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        SM6LKM's OPTIMIST 80 - Building Instructions (DOS text version)

        IF you are a QRP enthusiast,
        IF you have heard about a strange tool called "soldering iron",
        IF you are getting tired of CW-only operation,
        IF you think commercial QRP kits are too expensive,
        IF you think small is beautiful...

        This may be the rig you are looking for!

Optimist 80 is a small single board DSB transceiver designed for the
80 meter band. Almost all components are available from the Swedish
supplier ELFA AB. There are no esoteric components in this rig.
The only exception I can think of is the small variable capacitor,
CV1, but it can probably be found in numerous junk boxes.

Short description:

- Optimist 80 is a QRPp transceiver for 80 meter DSB.

- Direct conversion receiver.

- Variable input attenuator.

- Narrow preselector.

- Drives a loudspeaker directly.

- Varicap tuned VFO, 3600-3800 kHz (3500-3800 kHz is possible,
  but not recommended).

- Low LO leakage radiation means less hum problems when powered
  from a mains supply.

- Linear class A power amplifier.

- 1 watt P.E.P. output power, QRPp class.

- Overload indicator with LED = poor mans ALC...

- A joy to operate.

Functional description, receive:

Preselection is handled by the resonant circuit formed by CV1, C1,
C2, C3 and L1. The signal from the antenna, attenuated by RV1 to a
proper level, is capacitively coupled into the bottom of the resonant
circuit. The J-FET Q1 exhibits a very high input impedance. Together
with the relatively loose antenna coupling, this results in a high Q.
The circuit is so narrow that even small excursions with the VFO will
necessitate re-adjustment of the preselector.

Besides beeing an impedance converter, Q1 also acts as a phase inverter
providing a symmetrical input signal to the mixer, IC1. Q1 has no
voltage gain at all in this circuit, rather a few dB loss, but, the
high Q of the preselector circuit results in a considerable gain anyway.

The mixer circuit, IC1, contains both a doubly balanced mixer and a
local oscillator. The oscillator tank consist of C11-C16 and L2.
Tuning is realized with the varicap diodes D2 and D3. The 10-turn
potentiometer, RV2, is the tuning control. RT2 and RT3 are used to
adjust the band edges.

The symmetrical audio signal coming from IC1 pins 4 and 5, goes straight
through T1, passes through the audio filter R21, R22 and C21-C26 and
finally gets amplified to loudspeaker level by IC2.

Functional description, transmit:

During transmit, the relay K1 routes supply voltage to the +12TX line.
A small current flows through the diode D1 which loads the preselector
tank, thereby shifting its resonant frequency and lowering its Q. This
is very important because even the slightest coupling between the LO and
the preselector tank would otherwise excite the preselector tank to
prohibitive levels. If too much LO finds its way into the mixer input,
it will upset the mixer balance resulting in degraded carrier

The +12TX line is also supplying power to IC3, the microphone amplifier.
The amplified speech signal from IC3 pin 6, is routed via L1 to Q1. At
audio frequencies, L1 can be considered a dead short. Q1 acts as a phase
inverter during transmit also. The mixer balance is adjusted with RT1.
It should be adjusted for minimum residual carrier.

When the speech signal is mixed with the LO in IC1, a double sideband
signal will result. This DSB signal, coming from IC1 pins 4 and 5, goes
to the broadly tuned transformer T1. At radio frequencies, the center
taps of T1 are practically shorted together by the capacitors C21 and
C22 in the audio filter. T1 and C18-C20 forms a broad resonant cicuit
which picks out the mixing products that belong to the 80 meter band.
The secondary winding of T1 has an output impedance very close to 50
ohms. The power level can reach about -10 dBm (0.1 mW) P.E.P here
without excessive distortion.

The DSB signal is routed from T1 to the linear amplifier consisting of
Q2-Q4 and their surrounding components. All three stages are operating
in class A. The available gain in this amplifier chain is around 55 dB.
Because of this, A -10 dB attenuator, R33-R35, has been insterted before
the amplifier in order to minimize residual carrier and noise from the
DSB generator. The amplifier chain is designed so that the final stage
has the lowest power margin i.e. the final stage will be the first to
suffer from flat-topping when the amplifier is overdriven. For obvious

The amplifier output goes through the T/R relay, K1, it is cleaned in a
5-pole lowpass filter and finally it reaches the antenna terminal. The
choke RFC4 shorts any 50/60 Hz hum present at the antenna terminal and,
also, it provides a DC path to ground that prevents static build-up on
the antenna.

The 5-pole lowpass filter may seem pedantic. Well, it is. You can omit
C58 and C59 and replace L3 with a piece of wire. I have not tested this
transceiver with a spectrum analyzer, but, even if the harmonics are
only 20 dB below the fundamental frequency, that's quite acceptable when
related to the 1 Watt power level...

As the final amplifier is working in class A, it maintains a nearly
constant collector current under normal conditions. When the final
amplifier is beeing overdriven, the required RF peak current becomes
greater than the available standing DC bias. Consequently, flat topping
will occur. At overdrive, the DC current through the transistor will be
modulated by the speech. The overload indicator uses this fact to an
advantage. The voltage drop across the emitter resistors R50 and R51 is
fed to a lowpass filter formed by R32 and C54. This filter is necessary
to get rid of the RF that is present on the emitter. The filtered signal
is then amplified by the OP-amp, IC4, to a level suitable for driving
the overload LED, D5. The modulation level is just about perfect when D5
barely starts to flicker on voice peaks. The forward voltage drop of D4
and D5 results in a desirable, and distinct, threshold.


The PCB is made of double-sided PCB material. The copper foil on the
component side is used as a ground plane and should not be etched at

Print the PCB layout file and make a PCB using your favourite methods.
Drill all holes with a 0.8 mm drill. Then, drill the holes for Q3 and Q4
with 1.0 mm. Drill the large square terminal pads, X1-X19, with 1.2 mm,
and finally, the four mounting holes and the Q4 mounting hole with
3.2 mm.

Look at the ground plane view. On the ground plane, on the component
side, countersink all holes that are filled with black using a 2.5 mm
drill. Be careful to avoid drilling through the board. The holes marked
with a thin ring on the ground plane view are ground connections to be
soldered on the component side and must NOT be countersunk. The grounded
component pins have octagonal solder pads.

Polish the board and give it a protective layer of solder-through

Start with all the components that have at least one pin grounded.
Solder the grounded pins on both sides of the board. However, some
components do not need to have their ground pins soldered on the
component side. They get their ground from a nearby pin that is easy to
solder on the component side. Plan the placement sequence carefully.
If components needing ground plane connection is "built" in between
other components, it could be very difficult to reach them with the
soldering iron.

Try to mount horizontal components, such as resistors, about a
millimeter above the ground plane. Look out for shorts between
ungrounded pins and the ground plane.

C3, C4, C5, C21, C22, C25, C26, C28, C29, C32, C33, C34, C35, C36, C37,
C38, C40, C45, C60, C61, C64, C65, RFC4, RT1 are examples of components
that do not need direct connection to the ground plane, but it doesn't
hurt to connect them. The electrolytic capacitors have square pads for
the positive terminal. The electrolytic's don't have to be soldered on
the component side.

The toroid inductors should be carefully close-wound. Wind T1 with 23
turns to begin with, leave a few centimeters in a loop and continue
winding 23 more turns in the same direction. Cut the loop at the middle
and you have 46 turns with a center break. The number of turns is equal
to the number of times the wire passes through the hole in the toroid.
It is easy to mix up the wires of the small transformer T2. Look at the
phasing dots in the schematic diagram. These dots are in the same end of
the twisted pair.

The T50-2 toroids should be mounted horizontally a few millimeters above
the board. As spacers, use pieces of perfboard without copper, or any
other plastic material of suitable thickness. You may need to drill a
few holes for the wires, especially those wires coming down from inside
the toroids. The small toroid T2 is mounted vertically, standing on its
own legs. When the rig has been tested, put some lacquer on the coils to
enhance frequency stability and to prevent microphonic effects.

The final transistor, Q4, has to be insulated from the heat sink using a
mica washer, or equivalent, and some silicon grease. When R24, R50, R51
and D6 is soldered in place, Q4 and its heat sink can be bolted to the

After the VFO has been tested, and covers the expected frequency range,
solder a screen around the VFO tank (C10-C17, L2, D2, D3). Thin PCB
material or brass will do. Make it about 20 mm high. Do not do this
before the VFO has been tested. See below.

Don't forget the wire link that connects one end of C39 with IC4 pin 7.

Solder terminal pins to the large squar...
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