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b -Agonist Residues in Food, Analysis by LC
Nikolaos A. Botsoglou
Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
animals for growth-promoting purposes has been pro-
hibited by regulatory agencies in Europe, Asia, and the
Americas. Clenbuterol, in particular, has been banned by
the FDA for any animal application in the United States,
whereas tishighly ikelytobebannedevenfor
therapeutic use in the United States in the near future.
However, veterinary use of some b-agonists, such as
clenbuterol, cimaterol, and ractopamine, is still licensed in
several parts of the world for therapeutic purposes.
b-Agonists are synthetically produced compounds that, in
addition to their regular therapeutic role in veterinary
medicine as bronchodilatory and tocolytic agents, can
promote live weight gain in food-producing animals. They
are also referred to as repartitioning agents because their
effect on carcass composition is to increase the deposition
of protein while reducing fat accumulation. For use in
lean-meat production, doses of 5 to 15 times greater than
the recommended therapeutic dose would be required,
together with a more prolonged period of in-feed
administration, which is often quite near to slaughter to
obviate the elimination problem. Such use would result in
significant residue levels in edible tissues of treated
animals, which might in turn exert adverse effects in the
cardiovascular and central nervous systems of the
consumers. [1]
There are a number of well-documented cases where
consumption of liver and meat from animals that have
been illegally treated with these compounds, particularly
clenbuterol, has resulted in massive human intoxifica-
tion. [1] In Spain, a foodborne clenbuterol poisoning
outbreak occurred in 1989–1990, affecting 135 persons.
Consumption of liver containing clenbuterol in the range
160–291 ppb was identified as the common point in the 43
families affected, while symptoms were observed in 97%
of all family members who consumed liver. In 1992,
another outbreak occurred in Spain, affecting this time
232 persons. Clinical signs of poisoning in more than half
of the patients included muscle tremors and tachycardia,
frequently accompanied by nervousness, headaches, and
myalgia. Clenbuterol levels in the urine of the patients
were found to range from 11 to 486 ppb. In addition, an
incident of food poisoning by residues of clenbuterol in
veal liver occurred in the fall of 1990 in the cities of
Roanne and Clermont-Ferrand, France. Twenty-two
persons from eight families were affected. Apart from
the mentioned cases, two farmers in Ireland were also
reported to have died while preparing clenbuterol for
feeding to livestock.
Although, without exception, these incidents have all
been caused by the toxicity of clenbuterol, the entire
group of b-agonists are now treated with great suspicion
by regulatory authorities, and use of all b-agonists in farm
Monitoring programs have shown that b-agonists have
been used illegally in parts of Europe and United States
by some livestock producers. [1] In addition, newly
developed analogues, often with modified structural
properties, are continuously introduced in the illegal
practice of application of growth-promoting b-agonists
in cattle raising. As a result, specific knowledge of
the target residues appropriate to surveillance is very
limited for many of the b-agonists that have potential
black market use. [2] Hence, continuous improvement
of detection methods is necessary to keep pace with
the rapid development of these new, heretofore unknown
b-agonists. Both gas and liquid chromatographic meth-
ods can be used for the determination of b-agonist
residues in biological samples. However, LC methods are
receiving wider acceptance because gas chromatographic
methods are generally complicated by the necessity of
derivatization of the polar hydroxyl and amino functional
groups of b-agonists. In this article, an overview of the
analytical methodology for the determination of b-agonist
in food is provided.
Included in this group of drugs are certain synthetical-
ly produced phenethanolamines such as bambuterol,
bromobuterol, carbuterol, cimaterol, clenbuterol, dobut-
amine, fenoterol, isoproterenol, mabuterol, mapenterol,
metaproterenol, pirbuterol, ractopamine, reproterol, rimi-
terol, ritodrine, salbutamol, salmeterol, terbutaline, and
Encyclopedia of Chromatography
DOI: 10.1081/E-ECHR 120028860
2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All rights reserved.
b-Agonist Residues in Food, Analysis by LC
tulobuterol. These drugs fall into two major categories,
i.e., substituted anilines, including clenbuterol, and
substituted phenols, including salbutamol. This distinc-
tion is important because most methods for drugs in the
former category depend on pH adjustment to partition
the analytes between organic and aqueous phases. The
pH dependence is not valid, however, for drugs within
the latter category, because phenolic compounds are
charged under all practical pH conditions.
ether/n-butanol as extraction solvents. [5,7,8] The organic
extracts are then either concentrated to dryness, or repar-
titioned with dilute acid to facilitate back extraction of the
analytes into the acidic solution. A literature survey shows
that liquid–liquid partitioning cleanup resulted in good
recoveries of substituted anilines such as clenbuterol, [7,8]
but it was less effective for more polar compounds such
as salbutamol. [5] Diphasic dialysis can also be used for
purification of the primary sample extract. This procedure
was only applied in the determination of clenbuterol re-
sidues in liver using tert-butylmethyl ether as the ex-
traction solvent. [6]
b-Agonists are relatively polar compounds that are
soluble in methanol and ethanol, slightly soluble in
chloroform, and almost insoluble in benzene. When
analyzing liquid samples for residues of b-agonists,
deconjugation of bound residues, using 2-glucuronidase/
sulfatase enzyme hydrolysis prior to sample extraction,
is often recommended. [3,4] Semisolid samples, such as
liver and muscle, require usually more intensive sample
pretreatment for tissue breakup. The most popular ap-
proach is sample homogenization in dilute acids such
as hydrochloric or perchloric acid or aqueous buffer. [3–6]
In general, dilute acids allow high extraction yields
for all categories of b-agonists, because the aromatic
moiety of these analytes is uncharged under acidic con-
ditions, whereas their aliphatic amino group is positively
ionized. Following centrifugation of the extract, the
supernatant may be further treated with b-glucuronidase/
sulfatase or subtilisin A to allow hydrolysis of the con-
jugated residues.
Solid-phase extraction is, generally, better suited to the
multiresidue analysis of b-agonists. This procedure has
become the method of choice for the determination of
b-agonists in biological matrices because it is not labor
and material intensive. It is particularly advantageous
because it allows better extraction of the more hy-
drophilic b-agonists, including salbutamol. b-Agonists
are better suited to reversed-phase solid-phase extraction
due, in part, to their relatively non-polar aliphatic moiety,
which can interact with the hydrophobic octadecyl- and
octyl-based sorbents of the cartridge. [9–11] By adjusting
the pH of the sample extracts at values greater than 10,
optimum retention of the analytes can be achieved.
Adsorption solid-phase extraction, using a neutral
alumina sorbent, has also been recommended for
improved cleanup of liver homogenates. [5] Ion-exchange
solid-phase extraction is another cleanup procedure that
has been successfully used in the purification of liver and
tissue homogenates. [12] Because multiresidue solid-phase
extraction procedures covering b-agonists of different
types generally present analytical problems, mixed-phase
solid-phase extraction sorbents, which contained a
mixture of reversed-phase and ion-exchange material,
were also used to improve the retention of the more polar
compounds. Toward this goal, several different sorbents
were designed, and procedures that utilized both in-
teraction mechanisms have been described. [5,9,13]
The primary sample extract is subsequently subjected to
cleanup using several different approaches, including
conventional liquid–liquid partitioning, diphasic dialysis,
solid-phase extraction, and immunoaffinity chromatogra-
phy cleanup. In some instances, more than one of these
procedures is applied in combination to achieve better
extract purification.
Liquid–liquid partitioning cleanup is generally performed
at alkaline conditions using ethyl acetate, ethyl acetate/
tert-butanol mixture, diethyl ether, or tert-butylmethyl
Owing to its high specificity and sample cleanup
efficiency, immunoaffinity chromatography has also
received widespread acceptance for the determination of
b-agonists in biological matrices. [3,4,12,14]
The potential
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b-Agonist Residues in Food, Analysis by LC
of online immunoaffinity extraction for the multiresidue
determination of b-agonists in bovine urine was recently
demonstrated, using an automated column switching
system. [14]
This literature overview shows that a wide range of
efficient extraction, cleanup, separation, and detection
procedures is available for the determination of b-agonists
in food. However, continuous improvement of detection
methods is necessary to keep pace with the ongoing
introduction of new unknown b-agonists that have poten-
tial black market use, in the illegal practice.
Following extraction and cleanup, b-agonist residues are
analyzed by liquid chromatography. Gas chromatographic
separation of b-agonists is generally complicated by the
necessity of derivatization of their polar hydroxyl and
amino functional groups. LC reversed-phase columns are
commonly used for the separation of the various b-agonist
residues due to their hydrophobic interaction with the C 18
sorbent. Efficient reversed-phase ion-pair separation of
b-agonists has also been reported, using sodium dodecyl
sulfate as the pairing counterion. [15]
1. Botsoglou, N.A.; Fletouris, D.J. Drug Residues in Food.
Pharmacology, Food Safety, and Analysis; Marcel Dekker:
New York, 2001.
2. Kuiper, H.A.; Noordam, M.Y.; Van Dooren-Flipsen,
M.M.H.; Schilt, R.; Roos, A.H. Illegal use of beta-
adrenergic agonists—European Community. J. Anim. Sci.
1998, 76, 195 – 207.
3. Van Ginkel, L.A.; Stephany, R.W.; Van Rossum, H.J.
Development and validation of a multiresidue method for
beta-agonists in biological samples and animal feed.
J. AOAC Int. 1992, 75, 554 – 560.
4. Visser, T.; Vredenbregt, M.J.; De Jong, A.P.J.M.; Van
Ginkel, L.A.; Van Rossum, H.J.; Stephany, R.W. Cryo-
trapping gas-chromatography Fourier-transform infrared
spectrometry—A new technique to confirm the presence of
beta-agonists in animal material. Anal. Chim. Acta 1993,
275, 205 – 214.
5. Leyssens, L.; Driessen, C.; Jacobs, A.; Czech, J.; Raus, J.
Determination of beta-2-receptor agonists in bovine urine
and liver by gas-chromatography tandem mass-spectrom-
etry. J. Chromatogr. 1991, 564, 515 – 527.
6. Gonzalez, P.; Fente, C.A.; Franco, C.; Vazquez, B.;
Quinto, E.; Cepeda, A. Determination of residues of the
beta-agonist clenbuterol in liver of medicated farm-animals
by gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry using diphasic
dialysis as an extraction procedure. J. Chromatogr. 1997,
693, 321 – 326.
7. Wilson, R.T.; Groneck, J.M.; Holland, K.P.; Henry, A.C.
Determination of clenbuterol in cattle, sheep, and swine
tissues by electron ionization gas-chromatography mass-
spectrometry. J. AOAC Int. 1994, 77, 917 – 924.
8. Lin, L.A.; Tomlinson, J.A.; Satzger, R.D. Detection of
clenbuterol in bovine retinal tissue by high performance
liquid-chromatography with electrochemical detection.
J. Chromatogr. 1997, 762, 275 – 280.
9. Elliott, C.T.; Thompson, C.S.; Arts, C.J.M.; Crooks,
S.R.H.; Van Baak, M.J.; Verheij, E.R.; Baxter, G.A.
Screening and confirmatory determination of ractopamine
residues in calves treated with growth-promoting doses of
the beta-agonist. Analyst 1998, 123, 1103 – 1107.
10. Van Rhijn, J.A.; Heskamp, H.H.; Essers, M.L.; Van de
Wetering, H.J.; Kleijnen, H.C.H.; Roos, A.H. Possibilities
for confirmatory analysis of some beta-agonists using 2
Following LC separation, detection is often performed in
the ultraviolet region at wavelengths of 245 or 260 nm.
However, poor sensitivity and interference from coex-
tractives may appear at these low detection wavelengths
unless sample extracts are extensively cleaned up and
concentrated. This problem may be overcome by post-
column derivatization of the aromatic amino group of
the b-agonist molecules to the corresponding diazo dyes
through a Bratton-Marshall reaction, and subsequent de-
tection at 494 nm. [15] Although spectrophotometric de-
tection is generally acceptable, electrochemical detection
appears more appropriate for the analysis of b-agonists
due to the presence on the aromatic part of their molecule
of oxidizable hydroxyl and amino groups. This method
of detection has been applied in the determination of
clenbuterol residues in bovine retinal tissue with sufficient
sensitivity for this tissue. [8]
Confirmatory analysis of suspected liquid chromatograph-
ic peaks can be accomplished by coupling liquid chro-
matography with mass spectrometry. Ion spray LC-MS-
MS has been used to monitor five b-agonists in bovine
urine, [14] whereas atmospheric-pressure chemical ioniza-
tion LC-MS-MS has been used for the identification of
ractopamine residues in bovine urine. [9]
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b-Agonist Residues in Food, Analysis by LC
different derivatives simultaneously. J. Chromatogr. 1995,
665, 395 – 398.
11. Gaillard, Y.; Balland, A.; Doucet, F.; Pepin, G. Detection
of illegal clenbuterol use in calves using hair analysis.
J. Chromatogr. 1997, 703, 85 – 95.
12. Lawrence, J.F.; Menard, C. Determination of clenbuterol
in beef-liver and muscle-tissue using immunoaffinity
chromatographic cleanup and liquid-chromatography with
ultraviolet absorbency detection. J. Chromatogr. 1997,
696, 291 – 297.
13. Ramos, F.; Santos, C.; Silva, A.; Da Silveira, M.I.N.
Beta(2)-adrenergic agonist residues—Simultaneous meth-
ylboronic and butylboronic derivatization for confirmatory
analysis by gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry. J.
Chromatogr. 1998, 716, 366 – 370.
14. Cai, J.; Henion, J. Quantitative multi-residue determination
of beta-agonists in bovine urine using online immunoaf-
finity extraction coupled-column packed capillary liquid-
chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry. J. Chroma-
togr. 1997, 691, 357 – 370.
15. Courtheyn, D.; Desaever, C.; Verhe, R. High-performance
liquid-chromatographic determination of clenbuterol and
cimaterol using postcolumn derivatization. J. Chromatogr.
1991, 564, 537 – 549.
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