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Test 5


1              Uzupełnij zdania, używając właściwej formy czasownika to be.

0              A: Were you in London last week?
B: Yes, I was there on business.

1              A: Five thousand people ____________ at the concert last night.

2              B: Yes, I know. I ____________ there, too.

3              A: ____________ you at Jane’s party last weekend? Was it fun?

4              B: I don’t know. I ____________ there.

5              Your brothers ____________ at home this morning. I was with them at the swimming pool.



2              Napisz pytania do podkreślonych części zdań, używając zaimków what, where, who, how lub when.

0              Where were your parents last night?
My parents were out last night.

1              ____________________________________________________________?
I was six years old on my first day at school.

2              ____________________________________________________________?
Last year my brother’s favourite game was tennis.

3              ____________________________________________________________?
Kinga was in England last summer.

4              ____________________________________________________________?
Last year my favourite teacher was Mr Smith.

5              ____________________________________________________________?
My parents were in Austria in 1998.


3              Uzupełnij dialog, używając konstrukcji there was / there were w odpowiedniej formie.

A: I was at Joanna’s birthday party on Saturday and it was really fun!

B: Was it?

A: Yes! The food was great!

B: 0Were there any crisps or chips?

A: No, 1____________ . No crisps, chips or pizza… It was called an oriental cooking party. 2____________ some Chinese food like spring rolls and noodles.

B: 3____________ any Chinese decorations?

A: Yes, 4____________. 5____________ some lanterns and special hats.


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