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Egzamin w klasie trzeciej gimnazjum z języka angielskiego A1 – poziom podstawowy
kwiecień 2013
Zadanie 1.
Tekst 1.
Wow, Jack, what an impressive collection of model cars!
Yes, thank you. I started it six months ago. The model I like most is on the top shelf.
Beautiful, but I’m more interested in this film poster collection.
Well, actually it’s not mine, it’s my brother’s. He put only some of the posters
on the walls. He’s got so many.
And what’s this? A box full of train tickets!?
Oh, yes. You know, when I was a kid I enjoyed travelling by train very much
and I kept all the tickets. My family gave me their used tickets, too. That’s how
I started the collection. But after a few years I got bored. Now I collect model cars.
Tekst 2.
Hi, Anne. It’s Rob. I’m calling about the present for Vicky we were talking about today.
I thought about your idea of a bag, but I feel it should be something more personal. How
about a mug? It would be a better option, don’t you think? I’ve seen some nice mugs with
a heart on them. I’ll just buy one on my way home. And as for the T-shirt, we don’t know
what size she is, so a T-shirt isn’t a good choice, either. See you in the evening!
Tekst 3.
Fire department, can I help you?
This is Emily Steward speaking. My cat has climbed a large tree in the garden.
Could you please come and get her down?
OK. Could you give me your address, please?
Certainly. It’s 14 Tailor Street.
Can you spell it for me, please?
Sure. It’s T-A-I-L-O-R Street.
OK, got it. We’ll try to come as soon as possible.
Tekst 4.
Hi, mum. I’m still waiting. I left school half an hour ago, but the bus hasn’t come yet. I don’t
know what’s happened. Just go inside and start shopping without me. I’ll join you when I get
there. By the way, Mrs Richards has hung my poster on the classroom wall. It looks great!
Oh, OK, number twelve’s coming. See you!
Tekst 5.
If you like swimming and playing in the sun, come to our newly opened Fantastic Park.
It’s only twenty minutes from the city centre. We have something for everyone in your
family. Younger children will enjoy splashing water in the small pool, older ones will love
our giant wave pool. There’s no restaurant in the park, but why not bring your own food
and have a picnic on the grass? Our all-day family ticket will cost you only £13. We are open
every day.
Egzamin w klasie trzeciej gimnazjum z języka angielskiego A1 – poziom podstawowy
kwiecień 2013
Zadanie 2.
Hi, John!
Hello, Amy!
Is everything ready for the school party?
Well, yes, although there were some problems with the prize for the dancing
Oh, no! Don’t tell me Bob didn’t manage to get what we wanted!
Fortunately, he did. But he had to buy it on the Internet.
And, John, you promised to take care of the snacks. Remember?
Sure, I’ve bought everything. We’ve got biscuits, cookies and crisps. Now, who’s
doing the invitations?
To be honest, I don’t think we really need them. The posters about the party
are on every classroom door.
Yes, maybe you’re right… But what about the decorations, Amy?
I’ve bought some balloons, flowers and confetti. But we haven’t really arranged
any music yet.
Don’t worry. I’ve already talked to Alice and she’s agreed to help us. She’s got
hundreds of CDs and she promised to bring some to the party.
So it seems we’re ready!
Yes, I can’t wait!
Zadanie 3.
Can you stop chatting for a second? I’ve got something to tell you. It’s about this evening.
You know that we’re going to the theatre to see John Guild’s play. It starts at half past six.
I’ve just talked to our Art teacher, Mr Dean. He says that the school bus will leave at five
thirty. We all need to be at the school entrance at about five fifteen. Oh, one more thing –
some of us haven’t paid for the theatre tickets yet. I’ve got the list of students with me. Oops,
my name is here too. Anyway, the teacher will collect the money during the next break.
He’ll be waiting for us in room 25. Oh, and some good news – we don’t have to wear our
school uniforms this evening!
Zadanie 4.
Wypowiedź 1.
Where did you buy those shoes?
Wypowiedź 2.
My parents are going to buy me a new iPhone!
Wypowiedź 3.
Could you help me with this bag, please?
Wypowiedź 4.
What do you keep in that huge box over there?
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