Acta Cryst. (2009). C65, o160–o162.pdf

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organic compounds
Acta Crystallographica Section C
Crystal Structure
ISSN 0108-2701
parallel to each other. Connecting pairs of adjacent N—HO
hydrogen-bonded chains separated by a one-half unit-cell
translation in the crystallographic b direction are BrO
interactions [Kubicki, 2004, and references therein;
Br2O1( x + 2 , y + 2 , z + 2) = 3.100 (3) A ˚ ] between mol-
ecules related by a 2 1 screw axis along the a axis, and in the
crystallographic c direction, intermolecular BrBr inter-
actions [Br2Br1( x + 2 , y +1, z 2 ) = 3.5268 (7) A ˚ ]
(Fig. 2), also between molecules related by a 2 1 screw axis,
along the c axis. Two BrO intermolecular interactions and
the N—HO hydrogen bond form a ring between adjacent
hydrogen-bonded chains described by graph-set motif R 3 (12)
(Etter, 1990; Bernstein et al. , 1995).
Atom Br2 is involved in two intermolecular interactions
(Fig. 3). It has been reported that the Br atom is frequently
involved in such contacts as a result of its nonspherical shape
(Lieberman et al. , 2000; Lommerse et al. , 1996; Beyer et al. ,
2001). Atom Br2 of (I) interacts with atom O1 in the molecule
at ( x + 2 , y + 2 , z + 2) head-on and with atom Br1 in the
molecule at ( x + 2 , y +1, z 2 ) side-on (O being a
nucleophile and Br an electrophile). Similar interactions were
N -(2,6-Dibromophenyl)formamide
Bernard Omondi,* Demetrius C. Levendis, Marcus Layh
and Manuel A. Fernandes
Molecular Sciences Institute, School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand,
PO Wits, 2050 Johannesburg, South Africa
Correspondence e-mail:
Received 11 February 2009
Accepted 3 March 2009
Online 18 March 2009
In the crystal structure of the title compound, C 7 H 5 Br 2 NO,
molecules related by translation are linked through N—HO
hydrogen bonds to form chains in the crystallographic a
direction, with the aryl rings stacked parallel to each other
along the chain. Besides the N—HO hydrogen bonds,
BrO and BrBr intermolecular interactions complete the
packing of molecules in the crystal structure.
The title compound, (I) (Fig. 1), is of interest as part of a study
on polymorphism and phase transformations in 2,6-disub-
stituted N -phenylformamides. Previous reports showed the
effect of different interactions (N—HO hydrogen bonds
and C—HO, ClCl and – intermolecular interactions)
on the phase transitions of 2-chloro-6-methyl- N -phenyl-
formamide (Omondi et al. , 2005). 2,6-Dibromo- N -phenyl-
formamide is only the second among the 2,6-disubstituted
N -phenylformamides that has a chiral crystal structure.
Another example of an N -phenylformamide which is chiral in
the crystalline state is 4-bromo-2,6-difluoro- N -phenylform-
amide [Cambridge Structural Database (Allen, 2002) refcode
SEDGAJ; Ferguson et al. , 1998]. In this paper, N—HO,
BrBr and BrO intermolecular interactions are discussed.
Figure 1
A view of (I), showing the atom-numbering scheme. Displacement
ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms are shown
as small spheres of abitrary radii.
Molecules of compound (I) are linked through N—HO
hydrogen bonds, forming chains that run along the crystal-
lographic a direction. The molecules in the chains are related
by translation, with the aryl rings along the chain stacked
Figure 2
N1—H1O1 hydrogen-bonded chains (short-dashed lines) in (I),
showing the stacking relationship in each chain. Molecules along the
chain are related by a unit-cell translation. Long-dashed lines show
intermolecular Br1Br2 interactions that link up the hydrogen-bonded
chains. [Symmetry codes: (i) 1+ x , y , z ; (ii)
2 x ,1 y , 2 + z .]
o160 # 2009 International Union of Crystallography
Acta Cryst. (2009). C65, o160–o162
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organic compounds
phenylaniline (5 g, 0.02 mol; Aldrich, purity >95%) was heated in a
tenfold excess of formic acid for a period of 15 h at 363 K. The excess
formic acid was then removed under reduced pressure to give a white
solid, which was treated with dilute hydrochloric acid (0.1 M HCl,
10 ml) and ethyl acetate (60 ml). The organic layer was separated
from the aqueous layer, dried over magnesium sulfate and filtered.
Colourless needle-shaped crystals of (I) were grown from the filtrate.
The purity of the compound was confirmed by NMR analysis. It was
found to exist in solution (C 6 D 6 ) as a mixture of cis and trans isomers
in a 2:1 ratio.
Crystal data
C 7 H 5 Br 2 NO
M r = 278.94
Orthorhombic, P 2 1 2 1 2 1
a = 4.2946 (5) A ˚
b = 13.8755 (16) A ˚
c = 14.2541 (19) A ˚
V = 849.40 (18) A ˚ 3
Z =4
Mo K radiation
= 9.48 mm 1
T = 173 K
0.56 0.08 0.08 mm
Figure 3
A perspective view of compound (I), showing intermolecular Br1O
interactions as short-dashed lines and intermolecular Br1Br2 inter-
actions as long-dashed lines. The BrO interactions, together with N—
HO interactions, form an R 3
Data collection
Bruker SMART CCD area-detector
Absorption correction: multi-scan
( SADABS ; Bruker, 2004)
T min = 0.069, T max = 0.466
5541 measured reflections
2100 independent reflections
1841 reflections with I >2( I )
R int = 0.030
ring. [Symmetry codes: (i)
2 + x ,
2 y ,
2 z ; (ii) 2 + x ,
2 y ,2 z ; (iii)
2 x ,1 y , 2 + z .]
R [ F 2 >2( F 2 )] = 0.027
wR ( F 2 ) = 0.060
S = 1.03
2100 reflections
100 parameters
H-atom parameters constrained
observed in the crystal structures of 2,3,6,7-tetrabromo-
naphthalene (space group P 2 1 / c ) and the cocrystal of 2,3,6,7-
tetrabromonaphthalene and bromobenzene (Navon et al. ,
Although compound (I) has the same hydrogen-bonded
chains as the high-temperature forms of 2,6-dichloro- N -
phenylformamide and 2-chloro-6-methyl- N -phenylformam-
ide, and of 2,6-dimethyl- N -phenylformamide (Omondi et al. ,
2005), in which they all have one short axis of about 4 A ˚ along
which the formamide molecules are stacked along the N—
HO hydrogen-bonded chain (Fig. 2), the packing in (I) is
similar only to that in 2,6-dichloro- N -phenylformamide, where
the N—HO hydrogen-bonded chains in the high-tempera-
ture form are connected through ClCl contacts forming
(010) sheets.
Using the OPIX suite of programs (Gavezzotti, 2003), the
lattice energy of (I) was calculated to be 90.5 kJ mol 1 .
These calculations permitted estimation of the contributions
to this energy of the intermolecular N—HO, BrO and
BrBr interactions as 40, 9.5 and 8.1 kJ mol 1 ,
respectively. This energy pattern resembles that for the high-
temperature forms of 2,6-dichloro- N -phenylformamide and
2-chloro-6-methyl- N -phenylformamide, and that of 2,6-di-
methyl- N -phenylformamide (Omondi et al. , 2005), in which
there is one strong stabilizing interaction (along the N—
HO hydrogen-bonded chain), while the second and third
stabilizing interactions are significantly weaker.
max = 0.63 e A ˚ 3
min = 0.34 e A ˚ 3
Absolute structure: Flack (1983),
with 840 Friedel pairs
Flack parameter: 0.055 (18)
Table 1
Hydrogen-bond geometry (A ˚ , ).
D —H A
D —H
D —H A
N1—H1O1 i
2.793 (4)
Symmetry code: (i) x þ 1; y ; z .
H atoms were located in difference maps and then treated as
riding, with C—H = 0.95 ˚
and N—H = 0.88 ˚ , and with U iso (H) =
1.2 U eq (C,N).
Data collection: SMART (Bruker, 2004); cell refinement: SAINT
(Bruker, 2004); data reduction: SAINT ; program(s) used to solve
structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008); program(s) used to refine
structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008); molecular graphics:
ORTEP-3 (Farrugia, 1997), PLATON (Spek, 2009) and DIAMOND
(Brandenburg, 2006); software used to prepare material for publi-
cation: WinGX (Farrugia, 1999).
The authors thank the University of the Witwatersrand and
the National Research Foundation (GUN 2067413) for
funding and for providing the infrastructure to carry out this
work. BO thanks the International Union of Crystallography
for a PhD grant.
2,6-Dibromo- N -phenylformamide was synthesized following a known
procedure (Ugi et al. , 1965). Commercially available 2,6-dibromo- N -
Supplementary data for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic
archives (Reference: GD3278). Services for accessing these data are
described at the back of the journal.
Acta Cryst. (2009). C65, o160–o162
Omondi et al. C 7 H 5 Br 2 NO o161
organic compounds
o162 Omondi et al. C 7 H 5 Br 2 NO
Acta Cryst. (2009). C65, o160–o162
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