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Ask For It
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Ask For It
ISBN 9781419919138
Ask For It Copyright © 2008 Gail Faulkner
Edited by Mary Moran.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley & Syneca.
Electronic book Publication November 2008
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part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Gail Faulkner
Gail Faulkner
Chaper One
Tor hadn’t planned on killing anyone today, but a male at the back was earning
himself a future measured in minutes. Bastard was trying to talk to her. What the
eternal bells was she doing in his audience hall? Bastard had better not touch her.
Soft leather shifted on massive thighs as his body tightened with tension. Vicious
claws extended to grip the throne arms then disappeared. She did this, forced him to
think about controlling his reactions. Low in his gut possessive want flared up. It was
more than lust. It was need he couldn’t escape and couldn’t endure forever.
Tall for a pure humanoid, her perfectly proportioned body drew male eyes no
matter how simply she dressed. It was probably impossible to disguise the firm muscles
giving her sleek curves. Tor wouldn’t mind if she tried though. The simple dress
highlighted natural beauty instead of concealing it. Tilted silver-gray eyes shadowed by
lush lashes gave her glance mystery.
Elegant bone structure created perfect features. It was just unnecessary overkill that
each feature also embodied whatever it took to rouse a male libido. Eyes slightly larger
than average gave her innocent appeal that naturally made a male speculate what it’d
take to turn those silver eyes sultry. Sculpted cheekbones under delicate smooth skin,
distinctly humanoid nose above lush lips made any view of her profile fascinating to a
Leonor male. Long neck above gently sloped shoulders naturally led the eye down to
the perfection of her body.
Tor hated that. Built for sex, her consistent choice of simple dress and no further
adornment proved she fought the impression, but erotic allure wafted around her. Not
normal sex one thought of when looking at a beautiful female. No. With her it was edgy
and dark. Something about her natural grace of movement, her casual coordination and
Ask For It
fluid muscle control made it easy to imagine her body straining under a much larger
Tor didn’t want the male behind her imagining another moment. Not right there in
front of him. She’d entered his domain, and in this building he didn’t have to watch her
captivate another.
“Why is the Beloved of my Brother standing in line to speak with me?” Tor
questioned his vizier, ignoring the two males arguing their dispute before him.
“She insisted, my lord,” Karloff, high vizier, bowed as he responded.
“Unacceptable,” Tor snapped.
Thick muscles bunched as he rose from the throne. Well over seven feet tall, the
dark-ruffed Leonor king was an imposing figure as he loped off the dais.
Offense rippled through him, but it couldn’t come close to his strongest response as
he neared the woman. She drew him with such power. His eyes never left her from the
moment he realized she was in his lair. He didn’t even try to politely glance away. Now
the back of his neck burned as he covered the distance separating them.
“Beloved of my Brother,” High King Tor greeted Princess Sahara.
Tor inhaled while reaching for her slim hand. Subtle scents washed through him,
her scent. Complex but as elusive as the woman, he always had the fleeting impression
of moonrise when she neared him, as if that event had a scent.
Expecting her to do it didn’t make it easier to allow her to pull out of his grasp.
Consciously letting his displeasure show in his eyes was a defense. He couldn’t let her
see anything else in him as she dipped a knee in greeting. The normal emotionless
acknowledgement from a Leonor warrior was beyond him with her and always had
“My lord,” Sahara responded.
“What insult is this that you stand in line to speak with your brother-in-law as if I
have refused you entrance to the family lair?” Tor growled.
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