Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood (eng.).pdf

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Research of the Holiday Kind
Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood:
a neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne
Sarah E. Shea, Kevin Gordon, Ann Hawkins, Janet Kawchuk, Donna Smith
a little boy and his bear
play. On the surface it is
an innocent world, but on
closer examination by our
group of experts we find a
forest where neurodevel-
opmental and psycho-
social problems go unrec-
ognized and untreated.
an innocent world:
Christopher Robin,
living in a beautiful forest
surrounded by his loyal ani-
mal friends. Generations of
readers of A.A. Milne’s
Winnie-the-Pooh stories
have enjoyed these seem-
ingly benign tales. 1,2
However, perspectives
change with time, and it
is clear to our group of mod-
ern neurodevelopmentalists that these
are in fact stories of Seriously Trou-
bled Individuals, many of whom meet
DSM-IV 3 criteria for significant disorders
(Table 1). We have done an exhaustive review of the works
of A.A. Milne and offer our conclusions about the inhabi-
tants of the Hundred Acre Wood in hopes that our obser-
vations will help the medical community understand that
there is a Dark Underside to this world.
We begin with Pooh. This unfortunate bear embodies
the concept of comorbidity. Most striking is his Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), inattentive sub-
type. As clinicians, we had some debate about whether
Pooh might also demonstrate significant impulsivity, as
witnessed, for example, by his poorly thought out attempt
to get honey by disguising himself as a rain cloud. We con-
cluded, however, that this reflected more on his comorbid
cognitive impairment, further aggravated by an obsessive
fixation on honey. The latter, of course, has also con-
tributed to his significant obesity. Pooh’s perseveration on
food and his repetitive counting behaviours raise the diag-
nostic possibility of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
(OCD). Given his coexisting ADHD and OCD, we ques-
tion whether Pooh may over time present with Tourette’s
syndrome. Pooh is also clearly described as having Very
Little Brain. We could not confidently diagnose micro-
cephaly, however, as we do not know whether standards ex-
ist for the head circumference of the brown bear. The
cause of Pooh’s poor brain growth may be found in the sto-
ries themselves. Early on we see Pooh being dragged
CMAJ • DEC. 12, 2000; 163 (12)
© 2000 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors
O n the surface it is
Shea et al
downstairs bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head.
Could his later cognitive struggles be the result of a type of
Shaken Bear Syndrome?
Pooh needs intervention. We feel drugs are in order.
We cannot but wonder how much richer Pooh’s life might
be were he to have a trial of low-dose stimulant medication.
With the right supports, including methylphenidate, Pooh
might be fitter and more functional and perhaps produce
(and remember) more poems.
Eeyore. What a sad life that donkey lives. We do not have
sufficient history to diagnose this as an inherited, endoge-
nous depression or to know whether some early trauma
contributed to his chronic negativism, low energy and
anhe(haw)donia. Eeyore would benefit greatly from an an-
tidepressant, perhaps combined with individual therapy.
Maybe with a little fluoxetine, Eeyore might see the hu-
mour in the whole tail-losing episode. Even if a patch of St.
John’s wort grew near his thistles, the forest could ring
with a braying laugh.
Our neurodevelopmental group agrees about poor Owl:
obviously bright, but dyslexic. His poignant attempts to
cover up for his phonological deficits are similar to what we
see day in and day out in others so afflicted. If only his con-
dition had been identified early and he received more in-
tensive support!
We especially worry about baby Roo. It is not his impul-
sivity or hyperactivity that concerns us, as we feel that those
are probably age appropriate. We worry about the environ-
ment in which he is developing. Roo is growing up in a sin-
gle-parent household, which puts him at high risk for
Poorer Outcome. We predict we will someday see a delin-
quent, jaded, adolescent Roo hanging out late at night at
the top of the forest, the ground littered with broken bot-
tles of extract of malt and the butts of smoked thistles. We
think that this will be Roo’s reality, in part because of a sec-
ond issue. Roo’s closest friend is Tigger, who is not a good
Role Model. Peer influences strongly affect outcome.
I take a
PILL-tiddley pom
It keeps me
STILL-tiddley pom,
It keeps me
STILL-tiddley pom
And what of little Piglet? Poor, anxious, blushing, flus-
tered little Piglet. He clearly suffers from a Generalized
Anxiety Disorder. Had he been appropriately assessed and
his condition diagnosed when he was young, he might have
been placed on an antipanic agent, such as paroxetine, and
been saved from the emotional trauma he experienced
while attempting to trap heffalumps.
Pooh and Piglet are at risk for additional self-esteem in-
jury because of the chronic dysthymia of their neighbour,
Table 1: DSM-IV multiaxial diagnosis of conditions demonstrated by the inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood
Axis I
Clinical disorders
Axis II
Personality disorders/
mental retardation
Axis III
General medical
Axis IV
environmental problems
ADHD, inattentive subtype;
OCD (provisional diagnosis)
Borderline intellectual
functioning (Very Little
Poor diet, obesity,
binge eating
Generalized anxiety disorder
Failure to thrive
Dysthymic disorder
Traumatic amputation
of tail
Housing problems
Narcissistic personality
Reading disorder
Housing problems
ADHD, hyperactivity–
impulsivity subtype
Single parent,
overprotective of child
Single parenthood,
undesirable peer group,
victim of unusual feeding
practices (extract of malt)
Christopher Robin Gender identity disorder
of childhood (provisional
Lack of parental
supervision, possible
educational problems
Note: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, OCD = obsessive compulsive disorder.
*The Axis V (global assessment of functioning) scale was deferred.
JAMC • 12 DÉC. 2000; 163 (12)
Neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne
We acknowledge that Tigger is gregarious and affec-
tionate, but he has a recurrent pattern of risk-taking behav-
iours. Look, for example, at his impulsive sampling of un-
known substances when he first comes to the Hundred
Acre Wood. With the mildest of provocation he tries
honey, haycorns and even thistles. Tigger has no knowl-
edge of the potential outcome of his experimentation.
Later we find him climbing tall trees and acting in a way
that can only be described as socially intrusive. He leads
Roo into danger. Our clinical group has had its own debate
about what the best medication might be for Tigger. Some
of us have argued that his behaviours, occurring in a con-
text of obvious hyperactivity and impulsivity, would suggest
the need for a stimulant medication. Others have wondered
whether clonidine might be helpful, or perhaps a combina-
tion of the two. Unfortunately we could not answer the
question as scientifically as we would have liked because we
could find only human studies in the literature.
Even if we were able to help Tigger, we would still have
the problem of Roo’s growing up with a single parent.
Kanga is noted to be somewhat overprotective. Could her
possessiveness of Roo relate to a previous run-in with social
services? And where will Kanga be in the future? It is
highly likely that she will end up older, blowsier, struggling
to look after several joeys conceived in casual relationships
with different fathers, stuck at a dead end with inadequate
financial resources. But perhaps we are being too gloomy.
Kanga may prove to be one of those exceptional single
mothers who show a natural resilience — an ability, if we
may say so, to bounce back. Maybe Kanga will pass her
high school equivalency test, earn a university degree and
maybe even get an MBA. Perhaps some day Kanga will buy
the Hundred Acre Wood and develop it into a gated com-
munity of $500000 homes. But that is not likely to happen,
particularly in a social context that does not appear to value
education and provides no strong female leadership.
What leadership there is in the Hundred Acre Wood is
simply that offered by one small boy, Christopher Robin.
Our group believes that Christopher Robin has not exhib-
ited any diagnosable condition as yet, but we are concerned
about several issues. There is the obvious problem of a
complete absence of parental supervision, not to mention
the fact that this child is spending his time talking to ani-
mals. We also noted in the stories early signs of difficulty
with academics and felt that E.H. Shepard’s illustrations
suggest possible future gender identity issues for this child.
The more psychoanalytical member in our group indicated
that there could be some Freudian meaning to his peculiar
naming of his bear as Winnie-the-Pooh.
Finally, we turn to Rabbit. We note his tendency to
be extraordinarily self-important and his odd belief sys-
tem that he has a great many relations (many of other
species!) and friends. He seems to have an overriding
need to organize others, often against their will, into new
groupings, with himself always at the top of the reporting
structure. We believe that he has missed his calling, as he
clearly belongs in senior-level hospital administration.
Somewhere at the top of the forest a little boy and his
bear play. Sadly, the forest is not, in fact, a place of en-
chantment, but rather one of disenchantment, where neu-
rodevelopmental and psychosocial problems go unrecog-
nized and untreated. It is unfortunate that an Expotition
was never Organdized to a Child Development Clinic.
Sarah-the-Shea, Ann-the-Hawkins, Janet-the-Kawchuk and Donna-the-Smith are
with the Division of Developmental Pediatrics and Kevin-the-Gordon is with the Di-
vision of Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.
Contributors : Sarah Shea was the principal author and contributed to the concept
and writing of the article and the analysis of the literature. Kevin Gordon, Ann
Hawkins, Janet Kawchuk and Donna Smith contributed to the concept, the litera-
ture analysis and revision of the initial draft.
1. Milne AA. Winnie-the-Pooh . London: Methuen; 1926.
2. Milne AA. The House at Pooh Corner . London: Methuen; 1928.
3. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders. 4th ed. Washington: The Association; 1994.
Reprint requests to: Dr. Sarah E. Shea, Developmental Clinic, IWK
Grace Health Centre, 5850 University Ave., Halifax NS B3J 3G9;
fax 902 428-3284
CMAJ • DEC. 12, 2000; 163 (12)
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