iris folding dzbanek.doc

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Card by Dominique S.


·         Piece of white or cream medium weight cardstock.

·         4 different coordinating papers, approximately 10 x 15 cm (4” x 6”). These could be any sort of paper: mulberry, washi, origami, wrapping paper, paper bags, metallic, plain or patterned, scrapbooking papers, inside of envelopes

·         A small piece 5x5 cm (2”x2”) of holographic or metallic paper (optional).

·         Template: Can be found in OSA Class files. Please make proper attributions when re-using this template.)

·         Save and print “Ginger Jar.jpg” or “GingerJar Template.doc” – NOTE: IMPORTANT: the jpg file should print so that the ginger jar is 10cm tall by 7.6 cm wide (just under 4” by 3”). If your software modifies it, please do not resize, just use the “GingerJar Template.doc” instead.

·         Scissors, cotton wool and surgical spirit (rubbing alcohol) (to clean the scissors when they get too sticky).

·         Scotch Magic Tape

·         Low tack masking tape or long “Post It” notes


Cut your cardstock to 10x14 cm (3 3/8”x 5 ½”).

Using the template, trace the outline of the ginger jar on the back of your piece of cardstock, in the middle.

Using small (decoupage) scissors, carefully cut out the ginger jar to make an aperture. (If you make a cross inside the jar with a craft knife, it will be easier to cut the shape out.)

Cut your papers in strips 2.5cm wide (1”). They should be at least 15cm long (6”).

Step 1:
Place the card wrong side up on top of the template. Make sure the aperture lines up exactly with the ginger jar's outline, so you can see the template. Use low tack tape or long post-it notes to secure the corners.

Step 2:
Fold your strips of paper lengthwise: if using "see-through" paper like mulberry or velum, fold in 2, otherwise, fold only one third (approximately). At this stage, only fold 2 strips of each paper.

Step 3:
Choose in which order you are going to use your papers. It is easier, for the first time, to use a sheet of scrap paper, divide it in 4 wide rows, and label them A, B, C and D. place your strips of papers in the 4 spaces.

Step 4:
We are now going to stick pieces of paper, using the Scotch Magic Tape. Having to cut small pieces of tape one at the time, while trying to hold your strip of paper in the right place, can be frustrating. So I usually pre-cut some bits of tape: stick the end of your tape on the edge of the desk, unroll a long piece (40 to 50 cm / 1' ½), cut the tape (it now hangs from the edge of the desk) and place the tape roll flat on the desk. Cut about 10 small pieces of tape, placing them on the edge of your roll. Now you have them ready to hand!

Step 5:
Choose which paper to use for the jar lid. It doesn't have to be paper A. Place the strip, wrong side facing up, to cover section 0. The folded edge should line up with the straight line on the template (i.e. towards the centre). Cut the strip slightly longer than the section, so that it overlap by about 1/2cm (3/8") at both ends and stick with tape (at each end). Please make absolutely sure that no tape is visible from the front. Remember, we are working on the back.

Step 6:
Using paper A, cover section 1.

Using paper B, cover section 2.

Using paper C, cover section 3.

Using paper D, cover section 4.

Congratulations, you've finished the first round!

Make sure that the folded side of the paper strips is directed towards the centre of the card. Any leftover strip of paper that looks too small will probably fit later as the sections get smaller at each turn, so don't discard them.

Step 7:
Using paper A, cover section 5.

Finish the second round: paper B for section 6, paper C for section 7 and paper D for section 8.

Cut more tape and fold more strips as needed.

Step 8:
Keep following the numbers on the template until you have got a small hole left in the centre (the "iris"):
Paper A for sections 9, 13, 17 and 21;
Paper B for sections 10, 14, 18 and 22;
Paper C for sections 11, 15, 19 and 23;
Paper D for sections 12, 16, 20 and 24.
This photo shows you the end of round 3:

Round six finished:

The back of the card now looks very messy. Remember, this is the BACK!

Step 9:
You can now remove the low tack tape or post-it notes and turn the card around.

All that's left is to cover the iris. Turn your card back on the wrong side and cover the hole with a piece of holographic or metallic paper (if you want) or use one of your 4 papers: this piece should be single thickness (do not fold it) and obviously the wrong way round so that the "nice" side will show through the iris. Tape it completely on 4 sides. The photo on the left shows the back, the one on the right, the front.

(You can "hover" with your card, right side facing up, over different bits of paper until you find which one works best!)

Step 10:
You can now decorate the edges, punch the corners, add embellishments…
Mount it on a folded card using double sided tape on all 4 sides.
The finished card is on the left, a different one (same template) on the right.

Done! Pat yourself on the back! Great effect for very little effort!

There are a lot of iris folding templates on the market. You can also find cards and card fronts pre-cut to use with those templates. Some come in packs with their own templates.

Link to gallery:


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