Classic Colours - USAAF Colours 04 - P-51 Mustang Unit.pdf

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alld conflguratioll are
ollly visually dlstillgulshable
by Ihe markillgs carried, this
pailltwork servillg to provide
individual/dent/lies and, in
tbe case oJ 111illtary ",aeb/lles,
oftell ullil asslgllmellt alld
lactical markillgs,
Additiollalf.n unofficial
adornments are also
sometimes applied by
operatillg personnel. The
paintwork, in fact, ojten
bestows to the inanimate an intangible properly akin to personality During
fbe Second \Vorld \Var, the most varied and coloill/til aircraft markings were
undoubtedly those of the United States Anny Ail' Forces, providillg a SUbject
offasci,wtlllg complexity This series ofpublications endeavours to COl'er all
aspects of camouflage a,ul markillgs as carried by the fighter aircraft t)1Jes
servlllg wllb the Eighth tmd Nillth Ail' Forces ill tbe Europeall Tbeatre of
Operatiolls (ETO) betweell 1942 alld 1945.
The in/ormatio1l provided I" these studies 1101 only offers fbe researclJer a
valuable reference source, and enables artists and model/ers (0 make
accurate representations of the aircraft operated by these forces, it also aids
the Idelllijicatioll ofsubjecls ill pbotographs. KIIOWIl cbanges ill aircraft
markillgs call sometimes date (J pholograph to tbe day it was takell.
The photographs reproduced ill tbese books bave ill tbe /1/osl part beell
selecled to show partlCIIlar /1/arkillgs ill detail, &llId ill the case of tbe P-51
Mustallg, Ihe variety ofschemes is cOllsiderable.
Of Ihe primary ftgbter types IlSed by Ihe USA ill Ihe ETO, tbe Mustallg
became tbe prillclple escort for beau)' bombers. Tbere we,,, over 1,700 ill
service b)' tbe end of hostililies, tbe majorit)'witb Ibe 14 figbler groups of
the Eighth Air Force, and it is tbe decor of these ullits'MllStangs wllb u'bicb
this publlcalion Is primarily concenretl.
ANOI'E' Only a handl'ulo(MlftWlp.., I~ j5.\nl FG ~co;I:t.m ~
p>.inl.~'I\iIlWnbnna"~ P-510 Pnulnlff ·'b(~"'~2111 Ul.() bnnIt_
~1Ipbnc'2n<l .. 1np.
The Author wishes to thank the (ollowing individuals for their generous help in
prOVIding material, information and other assistance for this monograph:
T Bell, Marl< Copeland, Graham Cross, R Gorsline, Steve Gotts, Marc Hamel,
M Havelaar, Bill Hess, A Krieger, R Kuhnert, Ian Mactaggart, Dick Martin,
Merle Olmsted, Michael O'Leary, Peter Randall, Bruce Robertson, R Saffro,
T Smith, Sam Sox Jr, G Weckbacher, J Weidmann, R Williams
Anyone seeking further information on Individual Eighth Air Force P·51 identities
IS recommended to visit Peter Randall's website:
AIr" rn.''4d. No ~1 01 thts book may be reproctuoed 0( transmltteclln any fOfm Of by ant means.
electTonc Of rnec:MnalI ~~ (W by any InformatJon ltora&e and retrieval system wtthout
perTYUsaon tram the Pubbhef Itl wrtm&.
o Aoter Fr.,..,..., 2003
o ~ Ntwotk ....., I.aa1ref 2003
Proo.ced bJ Owwon ~ l.JmIted
Prc,ea EdIlDr. TOI"IY Hc*nes
e-........ _""
_ ""a-..-.....
., ~ of len ~~ Ud. Hetsharn. &Krey KT12 4RG
Pr'wQd by .... Alan Pr1rlbn& ltd. ~. Sw"rey KT12 ARC
VIM .. a..c ~ webMe. www.eJaI,
Roger A Freeman, Janua~,' 2003
A ircraft of the same modet
First pt.Clbhed 2003
LSBH l903223199
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2 • P-51 Mustang Units of the ElgJlth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives • 3
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives
The Mustq. lOdi5PUtably one of the most successful aircraft of the 5econd WOf1d War,
was ~ as a ~ sl~seat fighter. The deSign originated 'rom an
approach In 1940 by the Bntlsh Purchasing CommIssion to NOfth American Aviation Inc 10 build
Curtlss P-40s under licence. North Amcncan, offenng to produce 8 boner design WithIn an
eltCepOOnally shaft lime span, completed the prOtotype (designated the NA-73) in just 100 days.
\'uth fiJ"o'OUf8tlk! approval 'rom the BrItish purchasers. the NA-73 was put Into production 8S the
Mustang I. the first productJon dehvenes betng made late tn 1941.
As the US Army A4r Corps considered production of the Mustang .foreign buslI"less'.
I we IftteteSt was sho¥on. apart from the 8CQUISllJOn of two expenmental exarn!*s that were
gM!n the ~ XP-51. Ent~ Royal Au Force (RAF) serw::e earty ~n 1942. the Mustar'l& employed as a tactJcaf re<:onnalssance figtltef tOt direct support of Wound forces. AIthol.Ch
the type I'\ed an ~t bfHevel perf~. Its AIlI$Ol"l et'lI'ne lacked the necessary
suPerChat~ tot ma.n~ tun powet' at tugh allrtUdes. As good hlgr..altltude performance
"as 1JTIC)er8lM! for successful COl'T'lbat WIth the current enemy rCJ'lter types encountered OYer
north-west Europe 8t this date. the Mustang was rele&8ted to the kJw.4evel taetic81 role, where
ItS exceplJonaI endUrance prayed a boon.
AIthou&7l the RAF had no pressing requirement for a !onC.f8nge fighter In 1942. primarlly at
the lnSbg8l1on of ROIls-Royce. a handful of Mustang Is had Merlin efl&lnes Installed for
~tal purposes. With the Merlin 60 seoes ~ne. the Mustana's hlgtHlttltude
performance pr~ outstandtng. Ieacbng to the Installauon of similar model Packard-buitt
o\1ertIns on the Muslq produc;tJon lIneS durlng 1943.
To keep the productJon hne5 open after the first BnUSh purehases of Mus~ had been
5UPI)&ed. the UnIted States Atmy AM Forces (USMF) placed Ofder$ tOf IIJTlIted numbers ot
~ P-Sl models, notabfy the P-51A and A-36A. the latter be... a dfYe.bOmber
~ at the former. Influenced by RAF~. the USMF consKIered the type a laCtJCal
fiCt4et that was to be em~ Il'I fChtef-bornber Of tighter-i'econnalSsante r~, The flf'St
prodlcbon Merlln·powered Muslar'CS. desCnated the P·51B. were also to be assigned to
taet.lCal fet'Jtef unrts when sent to the UK Il'I the auturM ot 1943
At thts time. WIth the EJghth AJr Force's daylrght bombing C¥I'lpalgn ~n trlsls due to heavy
1OS:56. the need fOf a lOng-nJnge fighter escort was ImperatNe. However. the first P·51Bs had
been sent to the N,nth Alr Force. tasked 'WIth givl:ng t8CtJCal air support to the tand fOfces in the
forthcomlllC Ctou-Channel ~1On of Europe, As soon as the Eighth Alr Force became 8W8Ie
of the MuSt8nC's potentJal as alOrl&~ fighter. It was wven prIorlty tOf the type.
.... Ith Internal fuet tankaee IMf1I the P-518 a 4OOml5e radIus of 8CUOrl. and 'WIth lIUJUlllVy
·drop· tanks extendInI lhls to rNfI( 600 tTltJes. the MustarC at last offered the means of
prowlnC escorl tor EH 7s and 8-24s to and from IJt'rY contlnerlt8t weat lhey m'iM attlleX.
Of the NIl"Ith Ail Force's three P·S18I1QUPS. one was uaotSferred to the ElItlth In exchan&e
for • P-47 &rOUP and the OCher two flew l.Wlder vm F'Chter Convnanc:I conl101 tor some months
By Febr'*Y 1944 VIII fi&tlter Command had plans to COf'IIIel't 811 of Its P·38lChtnIrC and P47
ThLIl'Ic:lerbolt lTou~ to P·5ls. but the prOCfaTme toc* 11 months to complete. such was the
detMnd from 0Chet theatres of "'1It for the Mustane-
The first UK arrivals
Eatty prodt.Jct)on P·S1Bs were Inttlally shipped 10 the UK dunn& 5ePlember.october 1943. and
-ete ~ to eQt,lIP Ihtee Ninth AJr Force fChter aroups. As receiVed. the MustanCS were
pcwtted In the then .tandard USMF canoufIa&e scheme of Dark OlIVe Drab (shade 41)
uppetSUftacn WId Neuer" Gllrf (Made 43) Irtdet'SUffacn. The .ptMer was o.n OlIVe Drab.
£Mfy producbon ..,Ctal'l featuted the fll'lt vefSlOtl at the '.tat WId bet· Muon" IMcnaa with
• ted surrCU'ld. but most ..rcraft thM reached the UK had the blue SUfround. Of had th.. ~
e-nted befOl'e rNChll'll ~OM. On the fusetaIe. the dlImelef of the central btue dlK w,th
the wt'lrte ~ was JO 1I"IChes. centred 36 ItlCI'IeS for..-ard of .tatlOtl 248 {reat of the tad'atOf
MdIOfl On the UOP8f 'eft WId lower rem" rc SUffacet the naflOt"l8llOSll"" 'Wat centred on
.ut.lOl"l 186. klcM.ed .. the outwatd end of the tnm tab. and approXImately 551 111nChe. from
the w.,. oP The ~ of the centr81 ckMce 'Was 35 Inche•. The ~ttIOntnc and .Ile of the
- .........
nauonal InSignia on USMF" Merl~ MustangS was cons,slent lhrCll.JChout the proctuctJon
runs at both North Arl"IeOcan Avlauon taetOfIes prodUCII''I P-51s. apart Irom the odd deYlalIOn In
apphcatlon. The standard InSignia Blue (Shade 47) was noueeably l.ghter on some alrcratt. and
this was believed due to a V8I1atJOl"l In paint manufaeture.
Individual &lrcraft data - model. serial number. crew weight and fuel-serVICmg - was applied
In black 1 1 12'1nch and Inch high block characters on the lett side of the tuselage Just forward ot
the cockpit as standard USAAF practice, The sertal number. less the leading 4 and hyphen, was
repeated on both sides of the fin and rudder. Originally known as the 'radio call' numbel'. and
providing a more visual version of the serlal. It later became generally known sImply as the 'lall
number'. Painted In k:\entlflC8tlOO YellOw (shade 48). the numerals were elghllncheS high.....Ith
two-lnch spacing. With fTv&<hilt tall numbers. two were stencilled onto the fin and ttvee on the
rudder. SUl-dllJl numbers had three each on the tin and rudder. The tops of the runerals 'Were
two Inches belOw 8 line taken Irom the bottom of the rudder trim tab.
The mstonty of Instruc:tlOr\al rnarturcs were In black inch hegh characters. a notable
excep{1Ofl being the No Step WIth the redl-shaped device on the uppersurtace of the left flap
by the WIng root faln~
The 354th Fighter Group
The first of the three Ninth Alr Force groups to be eQuipped wrtll the P·51B. the 354th Fighter
Group (FG) arrived In the UK at the begmning of November 1943, Its personnel had trained
mostly on P-39 Alracobras. and few If any had flown P-51s In the USA, as had the ptlolS of the
fOllowlO& &1oups, the 357th and 363rd. wtllch arrived at the end of the year, The 354tJ'1. upon
receiving its first aircraft crt Greentlam Common. In BerkShlfe. rTlOYed dunng the second week
of November to Boxted. near Colchester In Es5eJl. 'Ntuch became rts combat statton.
Ow ~"uh K. bri>n:'
r>pc1'Iuor..... 'C'R'
l'OOJn.'fh<'w ..·... R'
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.-om of U ctunn
(oUmm, .. holhc:~
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By mid-NoYemt>er (I syslem of uM mat1lings had been
devlsed whereby the 8Ircraft of the group's 353l'd. 355tJ'1
Mld 356th FSs would be ldentlfte<l 8S A. B and C. Indivldual
aircraft 'WIthin each squadron were to be ldentllled by
dIfferent letters. The squadron and Indl\1dual aircraft
letters were painted tOiettler In h&ht Ire)' on the rear
fusel. In app«)umalely l~nch h'lh letters. HoweYer.
thIS system shOrl-ff'o'ed. and tew 8IrCf8ft actually had
the Ielttn apphed. All eUlmple IS 43-12488 of the
353rd FS, 'NhiCh earned the }etters AM
By the d.8te of the 354th·S Introductory operahon
(a ftIJ'lter Sweee:J on 1 December 19431. AIr M,n,suy SO 110
codes had been lSSoed and appl~. The 353rd FS',
oomblnatlon was n. the 355th', GQ and the 356th's AJ.
ThroM -.kit,oorW
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4 • P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives • 5
As WIth the USAAf"s 11-47 Thunderbolts lIlat were alread)' operatIng In the UK, the Mustang'S
Uf\It letters were pcl.Itlted If'I white 24-4nch t\l£h block caPItals forward of the natlonallnsrg,n18 on
both SIdes of the fusetaee. On Mis. the honzontal panel line above the bat of the natlOtlal
lI'\SCnt8. and extendu'l& forward belOw the cockpit edie. 'Was used as the upPer limit in the
~ 01 the squadron letters. The indMc:tlJlW P!8ne-4n-sQUaC!ron letter was usually placed
wnh the forward edge dose to 'tabOo 248 on both ~s ot the fuselage.
M,r~ the concern that the Thundefbott would be mIStaken rot the Fw 190 because of
,ts radaaI~. there was a belief that a ft&tltet' WIth SQU8fft cut Wing tips migJ\t be erroneously
ldenllfied as a Bf 109. ~e number of lnterQepllons of P·S1s by P-47 and P-38 ptlots in
the ~ foItowvc the 354th's ....lrOduc:tJon to combat operaUOtlS Oller enemy tefntory. type
ldentJty ~s 'lIlefe lntIoduced !WI' to those used by AM Mustqs In 1942.
As .... Ith ThundetboIls. 'NhIte bandIrc was applied to nose and tal swfaces. and addIttonalIy
.-olrId each 'lfWY'C. Issued on 20 Dec:etnber 1943. the ordef specified the fOl~apphcatJon In
wtvte: IX'opeIet $pIl"net and a l2tnch wide bend ~ the nose dtre<:tIy aft; a 12.ft:h -:Ie
hOrUontaI bind IWOU'W:t the !'in and f1.Iddet. ""M the toP edge 18 InCheS below the l'in tip: a 15-rch
"" MOU'ld each tal/ptane, centred 33 n::hes from the lIPS: and a 1~ ww:te band around
each ""... ~ 15 tt from the tips, ""lth the IMef edIe n.rwq 8fC8In$t the tnalI"l 'Nheel
~. ""* some at the appIcatJon WOl1I was performed '1')o(he.1'leld' by seMOe squadrons,
most was ca-ned C)U( 8( Base AN Depots before the am::taft 'IrI'ere I$sued to front line lrits.
effect when painted onto a 'silver' P-Sl. Code letters were also paInted In black on bare metal
finishes when these aIrcraft reached squadrons
The first 'silver' Mustang to reach a combat unit In the UK was P·51B-l senal 43-12437.
'fttlJch was declared unsUItable for combat use, and thereafter used for operational tr8lmr~ by
the 354th FG at Boxted. thIS parbC\Jlar Mustenc'S camouflage pCMt had been ren'lOY'e(j by
groundcrewmen of the 356th FS at the filhter station early In February 1944, but shortly
afterwards, on 10 March, the war-weary mactllne was destroyed In a fatal crash.
nt L()III. The .~'nh f(,
\l~ ... bik
)UlJllnnl.u Ib>don in
"utIoIk. ... IltlIfUtft-ol
The First Eighth Air Force Mustangs
..... _~-nl, ..
P'i18 n'('~\1 ... ~
ant vi the' tina rndonI
The first Mustang obtalfle(l by the EIghth AIr Force was an RAf Mar1l; I In 'IWtl1Ch Rolls-Royce had
~nst8l1ed a Mertln er"C.Ine, 5eflt to Bovlngdon, in Hertfordshlre. for evaluatIOn by VIII fi&11ter
Commaf1cfs ";r TechniCal SectJon, It was given a standard USAAf camouf\age scheme of ()1M!
Drab and NewaI Grey and later the white type ICIentJty bands as well. Powered by a Mer11n 65
and deslgl\ated 8 Mustane X, the (ehter's RAf seoaI (AM121) was painted on the fin In USMF
fashIOn, and the code VQ-R was applied on the fuselage In wt\lte.
The first EIghth Air Force P·51B fJ&hter group,
the 357th, was obt81ned from the Nlflth Air Force
in an excharCe for the P-47'-8q\,lIpped 3S8th FG-
the two groups exchan&ed bases at the end of
January 1944, the 357th mcMn& trom R8)'don to
Lelston (both In Suffolk) and the 358th the
reverse. At this time, the 354th FG. wtllch had
flown Its first combat mISSion on 1 December
1943, was stdl operatll'\& under VUl AiNer
Command control, and continued to do so for
some time to come. The 357th FG Mustangs did
not join the 354th on combat mIssions until 11
February 1944.
Silver Mustangs
~ USMF dirlllCtNe to manufacturers to dlSCOfltJnue eatr'IOUfIaee PBlnt was effected on the
770th P-518 IWtrame (senaJ 43-7083) at In&Jewood. C8l1fomUt, in December 1943. On thiS and
8fI ~ atrcnlft, the \all number was painted In black. An area forward 01 the wtndstueld
~ forward to the SJ)llYIel" was paIfIted oIr.oe drab as an anti-glare measure.
A second source of Mer1Ln Mu5tane production, astebllshed in Dallas, Texas, In 1943,
cornrnenced delNel1es of P-51C models, whICh ......ere VIrtually IdentJcal to P·51Bs, In November
of that year. The first 200 P·SICs were accePted by the USAAF In a camouflage finiSh 0' Dar1l
()INe Ofeb uppersurfaces and Neutral Gray undersurfaces, WIth tail numbers in yellOw, With the
delivery of Blrcraft senal 42-103179, camoutJaee finish was ab8ndoned and tall numbers were
applied in black.
The tad numberS of the first three blocks of P-SICs were of seven dl&lts. four being painted
on the fin and three on the rudder. SpacIng between the numerals was one Inch. With a later
batch of P-51Bs havitlf, seveo-dtglt tall number$ (althou&h four fieures were painted on the fin
and three on the rudder, as ""rth the p-Sle). the spaclna between the figures was two Inches.
As P-SICs had a dc:M'rwated en&Ine, most of the Dallas-be,1I1t aIrcraft were supplied to taetkal
reconf\8lssance unrt.s
The 8trtval of P-51Bs In natural metaJ finish in Februaty 1944 led to type identity martlll"llS
be.,.. ordered In black. Meanwhile. adverse reports 01 the wMe band bteakltlC up the dlstlnctMl
1qU8(&<:ut Shape of the Mustane's tad - an Important recocrllUOfl feature - led to an order
iSsued on 23 MarCh 1944 requu'N'C the rerno¥8l of \his band. However, thtS only applied 10
Musuncs ll"I canounace (1I\l$h. and the bt8ck band contItlUed to be applied to the fin and rudder
of ur'lp8Inted .. retatL It IS that thts rner1unC did not have the same Visually dlS{up\Ne
_ ... .-.......
bid dim: l'IftLwn on
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win P1~"U'
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The 3S7ttf, trio of squadron, - the 362nd, 363n:1 and 364th FSs - were ident1f\ed by the
c:odes G4, B6 and CS respectrvety. TheM loWlltS were amc:lfC the first USAAf squadrons to be
issued ....,th SO 110 ~r Mlnl!WY c:odeS ¥Itl1Ch It'lOOl"POftlted • numeral and • letter Ir'\Stead of two
letters. Thl' ehqe .....s brooCht 8bovt by the Iar&& I'lUT\bef of ne'tfIt squadrons enter-. semoe
""Ith both the RN and USAAf In the UK, e.tJ\8USllnC the ~18bIe tweHe.ttef comblnatl(M"ls. The
3S7th FG', squadron. parnted u..r codes and lndMduel .. rcqft letters If'l slInder we and
p1ecemeot to 3~th FG Mint.,.... end In the process estebltShed ••tandard tor ... USAAf
MU't8t'C'""th unit .sscnment In the ETO.
IJEJ..fA ..'DULffr
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6 • P·51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives • 7
p..,sl8-5-HA 43-6437 of the 335th FS/4th FG, DebcMn, M.,ch 1944
Painted In the standalrd ftnish for P..si1.s priof to the InttoductJon of briCht cokHlr maritJncs.
tNs akcraft was one of the orf&lnal complement 0' Merlin Mustane- received by the 4th FG
• Debden In lata February 1944. Upon Its .nh·... 43-6437 was Immedlate'Y Kqulred by
the croup commandlnc offker. U Col Donald Blakeslee. a. hi. petS0n.8l al,craft. It wa.
~ his favoured code mattdn&s wo.c. the C standlnl for 'ChJef CooJ\', taken from the
)oYlaf KCoIade bestowed by the RAF on someone who was InYOfved In all matte,. or
, ..ponslbillty. 'chlef cook and bottle washer'. Don Blakeslee t.ptac:ed thl. aircraft with
new rnetaI f'lnWl P-518 42-106726 In m~Apftl1944. and 43-6437 wa. In tum ,e-eoded
WD-V end used by other pikJU. It crashed In France att., beln, hit by &round tit. whilst
sttaftnc on 7 AUCUSt that NIne )'Ut. pilot Sydney Wadsworth belnc mlKkl _ PoW.
'lImL nOABOI"l"
1tJ<,," up:lloJa
Comtlk .1'b.mbo,'2f\th
,k,,-unlro p..~IB
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th.. ~mhdll..hmcnl "''"
,"nlnWld TI'C' bo:dlljt
uo"ffltbJ cmbkm of
tbc' IIh H,
Early ... February 1944. the P-4 7 ~Ipped 56th FG had recerved pet'm1S$1Of1 to paint the noses
of ItS aircraft In a different colour for each SQUIldron. Other f.ghter Units were not IOtW In fOOOYwlfl,
surt. end by earty March the 4th Fe 'Was palrrure the spuv'Ier$ end nose band or Its Mustangs
scarleL A few 357th FG P·S1s were also reported .... Ith yenow noses and bright coklurs SUTIllar In
style to the mar1<ircs that had apPeared on P-47s end P·38s fIowrl by other units
The full extent of the unoffICial apphcatJOn of bng1'lt COlOurs on EIghth AIr Force frghters
dunrc the laner part of February and earty March 1944 IS not known, but by ml(l.March
VIII F'lit'lter Command had called a halt. A plan was then deVeloped to prO\'lde a group ldentlty
feature With different ~ colours. As finally approved (although apparently Incorrectly posted
In some reports at the tlme), the groups of the 6Sth and 67th Fighter Wings wer~ to use SOlid
colours, and those of the 66th a checkerboard. On P-Sls, thIS would involVe the spinner and
the 12-lnch WIde type Identity band that encircled the nose, the latter dMded into Slx'inch
SQuares to form the checkerboard for the 66th Fighter Wing.
4th FG P-S15 would contInue to have red noses and 355th FG figtlters white. wtule the black
type ldentrty nose band on bare metal aircraft was replaced by an identical mar1ung In 'lfWtllte.
The 357th FG adorned its Mustanls With red and yellow eheckers, With the spinner dIVIded
equally Into three bands of red, yellOw and red. Groups yet to convert were also asslgrled
recognition colours - the 352nd FG blue. the 359th FG green and the 361st FG yellow, FInally,
the newly arrived 339th FG. which had orig,inally been
scheduled for service WIth the Nlnlh Air Force but had
been exchanged for the P-47 eqUipped 50th FG before Its
arnval In the UK, was to be assl£ned 10 the 66th F'tghler
Wing. and use red and white checkerboards.
The 352nd FG at Booney, In Norfolk, which
converted a SQuadron at a time 10 the Mustang from late
March 1944. applied a bright sky blue shade to the
noses of its P-Sls. The replocement of the .... -tute 12.. nch
Wide nose band 'lfWlth blue was 'oun<! to provide
InsuffICient contrast on 81rcraft in the camounaae finish.
HlU,. llu.uic
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By February 1944 the EJgtnh An Force. havlng secured pnOflty lOf Merlln-po'WCred P-Sls,
'lfWas pr~parlng to convert frve P-47 groups to the type, st8ftlng 'WIth the 4th FG at Debden, The
group's CO. It Col Don BlaJteslee. t\ad been loaned to the 354th FG to lead Its introductory
mlSS!OM. He t\ad been so taken 'lfWlth the Mustanl', potential that he persuaded Maj Gen
WI .am Kepner. Commanding General of VIII F'tChter Command, to let the 4th FG be the first to
shed Its P-47"Of P·5ls
A vahd point II'l 'avour 01 the 4th was that M\"eral of Its PI'ots were ex-RAF 'Eagle SQuadron'
men .... 00 h«I Mef11n efl&IOe ~xpenence tlylnc $pItfires (see Atnonc8n flWles 1: American
~teetS II'l the RAT 1937-1943). ~ flChter &roup undeft()()t( lts first operatIOn WItll Mustangs
on 25 February 1944 ~ron code mar1on&S rema.ned as C8fned on the P-47s. With the 334th
FS UWC QP. the 335ttl we and the 336th VF. The second Thu'1derbott group to convert to the
Mustanc.. the 355th FG. became operaoonllin Mowetl1944 Its UVee t!ylng UI'\Its wer~ the 354th.
351lh and 358th FSs. 'IfW th codes WR. OS and YF respec1Nery.
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