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Document # 002
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Zan via
Newbie report 2 / 151
Newbie report 2 / 151
================================================================ database fetch, author: Zan (151)
author: "Zan"
date: Tue, 21 May 2002 06:33:00 GMT
subject: Newbie report 2
On 5/20/02 10:51:00 PM, tic_tac_tocus wrote:
>My biggest problem now is
>getting to the # close... I
>had sufficient SOI to do it
>three times or so tonight, but
>I felt awkward saying "I
>really enjoyed our
>conversation, it’s too bad we
>can’t continue it sometime"
>because it seemed unnatural to
>me... does anyone know of a
>good way to work this into it
>while sounding normal? Thanks
How about saying "I really enjoyed our conversation, it’s too bad we can’t
continue it sometime"
Sounds pretty natural and normal to me.
Don Juan: So much fire is in you.
Tisbea: How well you talk!
Don Juan: How well you understand!
Tisbea: I hope to God you’re not lying.
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Zan via
Re: The delicate art of phone numbers / 152
Re: The delicate art of phone numbers / 152
================================================================ database fetch, author: Zan (152)
author: "Zan"
date: Tue, 21 May 2002 18:19:00 GMT
subject: Re: The delicate art of phone numbers
On 5/21/02 5:48:16 AM, jake_ wrote:
>Well, they call me!
>Calling can be supplication.
>What do you get if you call
>Answering machines and a fair
>number of flakes. Also, you
>your interest and lose power.
>Having women phone you saves
>so much time and is an
Yeah, exactly my point, Jake. I get calls all the time as well. I suppose if I
didn’t, then I would have to become somewhat more proactive.
I give out my number all the time. And usually if a girl has given me her
number, I don’t bother calling - unless she is extremely fine and I am not sure
I will run into her again.
If I think I will see her again (gym, club, waitress, etc), then I don’t bother
calling. Then when I see her next, I always say something like:
ME: Hey, why didn’t you call me?
HER: Uh, because I don’t have your number. You have MY number, remember?
ME: (faux confusion, smiling) Hmm, well why didn’t you answer the phone when I
called you, then?
HER: But you didn’t call me. I have call display.
ME: (smiling, winking, pointing at cheek) Well, tell you what. Come give me a
kiss and I’ll forgive you.
And I remember seeing a movie with Jude Law (called Immortality?) where he
would see a HB sitting alone somewhere and he would go up to her and without a
word, place a business card in front of her and walk away.
Except these were not ordinary business cards. They were personal cards. In
other words, specially made with just his name and phone number on them. But
the key is, the phone number was not his main number. It was a second phone
line that he would use only for this purpose.
That way he would immediately know that it was one of his sarges phoning him -
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Zan via
Re: The delicate art of phone numbers / 152
because nobody else ever got this special number.
And what’s funny about that is that I have been doing the same thing for years!
I just saw the movie about 4 months ago.
For years, I have carried personal cards whenever I go out sarging. I just make
them on my computer with MS Publisher. They are plain white and just have my
name, city, country, email, and phone number (no address). I first got the idea
10 years ago in Europe when I asked for a girl’s phone number and she gave me a
personal card like this. I’ve done it ever since. Better than carrying around a
pen and paper.
And the phone number is not my main one. For a few dollars more a month, you
can get a second ring and phone number attached to your telephone (mine does a
double ring). They call it the "teen line" around here, because people will
often get the second ring for their teenagers.
That way, whenever I hear my phone do a double ring, I know the person on the
other end of the line is someone who I gave my card to.
Cheesy? Sure, but oh well...
Don Juan: So much fire is in you.
Tisbea: How well you talk!
Don Juan: How well you understand!
Tisbea: I hope to God you’re not lying.
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