07a - The Sex Line - Deny vs. Justify.pdf

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A Man’s Guide
part 7
Female Mind
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The Sex Line: Deny vs. Justify
eny / Justify is the SEXUAL dimension of a woman’s character type.
To me, this is the most important dimension, and it is the one that I pay
attention to the most in my interactions.
I will often build out my entire strategy based on this one dimension
alone, and if you really nail it, with master execution, the other two will
not matter nearly as much.
The reason is because our most predominant role in a woman’s life is
sexual. Sex is the reason why we all exist, and it is very primal and basic.
So pay attention.
Let’s talk first about the conflict a little bit. Most, and if I had to put a
number on it, probably 95% of women have experienced SOME level of
sexual trauma – or negative feelings and emotions associated with sex and
This is something that is a challenge to understand as men.
The analogy I like to use is being surrounded by a bunch of men, who are
all bigger and stronger than you, more aggressive than you, and also want
to have sex with you.
lack of control about sex.
Imagine being in high security prison for rapists, where the average guy in
there is seven feet tall and three hundred and fifty pounds.
Ok – now, that is sometimes a DAILY experience for women, and as such
they have developed very sophisticated mental frameworks to keep
themselves in check.
In addition women HAVE had very scary encounters with men, and I don’t
want to get too in depth about this but basically they will get intimidating
looks from guys, unwanted advances, guys (sometimes close friends and
family members) trying to touch her, take their dick out and of course,
unfortunately this goes all the way up to full out rape and sexual assault.
Women will often recall at least one, but often more, traumatic events in
relation to men and sex.
But on the other hand – just like us, sex feels VERY GOOD for women – and
they want it… so this creates a VERY strong conflict for her, and one she
must reconcile.
She does make the conflict easier to deal with by either DENYING, or
Let’s start with Deniers.
A Denier will essentially BLOCK out and remove those negative
experiences from her memory. She will literally believe they didn’t exist.
That is why many cases of molestation, sexual harassment and rape go
unreported. Her mental mechanism prevents her from confronting the
This allows her to still view sex as an incredibly powerful, positive and
pleasurable event. In my experience, and in the experience of many of my
trainers, Deniers are much more immersed in sex, and go a lot deeper into
the feelings than Justifiers do.
And for that reason – it can be a more satisfying relationship in many
ways. Having sex with a Denier is more special and unique because they
have had far fewer sexual partners.
Quite often Deniers have a strong religious background as well. The
religious training tends to compartmentalize the different areas of her life,
and she will have much stronger mental filters to keep things separate.
This allows Deniers to have a tendency to sometimes live double lives, and
do so very effectively.
I once dated a girl who was a Denier, and I was with her for a full five
years before finding out that she was once raped by a guy many years
before. She never included this incident when she talked about her sexual
past and did not count it when she told me how many guys she was with.
Now of course I never held this against her, and in fact I was very
understanding… But what’s interesting is this: It wasn’t until I started this
research and had a very deep understanding of the female mind that she
brought it up... And it was something she sensed in me – it wasn’t that the
project prompted me to ask her about it.
And that is something that you can expect to happen in your life as
well… as you get deeper into this system, you will find women becoming
more and more open and honest with you. They will sense that you “are
one of them” and things that she would NEVER tell other guys will be
put on the table.
And no, it’s not all stuff you don’t want to hear – there are some AMAZING
benefits to being in this “secret society”. Women will be much more open
to letting you have multiple relationships, casual / no strings attached
relationships, and they will feel much more comfortable showing you the
full spectrum of their sexuality.
That’s beside the point. Let’s get back to Deniers. There are definitely
some downsides to Deniers. First of all, and this applies to ALL women
but women, but women will sometimes be more likely to lie to you the
more they like you.
Why? They lie because they can and they will be more concerned with
maintaining a certain perception if they like you. There’s more to lose if
you don’t approve of their image.
And – if they cheat (which is actually less likely to happen than with
a Justifier) they will be FAR less likely to let you find out. Usually it
will just be a onetime thing, and they will suppress the memory as if it
never happened.
That is something that women are MUCH better than men at. They are
very aware of how they are being perceived at all times – especially
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