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Weapons, Pick-ups, and Items
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Vehicles, Tanks, and Helicopters
Factions and Characters
The Deck of 52
Contract Walkthroughs
ISBN: 0-7615-4749-5
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004114247
Secrets and Extras
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After having his father and the
rest of the country's political leaders
assassinated, General Song then
expelled all foreign embassy person-
nel and aide workers. The country "
went dark," as Song forbade all com-
munication with the outside world.
For weeks, there was no news
from Pyongyang. But when the Royal
Australian Navy rescued the crew of
a North Korean freighter that had
been caught in a storm at sea, they
discovered the ship's sailors making a
hasty effort to scuttle the ship. Their
suspicions aroused, the Aussie
sailors searched the vessel and
found a small but potent nuclear
weapon in the cargo bay, bound for
an Indonesian company known to be
a front for terrorists.
The discovery that General Song
was sending nuclear weapons to ter-
rorists sent shockwaves throughout
the world. More alarming news was
soon to follow: Chinese intelligence
released a report revealing that North
Korea's missile capability was far
more advanced than previously sus-
pected – the North Koreans had inter-
continental missiles powerful enough
to strike targets as far away as
Moscow, Tel Aviv, and downtown
Chicago. The fact that General Song
had nukes – and the long-range mis-
siles needed to deliver them any-
where – galvanized the world.
An Allied Nations Task Force was
hastily formed, consisting of troops
from the US, the UK, France, Germany,
Japan, China, and South Korea. They
invaded North Korea, smashed
through a division of North Korean
regulars, and captured the nuclear
launch sites in Yangbong.
Their victory was short-lived,
however – Allied Nations (AN)
weapons inspectors found documents
at the launch sites that revealed that
North Korea was building 30 nuclear
warheads at another – still unknown –
launch site. Even worse, the docu-
ments made it clear that the missiles
would be ready to launch in just three
weeks, and that only the elusive
General Song had the launch codes.
The AN knew that its top priority
was to capture Song before the mis-
siles were launch-ready – once the
warheads were "live," Song would be
in the driver's seat. He'd have huge
bargaining chips – the lives of mil-
lions of innocent civilians throughout
the world, and the hundreds of thou-
sands of Allied troops in North Korea
that would be obliterated should the
AN retaliate with nukes of their own
after Song's attack.
The potential consequences of
this nuclear blackmail were appalling.
General Song would be in the posi-
tion of gaining control over all of
Korea via a military "unification," and
in the process would create a danger-
ous new superpower.
The AN press conferences began
to take on an air of desperation. They
soon distributed a "most wanted" list
in the form of a "Deck of 52". Song,
of course, was the Ace of Spades. His
top military and scientific advisors
The generals in North Korea were
becoming nervous.
Their leader, the aging President
Choi Kim, had extended an "olive
branch" to South Korea, embracing
their "Sunshine Policy" and reviving
hopes of peaceful reunification. In
return, South Korea had agreed to
pump money into North Korea on the
condition that they dismantle their
military. President Kim became a pop-
ulist figure among the youth of South
Korea, who saw him as a true leader
for peace and prosperity.
No one could've known what was
to come. President Kim's son, the bril-
liant and ruthless General Choi Song,
wasn't pleased with the negotiations
and peace treaties. He believed his
father had lost sight of North Korea's
true destiny. Fearing a dramatic loss
of power, the North Korean military
staged a violent coup under the com-
mand of General Song.
Song staged his coup at the
opportune moment – in the midst of a
ceremony celebrating a road map to
the reunification of Korea. Backed by
an army of insurgents, he stormed the
ceremony and brutally wiped out both
North and South Korean political
leaders alike in a hail of gunfire.
Without hesitation, Song himself
placed a pistol to the back of his
father's head and squeezed the trig-
ger. The coup was a stunning success.
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filled out the rest of the deck, along
with a smattering of criminals that
Song had hired to help out.
(WNN) and announced an "open
bounty" on General Song. The price?
One hundred million dollars.
"ExOps," a professional merce-
nary service in St. Petersburg, Russia,
responded immediately. Within hours,
the first mercenary climbed aboard a
C-17 cargo plane, en route to a drop
zone in the DMZ.
As soon as the merc hit the
ground and saw the chaos around
him, he realized that the task before
him was immensely more complicated
than he could've imagined. Given the
country's state of anarchy, he knew
he'd have to work with all of the war-
ring factions – the Allied Nations, the
South Koreans, the Russian Mafia,
and the Chinese – in order to find
General Song's cronies and,
eventually, General Song himself.
Thumbing through the "Deck
of 52," the mercenary begins his
Obstacles abounded. Renegade
squads of armed North Koreans were
everywhere. In addition, members of
the Russian Mafia had infiltrated the
country, hoping to exploit the chaos
and establish a black market.
Chinese and South Korean
troops, while ostensibly a part of the
AN Task Force, also had very distinct
agendas of their own. The Chinese
wanted to establish a puppet govern-
ment that would operate hand-in-
hand with Beijing. South Korea,
understandably, was intent on thwart-
ing the Chinese and wanted to install
a ruler sympathetic to the needs and
desires of Seoul.
With the AN occupation growing
by the day, South Korean military
units began to slip across the DMZ, or
DeMilitarized Zone, intent on seizing
as much territory as possible. This put
them on a collision course with the
Chinese troops pouring in from the
north. Between the conflicting agen-
das of these forces, and the presence
of civilians and "embedded" members
of the media, the battle zone became
a state of near anarchy.
Then, after a well-trained North
Korean military force sprang a sur-
prise counterattack on the Allies at
three different locations along the
peninsula, complete anarchy erupted.
Breakthroughs up and down the AN
lines left much of the country in a fluid
state. The AN's control varied province
by province, city by city, and some-
times block by block.
As the panicked Allies tried to
counterattack, their search for General
Song went nowhere. And the clock
was ticking. The AN needed help, and
they knew it.
An AN spokesman finally
appeared on World News Network
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How to Use This
in the conflict and learn what they
have to offer you.
The "Overview" chapter focuses on
all aspects of gameplay. Topics
include the game's structure, con-
trols, contracts, and much more. Vital
tips are provided throughout to help
you thrive in the North Korean the-
ater. Read to get a solid grip on how
every facet of the game works.
The "Vehicles, Tanks, and
Helicopters" chapter provides infor-
mation on every vehicle you can
hijack and control in
organized by faction designation.
Read to learn the details, strengths,
and weaknesses of each one. The
"Factions and Characters" chapter
focuses on each faction and that fac-
tion's main characters. Read to under-
stand each faction's purpose in the
conflict and learn what they have to
offer you.
The "Contract Walkthroughs"
chapter makes up the bulk of this
guide. Here we walk you through
every contract in the game, providing
you with the strategy and information
you need to succeed in the North
Korean theater. Contracts are grouped
together by faction for quick
and easy reference.
The "Weapons, Pick-ups, and
Objects" chapter is packed with infor-
mation on everything you can use,
collect, and interact with in the envi-
ronment, aside from vehicles. Every
weapon, pick-up, and object is dis-
closed here.
The "Deck of 52" chapter pro-
vides information on the 52 wanted
persons in the North Korean army
who together make up the Deck of
52. Here we reveal the locations of
each Numeric Card and provide effec-
tive tips on how to approach and cap-
ture each one.
The "Secrets and Extras" chapter
reveals all of the cool extra stuff in
the game. Unlockable characters and
shop support items, bounty item loca-
tions, challenge details, and much
more are all conveniently covered in
this one chapter.
The "Factions and Characters"
chapter focuses on each faction and
that faction's main characters. Read
to understand each faction's purpose
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