Commonly-Used Proverbs & Sayings.pdf

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Commonly-Used Proverbs & Sayings
absence makes the heart grow fonder
- being away from someone makes you like him or her even more
Absence makes the heart grow fonder and when the young man went away to
university he missed his girlfriend even more.
actions speak louder than words
- what you do is more important than what you say
The politician promised to do many things but he never did anything. But actions
speak louder than words and he lost the next election.
all good things must come to an end
- an enjoyable experience ends
All good things must come to an end and we soon had to return home from our
all is fair in love and war
- anything that you do in love or in war can be excused
All is fair in love and war the man thought when he asked his colleague for a date.
all's well that ends well
- if things are good in the end then we should be satisfied (from Shakespeare's play
All's Well That Ends Well )
All's well that ends well and although the storm was very bad the children arrived
home safely.
all roads lead to Rome
- the same end or goal may be reached by many different ways
All roads lead to Rome and the two groups used two different methods to finish the
all that glitters is not gold
- many things that look attractive and valuable actually have no value at all
The man learned that all that glitters is not gold when he invested his money in the
stock market and lost much of it.
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
- it is not healthy to spend all of your time working and never relaxing or playing
The parents always wanted their child to study and did not realize that all work and no
play makes Jack a dull boy.
any port in a storm
- when someone is faced with an emergency he or she will accept help from any
source and in any place - even from someone who they do not like
There was a bad storm so the ship went to the nearest port. It was any port in a storm.
bad news travels fast
- people are quicker to pass on bad news than good news
Bad news travels fast and the man heard about the job layoffs a week before the
official announcement.
a bad workman blames his tools
- someone blames his tools or the material that he is working with for his own bad
The carpenter was angry that his saw did not cut well. As often happens, a bad
workman blames his tools.
bark is worse than one's bite
- someone is not as bad-tempered as they appear
The supervisor was always threatening to fire anyone who was late but he never did
anything. His bark was worse than his bite.
beauty is only skin deep
- looks are superficial and sometimes a beautiful person may have unpleasant
The woman is not beautiful but beauty is only skin deep and her personality is
beggars can't be choosers
- one should not criticize something that one gets for free
Beggars can't be choosers and the girl should not complain about the free furniture
that she got from a friend.
better late than never
- it is better to do something late than to never do it at all
The boy finally got a job after not working for three years but at least it was better late
than never.
better safe than sorry
- it is better to be careful than to take a chance and risk an accident or illness or a
failure which you may regret
It is better to be safe than sorry and I always bring my umbrella to work when it is a
cloudy day.
better the devil you know than the devil you don't
- it may be better to endure a situation that you are accustomed to than to risk a
change for something that may be worse
My friend wanted to change banks but he felt that it was better the devil he knew than
the devil he didn't so he stayed with his old bank.
between the devil and the deep blue sea
- you have two choices or alternatives and both of them are unpleasant
We are between the devil and the deep blue sea. If we increase our prices we won't
sell our products. If we lower our prices we will lose money.
bird in hand is worth two in the bush
- do not risk losing something that you have by trying to get something that is not
"You should accept the job offer with the lower salary now rather than waiting for a
better job. Remember that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush."
birds of a feather flock together
- people who are similar often become friends or spend time together
The four boys were similar in every way and a good example that birds of a feather
flock together.
blind leading the blind
- someone who has little ability or knowledge but is trying to help or teach someone
It was the blind leading the blind when the teacher who could not cook was asked to
teach the cooking class.
blood is thicker than water
- family ties are stronger than other relationships
Blood is thicker than water and the man chose to help his family rather than his
boys will be boys
- you should not criticize boys or men for being adventurous or mischievous or noisy
because that is how you should expect them to behave
Boys will be boys and the two brothers always come home very dirty.
cat has nine lives
- cats are very strong and can survive many accidents or problems
The president of the small country survived crisis after crisis just like a cat with nine
charity begins at home
- one should help one's family or close friends before helping other people
The man was always doing volunteer work. He did not understand that charity begins
at home and he should spend more time helping his own family.
children and fools speak the truth
- children and fools say things without knowing or thinking what they mean but often
what they say is true
The child said that the woman was too fat which was true. Children and fools do
speak the truth.
children should be seen and not heard
- children should be quiet
The woman believed that children should be seen and not heard. And her children
were always very quiet.
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