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Batch Processing (1)
Using Gaussian Blur – to blur background
I have an image of a flower that is entirely in focus. I would like to blur the background to
make the flower stand out.
A portion of the image can be blurred using the Gaussian Blur feature, followed by the
Selection Gradient or Brush, making the flower stand out.
The background in this image is
not as blurred as expected.
While the foreground remains unchanged,
the background is blurred to make the main
flower stand out.
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STEP 1: Open an image
This is a close-up shot of two flowers. Background blurring will be increased to emphasize
the yellow flower in the foreground.
STEP 2: Blur the entire image
Select Gaussian Blur… from the Focus submenu in the Adjust menu.
In the Gaussian Blur dialog, set Radius to 30 px , and Opacity to 100% .
Click OK to apply the Gaussian Blur.
The entire image is blurred.
A Gaussian Blur step is added to the Edit List.
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