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Published in “ExtraOrdinary Technology” magazine – July 2003
Tesla Turbine Primer
By Ken Rieli
The Tesla Turbine is a remarkable machine in terms of simplicity, robustness, efficiency,
and applicability but little is known, even among today’s’ engineers, about how it works
and how well it performs alongside conventional turbines. Let’s take a brief look at
turbines in general and how the unique design and characteristics of the Tesla engine
stack up.
Turbines, for the most part, can be classified as either impulse or reaction engines.
Impulse turbines convert kinetic energy to shaft power by deflecting the gas path using
buckets or blades, resulting in decreased gas velocity.
Reaction turbines use blades only in a compound energy conversion mechanism - which
decreases both gas velocity and pressure, resulting in higher energy conversion
Figure 1 shows a close up view of a typical
impulse turbine blade array. High velocity gases
(steam or direct combustion) pass through the
blades, imparting radial motion to the rotor and
shaft. Gas velocity is decreased while pressure
remains constant across the blades.
Equal gas pressure on both leading and trailing
edges of the blades is characteristic of the impulse
Figure 1 - impulse turbine blades
Figure 2 shows a close up of typical reaction
turbine blades. They are shaped to create a
pressure drop across the blade surface resulting in
a reaction force in a radial direction. Since there is
both a decrease in gas velocity and pressure,
reaction blades are more efficient than impulse
types in imparting shaft power.
Figure 2 - reaction turbine blades
The difference in gas pressure (lower pressure on
the trailing edge) results in a greater axial load on
the rotor assembly.
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Figure 3 shows a typical Tesla/boundary layer disk turbine configuration. Notice that
there are no blades whatsoever - parallel, closely spaced disks use aerodynamic skin
adhesion effect to resist gas flow between the plates. Resistance to fluid flow between the
plates results in energy transfer to the shaft.
High velocity gas enters the disk pack through
the inlet (upper right) in a path tangent to the
outer edge of the disks. Outer-periphery round
washers convert high velocity gas to shaft
power through impulse and drag forces. As the
lower-energy gas spirals toward the central exit
port, adhesion, drag and centrifugal forces
continue to convert kinetic gas energy to shaft
rotational power.
The energy conversion mechanism of
boundary-layer turbines is so efficient - even in
just one stage - Tesla recorded an astounding 60% under ideal lab conditions using direct
combustion. Compare this to bladed turbine best efficiencies of around 30% - 35%!
Figure 3 - Tesla Turbine disks
The only area in which bladed turbines beat out Tesla turbines is in power density or
horsepower per pound - but that advantage could be completely overturned through
advances in disk turbine design.
As you can see from Figure 4, the Tesla turbine is manufactured from simple stock
materials - flat plate, tubing, round stock and aluminum square stock. This translates into
potentially very low engine manufacturing costs (in large quantities). That, combined
with the all-fuel capabilities of this engine, makes it the only choice for 21st century
global power needs.
Figure 4 - PNGinc Tesla Turbine design
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