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Microsoft Word - lesson_86.doc
Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
Articles and Crime
Indefinite Articles (a, an)
We use indefinite articles:
before countable nouns: a house, a book, a car .
when we mean a group of something: a horse has four legs . ( All horses have four legs)
before singular nouns only, never plural.
We do not use indefinite articles with uncountable nouns: bread, furniture, money, news.
We use an before nouns starting with a vowel: an a pple, an e lephant.
Definite Article (the)
We use the :
with nouns that are specific in nature (singular or plural): President lives in the White House.
when there is only one of something: The President of the United States, the moon.
with superlative forms of adjectives: the fastest, the oldest.
when the noun has just been mentioned: I have a pen and a pencil. The pencil is broken.
before the names of musical instruments: she plays the piano.
We do not use the in front of geographical names, except:
Bodies of water--the Atlantic
Mountain ranges--the Andes
Names of countries in plural --The Netherlands, The United Kingdom
We do not use the with school, church, prison, hospital if the destination implies the activity:
We go to school (to study) but We go to the school (to visit it).
We go to hospital (as a patient) but We go to the hospital (as a visitor or to work)
We use zero article with abstract nouns: Love is all around us
I. Put articles a/an where necessary. (Wstaw a/an gdzie to konieczne)
1. ÈÈÈhonesty is the most important value
2. Tom has got ÈÈÈItalian telephone
3. He works in ÈÈÈ office in ÈÈÈWall Street
4. IÓve got ÈÈÈ cousin who is ÈÈÈvet
5. Tina goes to ÈÈÈ special school for ÈÈÈ ballet dancers
6. You are ÈÈÈ silly dog! This is ÈÈÈ stick not ÈÈÈ bone
7. After ÈÈÈ accident Jane is still in ÈÈÈhospital and canÓt go to ÈÈÈ
8. She wants to go to ÈÈÈuniversity to become ÈÈÈ lawyer
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
II. Correct the mistakes. (popraw bþħdy)
1. She goes to United Kingdom every summer
2. We saw the Blenheim Palace last year
3. Silence is wonderful thing
4. The animals are not allowed in this hotel
5. Lion is big and dangerous predator
6. The Seattle is city in United States of the America
7. Judge sent her to the prison for a year
III. Rewrite the sentences so that the sense stays the same. (Przepisz zdania nie
zmieniajĢc ich znaczenia)
1. Jill is a very good guitar player
2. Homeless people need help from the city council
The city council ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ
3. She has a garden that is more beautiful than any I have ever seen
She has the most beautiful garden I have ever seen
4. I have my hair done every week
I ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈhairdresserÓs every week
5. The book tells a story about a famous actorÓs life
The book tells a story about the life of ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ
6. The happiest people in the world are those who live in Italy
The happiest people ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ Italians
7. Holidays finish today
This ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈof holidays
8. She speaks Spanish better than anyone in the class
She is ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ in the class
IV. Put a/an or the where necessary. (Wstaw a/an lub the tam gdzie to konieczne)
1. ÈÈÈ Titanic was ÈÈÈmost modern ship in ÈÈÈworld
2. Everyone in ÈÈÈ team agreed that ÈÈÈ team spirit is important
3. There is ÈÈÈ man at ÈÈÈ door asking to see you
4. ÈÈÈanonymous person who saw ÈÈÈmurder called ÈÈÈpolice
5. At ÈÈÈ beginning of ÈÈÈ book ÈÈÈ main hero is killed
6. When I arrived at ÈÈÈwaiting room I drank ÈÈÈwater and waited for
7. ÈÈÈ person with ÈÈÈgood experience usually gets ÈÈÈwell paid job
8. Have you seen ÈÈÈnew performance at ÈÈÈ Grand theatre
9. In ÈÈÈ past most of ÈÈÈpopulation lived in ÈÈÈcountry
10. I need ÈÈÈ money you promised me for ÈÈÈ pair of trousers
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
V. Complete the gaps with the words from the box (Uzupeþnij luki wyrazami z
Blocked collapsed collided crashed exploded flooded had injured sank trapped
1. She was going too fast in her new car and she ÈÈÈan accident
2. On the crossroads a lorry ÈÈÈ into a bus
3. A few people were seriously ÈÈÈ in the crash and had to be taken to
4. Many buildings ÈÈÈ in the earthquake
5. There were many people in the shop when the bomb ÈÈÈ
6. As a result of heavy rains vast areas of the country are ÈÈÈ
7. After the storm many fallen trees ÈÈÈ the road
8. Two trains ÈÈÈ outside Birmingham yesterday
9. The boat ran into an iceberg and ÈÈÈ
10. Many people were ÈÈÈ in their own houses after the heavy snowfalls
Match the crimes and criminals to their definitions (PoþĢcz przestħpcw z definicjami)
a. a person who steals an aeroplane
b. a person who plans and kills
somebody on purpose
crossing the street in a place where
there is no pedestrian crossing
a person who uses another person
sexually against their will
e. a crime when somebody breaks into
the house and steals from it
a crime when somebody gets
money from illegal transactions
a person who steals money from
a person who attacks people in the
street and takes their money
setting buildings on fire
a crime when somebody is killed by
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
Put the situations in order in which they normally happen (uþŇ wydarzenia w kolejnoĻci w
ktrej zazwyczaj wystħpujĢ)
Police arrest the suspect
The suspect is put in custody
There is a trial
A crime is committed
The jury find the defendant guilty
The suspect is accused of committing the crime
The judge sentences the defendant to 5 years imprisonment
The jury reach a verdict
The defendant pleads not guilty
Witnesses are asked to give testimony
The criminal goes to jail
The suspect is interrogated
Complete the missing words. The number of lines is the number of letters. You cannot
change the letters given (uzupeþnij brakujĢce sþowa. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie
liter. Nie moŇna zmieniaę podanych liter)
Dear Diary,
On Monday I went to the courtroom to sea a real t _ _ _ _! It was very exciting. First of all
the most important person in the court - the j _ _ _ _ came in and we all had to stand up. It
was a bit loud so this person shouted o _ _ _ _ ! and everyone went silent. The criminal, called
the d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, stood up and said ÒI p _ _ _ _ not guiltyÓ.
Then the p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - the person who wanted to prove he was guilty, called his first
w_ _ _ _ _ _ and presented a document as the first e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
The criminal was c _ _ _ _ _ _ with producing false money which is called f _ _ _ _ _ _ . After
hearing both sides a group of ordinary people chosen to decide if the criminal is guilty or not
called the b _ _ _ _ of jury went out to discuss the case. When they came back, they were
asked whether they had r _ _ _ _ _ _ the verdict. They said that they f _ _ _ _ the man guilty
of c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the crime and s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ him to 5 years imprisonment.
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
honesty is the most important value
Tom has got an Italian telephone
He works in an office in Wall Street
IÓve got a cousin who is a vet
Tina goes to a special school for ballet dancers
You are a silly dog! This is a stick not a bone
After the accident Jane is still in hospital and canÓt go to school
She wants to go to university to become a lawyer
1. She goes to the United Kingdom every summer
2. We saw Blenheim Palace last year
Silence is a wonderful thing
Animals are not allowed in this hotel
A loin is a big and dangerous predator
Seattle is a city in the United States of America
The judge sent her to prison for a year
Jill plays the guitar very well
The city council should help the homeless
She has the most beautiful garden I have ever seen
I go to the hairdresserÓs every week
The book tells a story about the life of a famous actor
The happiest people in the world are the Italians
This is the last day of holidays
She is the best Spanish speaker in the class
Everyone in the team agreed that team spirit is important
There is a man at the door asking to see you
An anonymous person who saw the murder called the police
At the beginning of the book the main hero is killed
When I arrived at the waiting room I drank water and waited for the doctor
A person with good experience usually gets a well paid job
Have you seen the new performance at the Grad theatre
In the past most of the population lived in the country
I need the money you promised me for a pair of trousers
The Titanic was the most modern ship in the world
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