe I wrote a seven-to-ten-page|single-spaced letter.
{14092}{14146}Oh, Dan.
{14147}{14195}You've been using your feelings|for this woman
{14196}{14232}to avoid your life for seven years.
{14232}{14331}I set you up in the most exclusive|adult-only condo.
{14332}{14367}You've never been to theme nights.
{14368}{14439}You never once went to the|Sunday morning schmooze and schmeer.
{14440}{14493}You know, maybe she hasn't|moved on either.
{14494}{14530}- Well, you can't do it.|- Why?
{14531}{14583}Because we're in the middle|of our biggest deal ever,
{14584}{14610}and you don't have the time.
{14611}{14687}She lives in Vermont. It's perfect.|Start of a long-distance relationship.
{14688}{14743}You get six to nine months|of the spa weekends,
{14744}{14804}late-night phone calls.|I'd still have my days free to work.
{14804}{14844}She wants to meet me|at Grand Central Station,
{14845}{14878}and I don't know what|I'm supposed to wear.
{14879}{14939}It's not formal, obviously,|it's a train station,
{14940}{14998}but do I wear a sport coat,|or coat and tie...
{14999}{15044}You can wear a sports coat,|but you're not going like that.
{15045}{15080}- Why?|- 'Cause you look like an albino.
{15146}{15240}This is his first time, so you can see|his complexion is ghost-like.
{15241}{15297}- What do you thi...
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