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By Alexander J Bateman
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An unofficial Scurvy Supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
“There are rumours – rumours of beasts, treasures and artefacts of terrible power.
Rumours do me no good. I need answers…”
– Bürgermeister Geltmacher of Marienburg
This chapter looks at some of the islands in the Southern
Sea that divides the Old World from Araby and the land of
the dead. These islands or Islas as they are known
locally are hotbeds of treachery and intrigue, home to
pirates, ne'er-do-wells and competing agents of the rival
Old World Powers.
“For Manann, for King Death and for the Sea
– The famous war cry of Bonnie Berto
Redsheet, legendary pirate of ages past
All places and personages in this chapter are described
as they were before the events in the Black Library novel
‘Fell Cargo’.
As with many places in the Old World and beyond, the
body of water to the south of Estalia is an area of much
cartographic disagreement. Many maps refrain from
even naming it, marking it as nothing more than part of
the Great Ocean, while others call it the Southern Sea
or other still the Middle Sea. Maps looted from Araby
corsairs and slavers mark it as the Sea of Infidels or
even the Sea of Amenehetum on some ancient maps.
Politically too this great body of water is disputed. While
Tobaro claims absolute sovereignty over the Fool’s
Rocks and Estalia’s Southern Littoral is clearly part of
the Estalian Kingdoms, the actual situation is more
complex. Islands on both have been colonised by not
only the men of Estalia and Tilea, but also occasionally
by men of other lands. This leads to a tapestry of
cultures of political allegiances within the area, with
some ports and plantations run by Marienburg trading
companies or outcast nobles from Bretonnia or the
Empire. Some islands, most often grandly titling
themselves as a Freeport, deny allegiance to any
nation, although in practice these are mostly home to
groups of lawless buccaneers.
Whichever flag the colony flies, one thing that unites
them all is the much-hated Averia Tax. Devised by
Magritta, each of the Estalian Kingdoms levies this
charge on all trading transactions within their colonies,
specifically to fund the Estalian navies that must patrol
the waters and fend off pirates. The captains of the
Tilean treasure ships have in particular much hatred of
this tax, claiming that their ships are far superior at
fighting the pirates than anything within the Estalian
fleets. Indeed many ship’s captains choose to ‘thread
the teeth’ as much to avoid Estalian excise ships as
they do to avoid pirates. The rare colonies that are
outside the patrol of the Estalian Guarda Costa fleets
are of course also free of the Averia, but such places
are often lawless and ill suited for obtaining supplies.
Along the entire length of Estalia’s Southern Coast runs a
great chain of atolls and islands, mostly being
insignificant and too small to be marked on any general
chart or map. The chain starts as bony reaches of bare
dagger-like atolls that emerge from the Great Ocean as
one sails towards Estalia, broadening into a dense
archipelago of half-mapped isles until one reaches the
Eastern Coast of Estalia, where its shifting border with
Tilea is marked by the emergence of the much larger
islands of the Fool’s Rocks.
The clear blue waters of the Southern Sea surround
these islands, and dense forests made up of laurel-
leaved evergreen hardwoods and a rich undergrowth of
ferns, shrubs and other plants typically covers them.
Known locally as the Islas, settlers have established
many towns and villages here, from Estalian Kingdoms
and their colonies to independent fishing villages and the
occasional lawless enclave that provides a safe port for
Many ships operate here: most merchants wishing to
travel from Magritta, Tilea and Barak Varr to the Great
Ocean follow the Estalian coast. The most prestigious of
these merchants are the so-called Treasure Ships
returning from Lustria, Araby and the Southlands.
Invariably after their long ocean crossings, they make
port in the settlements here to restock their stores and
take shore leave before sailing onto their homes, often
‘threading the teeth’ through the Islas, sailing within them
to avoid pirates that sail upon the open sea.
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An unofficial Scurvy Supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Stretching for almost half the length of the Southern
Littoral is a long corridor of the Thousand Islas, simply
marked on maps as the Labyrinth. This is a dense maze
of uncharted islands and shallow channels that can takes
days to navigate, if one does not run aground. It is a
popular place to ‘thread the teeth’ and bypass Magritta’s
waters as the dense laurel forests that cover the Islas
obfuscate ships from potential pirates.Stopping here to
collect spring water or vitals is a perilous business,
places like the Greenwater Sound look to be deep
enough to allow any ship passage, but in actuality often
bottom out at one or two fathoms, shallow enough to sink
most ships. Angel’s Bar on the other hand is a true deep-
water cove and an ideal place for Tilean Treasure Ships
to make harbour, if they can find it through the shifting
banks of the Labyrinth.
Affiliation: Uninhabited
punishments, with penalties of floggings and weeks in the
stocks being the most common. The monastery now
rules the three easternmost settlements of the island,
Montañoza, Azuei and Gonâve. All three of these are
grim towns, where the religious leaders have banned all
public drinking or debauchery, although in spite of this,
Montañoza remains a popular port for pirates that have
taken Letters of Marque from the Monastery.
The Isla is not without its dangers: to the south lie the
Turquía Isles, a chain of small islands that are part of the
kingdom of Colina and are a renowned place of refuge
for corsairs and buccaneers of all stripes. In addition, the
northeastern quarter of the island is home to many
settlements of Orcs who frequently raid the northern
village of Esélbella, despite having little more than food to
steal. Occasionally these Orcs take to the seas, and
raiding groups of Orc freebooters have significantly
disrupted trade in both Enriquillola and Porto Felipe.
Bay: Any ship may make berth in this deepwater bay.
Affiliation: Estalia (Kingdom of Colina)
Bay: Galleons must make a Challenging (-10%) Sail test
to make berth here.
Adventure Hook: Challenged to a race through the
Labyrinth, the characters must navigate their way to
Angel’s Bar before an opposing pirate captain berths his
ship there. However, the Islas of the Labyrinth are not
without their own surprises, and the character’s crew
must also fight off a tribe of savage Forest Goblins that
leap onto the ship from the Laurisilva.
Produced Goods: Raw Sugar, Barley, Goats
Adventure Hook: Monks working for Raimundo IX
Beltrán-Serrat hire the characters to travel to Isla Santa
Clair and assassinate Oleos de Poelle, whom they
believe is a Blood Dragon Vampire who uses the
catacombs of Santa Clair to travel to his prey. However if
the characters make contact with Oleos de Poelle, he will
swear that none only is he not a Vampire, but also that
Raimundo IX Beltrán-Serrat is under the sway of the Bird
God Tzeentch! Can the characters find out who is telling
the truth before they get deeper entwined in a web of lies
that is likely to destroy them?
The second largest island of Estalia’s Southern Littoral,
Isla Colina is one of the few islands commonly depicted
upon charts and maps of the region. On the south coast
of the island is the port town of Enriquillola, which is
technically the capital of the Kingdom of Colina, which
claims dominion over several surrounding colonised
Islas. In reality, the town is politically insignificant now,
with most of its former colonies effectively independent of
Enriquillola rule. Although the kingdom does enforce the
Averia, it is at a much lower rate than some of its
neighbours, making the port of Enriquillola a regular
place of trade for those willing to risk the less than perfect
“I intend to see to that any man who sails under a
Sartosan flag or wears a Sartosan brand gets what he
deserves... a short drop and a sudden stop.”
– Captain Jaymes Geenringsstad, Pirate Hunter
of House de Roele f
The largest Marienburger colony within the Southern
Sea, Fort Wilheimsdok lies at the far end of a deep and
narrow harbour, on the sparsely vegetated island of
Corazón. Both a military installation and a vast market,
one third of all the buildings here are shops, taverns,
wench-houses or hostels. Governor-General Tomask
Bestek-Touwring commands the fortress with Zijde
Handelaar, his right hand man, dealing with much of the
day-to-day management of the fortress. The Governor is
technically answerable to the whole of the Directorate of
Marienburg, but in practice, he is very much a dedicated
servant of Clotilde de Roelef. Although the Trading
On the western half of the island is the monastery of
Beltrán-Travieso, home to the Knights of the Opalescent
Fortress. This breakaway sect of Myrmidian Templars,
founded under the leadership of their then Grandmaster,
Beltrán-Travieso, successfully sued for independence
from the Crown several decades ago when His Imperial
Majesty King Alfonso III Garcés, a notoriously weak
monarch of Colina, sold the western half of his kingdom
for an unrecorded sum. The Knights believe that
Myrmidia’s stricture to Act with Honour and Dignity at all
times is paramount, and sentence transgressors to harsh
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An unofficial Scurvy Supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Houses of de Kuypers, van Scheldt, Den Euwe and
Rothemuur all maintain a strong presence on the Islas.
On the other end of the Isla d’Azure from Porto Sarbá is
the fishing village of Culo Trento, where the island’s
native Estalians make a living diving for shellfish from the
sea floor. The men of Porto Sarbá are openly disparaging
of the villagers, claiming that they spend so long
underwater that they must have bred with the fish.
The fort is vitally important to Marienburg’s trade
interests, as direct travel between Marienburg and Lustria
is too long and dangerous a trip to sanely attempt. The
ideal half-way port to restock supplies and wait out
squalls is the City of Lothern in Ulthuan, a privilege the
High Elves only grant to the Merchant Ships of the
Trading House Rothemuur. Other Trading Houses
wishing to pursue Lustrian trade opportunities instead
travel to Fort Wilheimsdok, and then undertake the much
shorter crossing to Lustria from there.
Affiliation: Marienburg/Independent
Bay: Galleons must make a Challenging (-10%) Sail test
to make berth here.
Produced Goods: Shellfish
Adventure Hook: While to an outsider it looks like
Koenraad de Graeff has little to do with House de Roelef,
nothing could be further from the truth. For it is de Graeff
who brokers the deals between House de Roelef and the
Pirate Captains, hiring them as unofficial privateers
against all who rival House de Roelef’s stranglehold on
Marienburg trade. Agents of the Laughing Prince of
Luccini decide to hire the characters as spies who will
travel to Porto Sarbá and collect enough evidence
against de Graeff to unite the Tilean City States into
sending out a fleet to besiege and destroy the Isla.
Many Estalians are hardly happy about having a huge
Marienburger fortress on Estalia’s doorstep. As a result
the de Argüello Family who sold the Isla Corazón live as
outcasts in the Empire city of Altdorf, one of the few
places where they feel safe from patriotic Estalian
assassins. For unpatriotic Estalians however, the villages
of Assiento and Porto Ojeda on the Isla Corazón are
havens for smugglers wishing to avoid the Averia Tax,
which Marienburg does not levy. Most pirates steer clear
of the Isla, for the Governor-General owns a pair of 44-
gun galleons tasked with sinking every pirate ship a-sail
in the Southern Sea, apart from those issued Marienburg
Letters of Marque and Reprisal.
Affiliation: Marienburg
“There are hungers as strong as the wind and tides.”
– Traditional Pirate Shanty
A rocky and barren island that some say resembles a
grinning skull, the Isla de los Muertos was for many years
home to Fort Maloro, once used by Estalian pirates as a
safe harbour from which to raid merchant ships travelling
through the Southern Sea. This situation ended over fifty
years ago, when the Marienburg House de Roelef, sick of
the constant loss of profit from the pirate raiding, levelled
the fort to the ground with cannon fire.
Bay: Galleons must hire a local Pilot to make berth here
by local law.
Produced Goods: Perishable Foodstuffs, Tuna, Rye,
Iguanas (eaten as meat)
Adventure Hook: Fort Wilheimsdok is a centre for
smuggling activity and is the location of the largest black
market in the Southern Littoral, where merchants deal in
everything, from deadly poisons to parrots. Sent by an
Estalian merchant, the characters must recover an
ancient sword he believes has become available,
avoiding excisemen, assassins and being press-ganged.
Even then, once they have the sword, what will they do
when they see it bears as inscription dedicating it to
Khorne, the Blood God?
Named for its blue waters, this spit of land is located at
the easternmost end of the Southern Littoral, where it
butts up against the Fool’s Rocks. On it stands the port
town of Porto Sarbá, an old Marienburger colony whose
population makes its way by means of fishing and
occasional trade. Governor Koenraad de Graeff is said to
nominally hold allegiance to the great trading house of de
Roelef, although he seems to be somewhat lax in paying
any taxes or indeed upholding any laws. This has made
the Isla d’Azure a haven for pirates looking for safe
harbour near the Cap d’Orient.
Marienburg now claims the Isla as their own, and have
built Fort Zoutmens, a small Defence Tower with a single
cannon that is garrisoned from nearby Fort Wilheimsdok
to watch over the Isla. The only other inhabitants of the
boulder-strewn Isla are a few scattered native Estalian
villages and farmsteads whose residents fish and herd
goats to make a living.
Affiliation: Marienburg
Bay: Galleons must make a Challenging (-10%) Sail test
to make berth here.
Produced Goods: Goats, Shellfish
Adventure Hook: Razing the pirate fort seems to have
done little good, for the whole of the Isla de los Muertos
lingers under a terrible curse. Each full moon a spectral
galleon full of ghostly pirates sallies forth from the ruins of
Fort Maloro, seemingly unaffected by any cannon fire.
Agents of House de Roelef hire the characters to
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An unofficial Scurvy Supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
investigate the Fort and destroy the source of the
Undead, be it the unburied dead, a hostile Vampire or an
ancient Slann curse placed on looted Lustrian Gold.
with their powerful neighbour has not gone unnoticed and
the port is now defended by majestic twin fortresses,
which stand on either side of the city’s harbour. Each one
is bristling with cannon and host huge chains that, when
raised, block any ship from entering the island’s bay.
Known to be the last place of any real size as the
Southern Littoral makes its way into the Great Ocean
proper, the tiny plantation island of Santa Bernadette is a
popular place for buccaneers. The dense covering of
trees makes hiding here easy and the island’s only bay is
a shallow affair of gritty sand: Crews wishing to trade
here must weigh anchor outside of the bay and make
their way to land by jolly boat or launch.
Santa Clair is home to an important temple and
monastery of Morr and even took its name from the first
High Priestess, many generations ago. An extensive
network of catacombs winds its way under the city and is
said to be so extensive that it even links up to the silver
mines. Most noble and merchant houses have private
access to these catacombs via their family mausoleums,
and scurrilous rumours claim that the catacombs are a
frequent method of conducting secret assignations.
The houses here are primitive dwellings made of mud
brick and plastered timber, covered with whitewash.
Some of these dwellings double as simple grog-shops or
guesthouses, but there are no inns or shops as such
here. The strangest building here is the Mission of
Sigmar, a circular temple internally supported by a
mizzenmast that once washed up here as driftwood.
Dog-eared tapestries depicting the life of Sigmar
decorate the inside of the Temple and the solitary Priest
is always in attendance to try to convince passing pirates
to embrace Sigmar and give up their life of crime.
Affiliation: Independent
The city has an ever-growing population of Diestro,
drawn here by the presence of the retired Estalian Blade
Master Oleos de Poelle, who makes his home upon this
Isla. He is known to train the very best of the best of
duellists, and each Diestro here hones their technique in
countless petty skirmishes in the hopes of impressing this
famous old master.
Affiliation: Estalia (Kingdom of Santa Clair)
Bay: Any ship may make berth in this deepwater bay.
Produced Goods: Estalian Tobacco, Silver Ingots,
Copper Ingots, Raw Sugar, Wine
Adventure Hook: Don Arturo Gonzales is the Captain
of the Descubierta, a small trading ship used to transport
fine Estalian wines and sherry from Santa Clair to Tilea,
Bretonnia and Araby. First Mate Shend Bungo runs this
small trading vessel, which is crewed by the finest of
Magrittan seamen. As with most merchants that are at
sea for months at a time, Don Gonzales takes his wife
and young son on all his voyages, and therefore is
anxious to hire dependable marines to guard his family
against pirates as they travel through the Thousand Islas.
Bay: Galleons may not make berth in this shallow bay.
Produced Goods: Raw Sugar
Adventure Hook: While the characters are sampling
the delights of the island’s grog, a stray Mermaid (See
WFRP Companion) has become beached upon the
island, damaging her tail. The Priest of Sigmar wants to
kill her as a Chaos Mutant while the islanders know to do
so will anger the Sea Herself who will send forth the
Triton to destroy the island. Can the characters placate
both sides without angering either of the conflicting
Ruled over by his Most Serene Majesty King Hernán de
Ulúa XIX, the tiny island kingdom of Santa Clair sits just
off the mouth of the Bay of Quietude, the very heart of
Estalia’s Sea Power. A sparsely populated land, many a
nobleman’s hacienda dots the landscape, standing at the
heart of plantations producing grapes, tobacco or sugar.
The largest of the Islas of the Southern Littoral and one
of the few commonly depicted upon maps of the area, the
Estalian Kingdom of Vega dominates the trade of the
southwestern coast. A vast bar of coral reef, jagged rocks
and small islets defends the southern coast of the Isla,
while the northern coast boasts a chain of six Defence
Towers. In addition to this, the settlements of Porto Vega
and Porto Sayid both boast impressive fortifications,
principally to fend off attacks by Bretonnian and
Marienburg buccaneers. Mercenaries and marines spend
much time carousing in the bars of the island’s two main
ports, and the Kingdom grants Letters of Marque to a
vast number of Estalian privateers tasked with sinking
foreign pirate vessels, especially the green-sailed Xebecs
of Araby.
The thriving City-Port itself is the Isla’s main settlement,
originally founded upon the wealth of the island’s copper
and silver mines, although this has declined in recent
years. Now Santa Clair has remade itself as an important
trading town, where merchant traders can bypass the
unfair system of restrictive regulations and patronage that
dominates the City of Magritta. The enmity this creates
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