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Piotr Tomczuk
Faculty of Transport
Warsaw University of Technology
Abstract : The article presents the current state of tram’s front lighting. Qualitative analysis has
been conducted of presently used light beams of low beam lights with the use of image
analyzer of CCD camera for luminance measurement. A method of luminance measurement on
photometric screen has been described. Comparative results have been presented of luminance
measurement in measurement points and areas on the borderline of light and shade, and on the
glare line of a tram driver coming from the opposite direction.
Key words: tram’s head lighting, low beam lights, CCD camera, luminance.
The factor influencing driving safety of a track vehicle is the quality and state of tram’s
head lighting. Proper distribution of a light beam within the area of a vehicle’s foreground
plays a decisive role in the perception of luminous sensations by the tram driver.
Appropriately shaped light beam conditions proper visibility from the tram driver’s seat
and facilitates correct assessment of traffic situations connected with the behaviour of other
road traffic participants.
Review of Polish and worldwide literature within the field of foreground lighting of
track vehicles indicates a scarce number of publications concerning systemic approach to
this issue. Poland lacks legislative solutions dedicated to this field. Current requirements
concerning technical parameters of lighting solutions used in tram vehicles are included in
the Directive of Minister of Infrastructure [1], [2].
Requirements included in the abovementioned directives contain only general
information, which can be used when drawing up a method of quality assessment of tram’s
lighting. What they are lacking in is detailed measurement guidelines taking into account
the specificity of tram’s foreground lighting in urban traffic conditions. Guidelines
included in the abovementioned directives stipulate only borderline values of luminous
flux density and ranges of particular light beams of a tram. There is a possibility of
defining more detailed requirements, for example, by defining a photometric measurement
screen for this group of vehicles. Therefore, it is justifiable to make an attempt at
application of modern photometric tools in order to optimise the quality of light beams
used in tram’s front lighting.
It should be mentioned that according to the knowledge of the author of the present
paper, there is no research being currently conducted on the head lighting of tram vehicles
either in Poland or in Europe.
Lamps exploited in tram vehicles in most cases are obsolete constructions [9].
Traditional paraboloidal reflectors are mainly used with classic (R2) (fig.3, fig.5 and fig.7)
or halogen (H4) (fig.9, fig.11 and fig.13) sources of light. In the latest constructions of
optical-luminous lamps, more modern solutions for creating luminous flux are used by
means of application of ellipsoidal reflectors (fig.1) with halogen H1 and H7 light bulbs.
The solutions for optical-luminous systems used in motor car vehicle technology are
most often directly implemented in tram vehicles. Frequently, they fail to fulfil
requirements [9] referring to light beam distribution and direction. Different observation
conditions from the tram driver’s cabin, the level of tram driver’s eyes, the level at which
tram’s head lighting is installed as well as track features diametrically differ from the
requirements for foreground observation in a motor vehicle.
ECE regulations and Polish Norms [5] stipulate lighting used in motor vehicles. In the
case of tram light equipment, no detailed photometric requirements exist. The lack of such
regulations clearly leads to negligence in head lighting exploitation. The most frequent
cases of negligence refer to the following: wrong direction of a light beam, application of a
light bulb with an underestimated light beam, usage of overexploited reflectors with partly
damaged reflecting elements or lamp bowls.
Measurements presented in the paper are an introduction to an analysis of the quality of
tram vehicle’s foreground with the use of mathematical tools. Researches are underway on
the possibility of application of uniform technical solution for tram vehicle’s foreground
lighting [7] and application of automatic light beam control system of a tram [8]. Detailed
requirements for particular light beams used in tram vehicles are currently being prepared.
In Poland, researches on the quality of light beams are conducted for the needs of motor
car vehicle lighting. Within the range of analysis of a light spot image of motor vehicle’s
head lights, a device was created at the Institute of Road Transport, which makes it
possible to assess the quality of a light spot of the optical-luminous solution applied [6].
The analyser of motor car vehicle lighting assesses light beam emitted in terms of
exploitation parameters. Borderline of light and shade and measurement points and areas
are being assessed among others in accordance with normative requirements for particular
kinds of light beams. The measurement is conducted by means of CCD converter, and the
values are presented in luminous intensity units. It should be mentioned that the
constructed analyser is a prototype dedicated to motor car lighting devices and as such
cannot be directly applied to the analysis of tram head lighting quality.
To date, due to normative requirements [5], assessment of light beam quality has been
conducted by means of direct measurement of luminous intensity on measurement screen
[4]. Such an analysis can only answer the question referring to the value of luminous
intensity in particular measurement points and areas. It does not, however, allow for
assessment of a full light beam distribution. The solution applied by the author of the
present paper consists in direct measurement of luminance on measurement screen,
obtained for a measured light beam. In such a way a full picture of luminance of
a measured light beam is obtained. This method, because of measuring equipment applied,
is unique in Poland.
The first stage of work on the subject was conducting laboratory measurements of tram
reflectors and projectors. A series of measurements was conducted by means of classic
goniometric method [4]. The results of these measurements were verified on the basis of
luminance assessment method on photometric screen.
The advantage of luminance method is the possibility of assessment of light beam
distribution regularity on the analysed image of a light spot.
In the present publication, the author presents only the results of luminance
measurement of light spots of low beam lights exploited in tram vehicles.
The measurements of luminance were conducted by means of specialist portable camera
LMK MOBILE ADVANCED made by the company Techno Team Bildverarbeitung
GmbH [3]. The tool used allows taking a photo of a light spot image scaled in luminance
units [cd/m 2 ]. Additionally, it is equipped with specialist software LMK 2000 making it
possible to process and scale obtained luminance images for the purpose of assessment and
comparison of obtained results.
Reflectors and projectors with dedicated sources of light underwent research. It is worth
mentioning that real and not model sources of light were used. Such an approach made it
possible to assess the current state of light beams exploited in tram vehicles. The
researches were conducted with the use of the reflectors and projectors presented in
figures 1,3,5,7,9,11,13.
Luminance measurements were conducted for seven light beams of low beam lights on
measurement screen placed at a distance of 5m perpendicularly to the tested lighting
device. The measurements of the screen equal 3.6m within horizontal plane and 2m within
vertical plane. Measurement screen is produced from material characterized by Lambertian
Luminance measurement results obtained are presented in figures 2,4,6,8,10,12,14
where logarithmic scale was adopted (log 2 ) calibrated from 0 to 75 cd/m 2 .
Fig.1. Low beam light projector of 1BL-
008 type with H7 light bulb
Fig.2. The view of a light spot of low beam light projector 1BL-
008 (H7) together with indicated places of luminance
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Fig.3. Main light and low beam light
reflector of 0-300-181-003 type with
BA20D light bulb
Fig.4. The view of a light spot of low beam light reflector 0 -
300-181-003 (BA20D) together with indicated places of
luminance measurement
Fig.5. Main light and low beam light
reflector of RE09237 type with R2 light
Fig.6. The view of a light spot of low beam light reflector
RE09237 (R2) together with indicated places of luminance
Fig.7.Main light and low beam light
reflector of RE03210 (019469) type with
R2 light bulb
Fig.8. The view of a light spot of low beam light reflector
RE03210 (R2) together with indicated places of luminance
Fig.9. Main light and low beam light
reflector of RE22879 type with H4
light bulb
Fig.10. The view of a light spot of low beam light reflector
RE22879 (H4) together with indicated places of luminance
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Fig.11. Main light and low beam light
reflector of RE03411 (029804) type with
H4 light bulb
Fig.12. The view of a light spot of low beam light reflector
RE03411 (H4) together with indicated places of luminance
Fig.13. Main light and low beam light
reflector of RE03210 (029939) type with
H4 light bulb
Fig.14. The view of a light spot of main light reflector RE03210
(H4) together with indicated places of luminance measurement
Measurement points and zones were adopted in accordance with the guidelines
of ECE R 112 regulations [5]. The above figures present a network of measurement points
plotted on the image.
Normative guidelines stipulate luminous flux density values in particular
measurement points and zones. The article proposes assessment of reflectors on the
basis of luminance measurement making use of coordinates of measurement points and
For measurement points, straight lines and areas presented in Table 1, luminance
values for selected light beams of trams were registered. Table1 presents overall results
of luminance measurement of tested light beams of low beam lights.
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