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100 Year Starship
100 Year Starship
The 100 Year Starship ( 100YSS ) is a joint U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency a nd National
Aeronautics and Space Administration grant project to a private entity in order to work toward achieving interstellar
travel. [1] The aim of the project, announced in January 2012, is to work toward achieving interstellar travel within
the next 100 years.
The 100 Year Starship study is the name of a one year project to assess the attributes of and lay the groundwork for
an organization that can carry forward the 100 Year Starship vision. [2] [3] Former NASA astronaut Mae Jemison
made the winning bid as leader of her own foundation, the Dorothy Jemison Foundation for Excellence. [4] The
Dorothy Jemison Foundation for Excellence is partnered on the DARPA project with Icarus Interstellar, a non-profit
organisation that is dedicated to interstellar travel, [5] and the Foundation for Enterprise Development.
100 Year Starship Symposium
Prior to the solicitation for the foundation, the Hundred Year Starship project was initiated with a conference held in
Orlando, FL, from September 30 to October 2 2011, co-sponsored by DARPA and NASA, organized by DARPA s
Tactical Technology Office director, David Neyland. [6] [7] The conference included presentations on the technology,
biology, physics, philosophy, sociology, and economics of interstellar flight. [8] [9] Selected papers from the
conference were published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society .
After naming the Jemison foundation as winner of the solicitation, a second symposium was held in 2012 in
Houston. Papers on a number of subjects related to interstellar flight and organization of the foundation were
presented, [2] among these a paper by Dr. Harold ("Sonny") White [10] of NASA's Johnson Space Center discussing an
attempt to measure the warping of space time using a Michelson interferometer [ 11] to investigate the possibility of
faster-than-light t ravel. [12]
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is the primary funding agency together with the support
of NASA Ames Research Center . So far, NASA has contributed $100,000 while DARPA has contributed $1
million. [1]
[1] Offering Funds, U.S. Agency Dreams of Sending Humans to Stars (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2011/ 08/ 18/ science/ space/ 18starship.
html?pagewanted=all?), The New York Times, August 18 2011
[2] "100 Year Starship Study 2012 Public Symposium" (http:/ / www. 100yss. org/ pdf/ 100YSSAgenda_0902. pdf). .
[3] "THE 100-YEAR STARSHIP STUDY" (http:/ / www. 100yss. org/ pdf/ 100YSS_January_Synopsis. pdf). .
[4] Sharon Weinberger (5 January 2012). "Former astronaut to lead starship effort" (http:/ / www. bbc. co. uk/ news/
science-environment-16427876). BBC News. . Retrieved 6 January 2012.
[5] Icarus Interstellar website (http:/ / www. icarusinterstellar. org)
[6] Kenneth Chang "Not Such a Stretch to Reach for the Stars" (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2011/ 10/ 18/ science/ space/ 18starship. html), New
York Times October 17, 2011 (accessed Jan. 1, 2013)
[7] Michael Belfiore, "To Infinity and Beyond at DARPA s 100-Year Starship Symposium" (http:/ / www. popularmechanics. com/ science/
space/ deep/ to-infinity-and-beyond-at-darpas-100-year-starship-symposium), Popular Mechanics, Sept 30 2011 (accessed Jan. 1, 2013)
[8] 100 Year Starship Study, 2011 Public Symposium Agenda (pdf) (http:/ / www. 100yss. org/ pdf/ 100YSSAgenda_0902. pdf) ( accessed Jan. 1,
[9] Michael Belfiore, 6 Wild Ideas from DARPA's Starship Conference (http:/ / www. popularmechanics. com/ science/ space/ deep/
6-wild-ideas-from-darpas-starship-conference) Popular Mechanics, (accessed Jan. 1, 2013)
[10] http:/ / www. icarusinterstellar. org/ team/ harold-white/
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100 Year Starship
[12] http:/ / www. space. com/ 17628-warp-drive-possible-interstellar-spaceflight. html
External links
Official website (http:/ / 100yss. org/ )
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
100 Year Starship   Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=542596502   Contributors : Buckshot06, Chaheel Riens, Ericmachmer, FriendlyHelper, GalaxyGirl99, Geoffrey.landis,
Huenicr2, Mindmatrix, Neo-Jay, Olybrius, Paulmcdonald, Quantanew, Rasada Incogneta, Rehman, Trilobitealive, 27 anonymous edits
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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