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Las Vegas Part 2 – Point Of View Lesson
Greetings. You’re listening to the point of view stories for the lesson “Las Vegas Part 2”. Now in the mini-
story for this lesson we heard the story being told in the past or as if it has already happened. So we will
start now by telling the story in the present or as if it is happening right now. Okay, here we go.
* * * * *
Willie the white bear has lost track of time. He’s getting married to Paula the black penguin. The
wedding is at 5 o’clock p.m. It is now 4:45 p.m.
“I’m going to be late,” he says.
He knows Paula will flip out. So he finds a taxi and he tells the driver to drive fast.
“Paula will lose her control if I am late,” he says to the driver.
“I gotcha,” says the taxi driver.
So the taxi driver drives 120 miles per hour.
Willie gets to the wedding chapel at 4:58 p.m.
Paula is waiting for him. “I would have killed you if you were late,” she says.
Then she smiles and kisses him.
After tying the knot, Paula is very happy. She wants to have 15 babies, so getting married is a
pretty big deal.
* * * * *
Okay, so that’s the story being told as if it is happening right now. In this next version we’ll hear the story
being told in the future. Let’s say that the story is being told as if it will happen next week. Here goes.
* * * * *
Next week Willie the white bear is going to lose track of time. He’s going to get married to Paula
the black penguin. The wedding’s going to be at 5 o’clock p.m. It’s now 4:45 p.m.
“I’m going to be late,” he’ll say.
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Las Vegas Part 2 – Point Of View Lesson
He’ll know Paula is going to flip out. So he’s gonna find a taxi and tell the driver to drive fast.
“Paula will lose her control if I am late,” he’ll say to the driver.
“I gotcha,” the taxi driver’ll say.
So the taxi driver’ll drive 120 miles per hour.
Willie’s gonna get to the wedding chapel at 4:58 p.m.
Paula’ll be waiting for him. “I would’ve killed you if you were late,” she’ll say.
Then she’ll smile and kiss him.
After tying the knot, Paula’s gonna be very happy. She’s gonna wanna have 15 babies, so getting
married will be a pretty big deal.
* * * * *
Okay, so we just heard the story being told as if it is happening next week. You can hear the words “will”
and “going to” and “gonna”. That lets you know that the story is happening in the future sometime. Okay,
in the next version of the story Willie’s gonna tell us the story. So here we go.
* * * * *
I have lost track of time. I’m getting married to Paula the black penguin. The wedding is at 5
o’clock p.m. It’s now 4:45 p.m.
I say, “I’m going to be late.”
I know Paula will flip out. So I find a taxi and I tell the driver to drive fast.
“Paula will lose her control if I am late,” I say to the driver.
“I gotcha,” says the taxi driver.
So the taxi driver drives 120 miles per hour.
I get to the wedding chapel at 4:58 p.m.
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Las Vegas Part 2 – Point Of View Lesson
Paula is waiting for me. “I would have killed you if you were late,” she says.
Then she smiles and kisses me.
After tying the knot, Paula is very happy. She wants to have 15 babies, so getting married is a
pretty big deal.
* * * * *
Alright so that’s the end of our point of view stories for “Las Vegas Part 2”. Now, please remember to
listen to each of these stories until you feel comfortable telling the story on your own. Remember that we
want to learn these stories deeply. When you learn them deeply then you won’t forget them and you’ll
become better with grammar without even having to memorize boring grammar rules. Okay, that’s all for
now. See ya next time.
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