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No Holds Barred Fighting: The Kicking Bible
No Holds Barred Fighting:
The Kicking Bible
Strikes for MMA and the Street
Mark Hatmaker
Photography by Doug Werner
Tracks Publishing
San Diego, California
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No Holds Barred Fighting:
The Kicking Bible
Mark Hatmaker
Tracks Publishing
140 Brightwood Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording or by any information storage
and retrieval system without permission from the author, except for
the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
Copyright © 2008 by Doug Werner
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication
Hatmaker, Mark.
No holds barred fighting : the kicking bible :
strikes for MMA and the street / Mark Hatmaker ;
photography by Doug Werner.
p. cm.
Includes index.
LCCN 2008906895
ISBN-13: 978-1-884654-31-2
ISBN-10: 1-884654-31-2
1. Hand-to-hand fighting--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
2. Mixed martial arts--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
3.Wrestling--Handbooks, manuals, etc. I.Werner,
Doug, 1950- II.Title. III.Title: Kicking bible.
GV1111.H3375 2008 796.81
Fighting Books by Mark Hatmaker
No Holds Barred Fighting:
The Ultimate Guide to Submission Wrestling
More No Holds Barred Fighting:
Killer Submissions
No Holds Barred Fighting:
Savage Strikes
No Holds Barred Fighting:
No Holds Barred Fighting:
The Clinch
No Holds Barred Fighting:
The Ultimate Guide to Conditioning
No Holds Barred Fighting:
The Kicking Bible
Boxing Mastery
Books are available through major bookstores
and booksellers on the Internet.
To the patience of my family and friends who tolerate
my habitual withdrawals so I can work on what are
essentially combat cookbooks.
And to all of the new friends and readers I have
encountered in the course of preparing these violent
little recipe manuals. I hope you find what lies within
these pages to your tastes.
Phyllis Carter
Jackie Smith
Kylie Hatmaker
Mitch Thomas
Shane Tucker
Kory Hays
Warning label
The fighting arts include contact and can be dan-
gerous. Use proper equipment and train safely .
Practice with restraint and respect for your part-
ners. Drill for fun, fitness and to improve skills. Do
not fight with the intent to do harm.
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