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Batch Processing (1)
Using Levels and Curves
I would like to enhance the contrast of an image.
A more dynamic image can be created by increasing contrast using Levels & Curves
A dull and lifeless image.
Contrast is increased to make the image
more dynamic.
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STEP 1: Check image contrast levels
Open an image.
Check the histogram. In general, the spikes on histograms for low-contrast images
(those that are dull and lifeless) are concentrated in the center of the histogram, indicating
insufficient shadows and highlights. The histogram for this image shows the characteristic
concentration of spikes at the center.
The spikes on the histogram
are concentrated at the center.
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Enlarging the histogram
With Capture NX Ver. 1.1, the histogram can be enlarged. Click the button at the top right of the
Photo Info palette to enlarge histogram display. Click the same button again to return display to
normal size.
Clicking the button indicated here to
allows histogram display to be enlarged
and reduced.
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STEP 2: Adjust levels
Select Levels & Curves… from the Light submenu in the Adjust menu.
A Levels & Curves step is added to the Edit List.
Move the black point and white point sliders in the Levels & Curves dialog toward the
center of the histogram. Keep in mind that too much adjustment will result in loss of detail
in highlight and shadow portions.
Contrast in the image is increased (image becomes more dynamic).
The image histogram in the Photo Info dialog shows a broader range (from left to
right) of spikes than was displayed for the image prior to adjustment.
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Move the black point and white point sliders
toward the center of the histogram. By
reducing the distance between the black and
white points, contrast is increased. However,
too much adjustment will result in a loss of
detail in highlight and shadow portions.
Tone curves
Image contrast is increased.
The spikes on the histogram
are more spread out than
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