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Finding a Route Tutorial
Copyright © 1995-2010 Esri All rights reserved.
Finding a Route Tutorial
About the Find Route tutorial
The Find Route dialog box allows you to calculate point-to-point multistop routes in ArcMap using a variety of
options to affect and display the results. You can calculate the quickest or shortest route, specify network
restrictions to exclude certain road types from the route, define network barriers to exclude specific road
segments from the route, optimize the stop order to find the most efficient route, and modify the speeds of
certain road types to simulate real-world driving conditions. You can also make the route time-aware by
defining a trip start time. This enables additional data-dependent functionality such as time-based turn
restrictions and integration of real-time and historic traffic information into the route calculation.
The Find Route tutorial introduces you to the Find Route dialog box and provides step-by-step instructions on
how to use the route-finding functionality that it offers.
Tutorial data
The Find Route tutorial makes use of the StreetMap North America data, which is part of the Data & Maps
DVDs included with ArcGIS. Additionally, the free and publicly available ArcGIS Online routing and
geocoding services are used in this tutorial.
In this tutorial
Copyright © 1995-2010 Esri. All rights reserved.
Finding a Route Tutorial
Exercise 1: Finding a route with a file-based network
The Find Route dialog box is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to
calculate routes in ArcMap with file-based network datasets, ArcGIS
Server routing services, and ArcGIS Online routing services. It provides
many options for customizing the route calculation and display. For
example, you can assign time windows to stops, set network attribute
restrictions, define barriers, reorder stops automatically for the most
efficient route, and modify the speed values for specific road types.
Data Requirement:
ArcGIS Tutorial Data Setup
The goal of this tutorial is to show how
the Find Route dialog box can be used
to calculate routes in ArcMap.
In this exercise, you will learn how to calculate a simple route using a file-based network dataset. The
StreetMap North America data, part of the Data & Maps DVDs included with ArcGIS, will be used in this
exercise. You will learn how to work with time windows and how to add stops with a known address. You will
also explore the Find Route interface.
1. Start ArcMap.
2. Open StreetMap North America.mxd from the \streetmap_na folder on the ESRI Data & Maps
StreetMap North America DVD (referred to as the DVD for the remainder of the tutorial).
3. Open the Find Route dialog box by clicking the Find Route button on the Tools toolbar.
4. Click the Options tab.
5. Click the Browse button next to the Routing Service drop-down arrow.
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Finding a Route Tutorial
6. Navigate to the location of the StreetMap North America data, which is located on the DVD in the
\streetmap_na\data folder.
7. Select and click Open .
8. Keep the default values for the other options and click the Stops tab.
9. Click the Add Stop button, which opens the Find dialog box.
10. Click the Browse button next to the Choose an address locator drop-down arrow.
11. Navigate to the Street_Addresses_US address locator, which is located on the DVD in the
\streetmap_na\data folder. Select Street_Addresses_US and click Add .
The Street_Addresses_US locator is listed in the Choose an address locator drop-down list.
12. Type 380 New York Street in the Street or Intersection text box in the Find dialog box.
13. Type Redlands in the City text box, CA in the State text box, and 92373 in the ZIP text box.
14. Click Find .
15. Right-click the desired location candidate in the list at the bottom of the Find dialog box and click
Add as Stop to Find Route . The location is added to the Stops list in the Find Route dialog
Copyright © 1995-2010 Esri. All rights reserved.
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