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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520
Macon GA 31201
Deadly Liaisons
Copyright © 2009 by Terry Spear
ISBN: 978-1-60504-240-4
Edited by Jennifer Miller
Cover by Scott Carpenter
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: March 2009
Deadly Liaisons
Terry Spear
Chapter One
Streetlamps poked scant fingers of light into the gray fog coating the warehouse district, deserted at
the ungodly hour. Perfect conditions for another murder .
Unable to slow her racing heart, she feared the renegade vampire would hear the blood whooshing
through her veins, begging him to take her life also.
Not far from where she stood, the dried blood of the three policemen murdered last weektheir
jugulars ripped outstained the pavement. Too close for comfort . She wanted to move away from the
spot, to distance herself from the recent killings, to be anywhere but here.
She peered into the murkiness, straining to see any sign of movement, listening for any human
sound. Where the hell was the police officer she was to meet?
Come alone , Officer Stevens had warned. And she‟d obeyed. Had to, if she was to learn the
bloodsucker‟s name. Yet, she couldn‟t shake free of the feeling she‟d been set up. Though she‟d risk
anything to learn who had murdered her parents.
Drawing in a deep breath, she felt like she‟d stuck her head in a freezer and taken a good strong
whiff. Even the turtleneck, leather jacket, matching pants and knee-high boots she wore couldn‟t keep out
the chilltypical Oregon autumn.
She poked her wristwatch again. Stevens said he would be hereten minutes ago.
Dread bunched in the pit of her stomach. It was eerily like ten years before when three police officers
had been murdered, except she was a sixteen-year-old huntress-in-training then, not yet an investigator
with the Special Crimes Unit. She stared into the mist, half expecting Patrico to meet her like he‟d
promised ten years ago. A senior member of the League Council, he was the only one who‟d believed in
her theory that a vampire had murdered the police officers. That the same vampire had killed her parents.
But Patrico never showed up and later was found deadhereas if this was the vampire‟s favorite
killing ground.
The mist thickened, enveloping her, sending a shiver up her spine. Was it him? The bloodsucker she
vowed to destroy? Would he kill her this time?
Dammit, get a grip!
Unnaturally, the air warmed around her. The mist caressed her hair, leaving the strands wet down her
back, her cheeks moist and her jacket dimpled with speckles of water. The faint fragrance of Green Irish
Tweedthe same cologne her father had worn a decade agohaunted her.
It was him . The vampire spawned from hell, wearing the cologne he‟d stolen from her parents‟ home
so long ago. Her skin crawled with dread. She concentrated on his emotionscool, collected, amused.
The mist thickened around her, like all the other times he‟d plagued her when she was out in the open
during the evening hours or on a gray day. Him, not the usual weather-induced vapor.
Muscles tensed, she touched her wrist blades to ensure they were in place. Instinctively, she grasped
for the sword sheathed at her waist, the silver blade capable of destroying a rogue vampire with just a nick
to his heart. Though while he was in the form of mist, she couldn‟t harm him. Not until he shape-shifted
into something that had a heart. She hmpfd under her breath. Heart? He had nonein any manifestation.
“Show yourself, you bastard, let‟s end this now .” With a whoosh, she unsheathed the sword. If only
she‟d killed him long ago, but it was too late now for regrets. Too late, yet she kept rehashing her mistake.
If she hadn‟t taunted the bastard with her telepathic ability…
“Tezra.” The serial-killer vampire whispered her name telepathically, intimately, as if they were
Before her emotions could unravel any further, a man called out, “Tezra Campbell!”
Her heart jumped. Officer Stevens! His footsteps stalked in her direction.
Before she could shout back and let him know her location, the footsteps and their echo died.
“Officer Stevens?” She hastened toward the last sound of him, her sword readied, her skin prickling
with apprehension. She knew when he didn‟t respond, when his footfalls died…
Tears pricked her eyes, and she slowed her pace.
Her breath caught, and she froze. Crumpled on the ground, Officer Stevens appeared like the other
three police officers had a week ago, nothing more than discarded refuse.
With a hesitant step, she drew closer. “Officer Stevens?”
A different fragrance lingered in the airsandalwood. The officer‟s? Or someone else‟s?
She paused and attempted to sense another vampire‟s presence. To see if the emotions nearby were
different from those exhibited by the one who had murdered her parents. A barrage of rage from the
vampire hit her. She‟d never felt that kind of blind anger from the killer who‟d murdered her family. No,
he was cool and always composed, as if he played a game. Not so with Stevens‟s attacker. He seemed
bent on revenge. She tightened her hand on her sword, but she had to see to Stevens.
Sword still readied, she crouched beside the police officer. Her free hand trembled as she felt his
wrist. Warm, barely any pulse. Then his heartbeat stopped. Her head pounding, she reached up and jostled
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