
(928 KB) Pobierz
OPTION 1: Add a step to the Edit List
A “step” is added to the Edit List each time some type of enhancement is applied to an
image. Clicking the show/hide triangle ( ) next to the step shows or hides details for
the particular enhancement.
A step is added to
the Edit List when
an enhancement is
Clicking the show/hide
triangle (▶) next to the step
opens or closes the step.
OPTION 2: Enable or disable the effects of image enhancement
The checkbox displayed with each step allows the effects of a particular enhancement
to be enabled (checked) or disabled (unchecked).
When the checkbox
displayed with each
step is checked, the
enhancement is
enabled; when the
checkbox is
unchecked, the
enhancement is
OPTION 3: Modify a step
A step can be modified by opening the step and selecting a new type of enhancement
from the pulldown menu. Only Enhancement Steps, with the exception of Control
Point steps, can be modified.
Modify a step using
the step’s pulldown
menu. Here, a
Color Balance step
is changed to a
Differences between Base Adjustments and Enhancement Steps
1. Base Adjustments is automatically added when an image is opened, and is always
displayed at the top of the Edit List. The 1. Base Adjustments step cannot be deleted or
Image enhancements applied by the user are added to the Edit List as Enhancement Steps
below 1. Base Adjustments .
OPTION 4: Adjust enhancement strength using the Opacity setting
Click the show/hide triangle ( ) next to a step’s Opacity option to open the Opacity
Mixer and adjust the strength of enhancement application. Opacity can be adjusted
for Enhancement Steps only.
Click the show/hide triangle (▶)
next to a step’s Opacity option
to open the Opacity Mixer.
Adjust opacity from the Opacity
Mixer. Here we have reduced
opacity from the default setting
of 100% to 30%.
The strength of image
enhancement is reduced.
A checkmark is added to
the Opacity option.
274669687.001.png 274669687.002.png
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