Addison-Wesley Learning iPad Programming, A Hands-On Guide to Building iPad Apps with iOS 5 (2012).pdf

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Praise for Learning iPad Programming
“This amazing, thorough book takes an interesting approach by working
through the design and development of a simple, yet realistic iPad app from
start to finish. It is refreshing to see a technical book that explains how and why
without inundating you with endless toy examples or throwing you into a sea of
mind-numbing details. Particularly amazing is that it does this without assuming
a large amount of experience at first. Yet it covers advanced topics at sufficient
depth and in a logical order for all developers to get plenty of valuable informa-
tion and insight. Kirby and Tom know this material and have done a great job
of introducing the various frameworks and the reasoning behind how, why, and
when you would use them. I highly recommend Learning iPad Programming to
anyone interested in developing for this amazing platform.”
—Julio Barros
“This is a great introduction to iPad programming with a well-done sample
project built throughout. It’s great for beginners as well as those familiar with
iPhone development looking to learn the differences in developing for the larger
—Patrick Burleson
Owner, BitBQ LLC (
“Kirby Turner and Tom Harrington’s Learning iPad Programming provides a com-
prehensive introduction to one of today’s hottest topics. It’s a great read for the
aspiring iPad programmer.”
—Robert Clair
Author, Learning Objective-C 2.0
Learning iPad Programming is now my go-to reference when developing apps for
the iPad. This book is an absolute treasure trove of useful information and tips
for developing on the iPad. While it’s easy to think of the iPad as just a bigger
iPhone, there are specific topics that need to be treated differently on the iPad,
such as making best use of the larger display. Learning iPad Programming provides
an incredible amount of depth on all areas of iPad programming and takes you
from design to fully functioning application—which for me is a killer feature of
the book. This should be in everyone’s reference library.”
—Mike Daley
Author, Learning iOS Game Programming
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“A t r u ly wel l-rou nded book w it h somet h i n g for ever y iOS developer, be t hey
aspirant or veteran. If you are new to iOS, there is a solid foundation provided
in Part I that will walk you through Objective-C, the core Apple frameworks,
provisioning profiles, and making the best of Xcode. If you’ve been around the
block but want solid insight into iPad programming, Part II has you covered:
Rather than just providing canned example code, Kirby and Tom give you
real code that incrementally builds and improves a real app. And if you’ve been
working with iOS for a while, but would benefit from a walk-through of the
plethora of new features that have come our way with iOS 5 and Xcode 4, dive
into the chapters on Storyboards, iCloud, and Core Image. Best of all, the book
is well-written and conversational, making it a joy to read. This book is stellar.”
—Alexis Goldstein
Coauthor, HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World
Learning iPad Programming is one of the most comprehensive resources on the
planet for those developing for Apple’s iPad platform. In addition to coverage
of the language, frameworks, and tools, it dives into features new in iOS 5, like
Automatic Reference Counting, Storyboarding, and connecting your applica-
tions with iCloud. But where this book really shines is in the tutorials and the
application you will build as you read through this book. Rather than being a
toy that employs only off-the-shelf iOS user interface components from Interface
Builder, the PhotoWheel app demonstrates custom view programming and view
controller containment, nonstandard gesture/user input handling, and provides
insight into how a complex iOS project comprised of multiple subsystems is
assembled into a shipping application. In other words, Learning iPad Programming
shows how to deal with the challenges you’ll face in real iPad development.”
—Erik Price
Senior Software Engineer, Brightcove
“A t horoug h ly c r a f ted g u ide for lea r n i n g a nd w r it i n g iOS appl icat ion s, f rom t he
humble beginnings in Xcode and Interface Builder to creating a full-featured
iPad application. There are many books that try to cover the gamut of knowl-
edge required to take a reader from zero to app; Kirby and Tom have actually
done it in this book. It is a fun and comprehensive guide to the world of devel-
oping apps for Apple’s magical device.”
—Rod Strougo
Founder, Prop Group
“The iPad is changing the way we think about and use technology. Learning
iPad Programming is one of the most in-depth and well-executed guides to get
both new and seasoned developers up to speed on Apple’s exciting new
—Justin Williams
Crew Chief, Second Gear
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Learning iPad
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Addison-Wesley Learning Series
Visit for a complete list of available publications.
The Addison-Wesley Learning Series is a collection of hands-on programming
guides that help you quickly learn a new technology or language so you can
apply what you’ve learned right away.
Each title comes with sample code for the application or applications built in
the text. This code is fully annotated and can be reused in your own projects
with no strings attached. Many chapters end with a series of exercises to
encourage you to reexamine what you have just learned, and to tweak or
adjust the code as a way of learning.
Titles in this series take a simple approach: they get you going right away and
leave you with the ability to walk off and build your own application and apply
the language or technology to whatever you are working on.
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