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Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hedge Magic Spell Creation
Spell Creation for
Hedge Wizards, Witches
and Warlocks
Article written by Daniel White
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Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hedge Magic Spell Creation
be rolled by the Hedge Wizard, nor do they re-
place Tzeentch’s curse.
This document is designed to give some flavour
and variety to Hedge Wizards and Witches. By
use of the charts and options contained herein,
an individual’s version of his researched spells
will look and feel totally different from other wiz-
ards’ versions. For each spell that the wizard
creates (both Lore equivalents and Hedge Wiz-
ard and Witch spells), roll on the Motif, Phenom-
ena and Focus tables to determine how your
Hedge Wizard or Witch manipulates the winds
to cast his spell. The same procedure can be
used for Petty Hedge spells as well. Note the
results next to each of your known spells. Your
wizard will henceforth cast his spells in the man-
ner dictated by the charts. These charts gener-
ate thousands of variations in the look and feel
of the Hedge Wizards and Witch spells.
Motifs describe the form that Hedge spells take.
For example, a Hedge researched Fireball may
have the motif of a skull, a tombstone or even a
pie! The Phenomena chart determines how this
motif manifests.
Each spell researched by the wizard can have a
different motif, but the GM and his player may
decide that the Hedge Wizard/Witch has suffi-
cient mastery over his creations that his motif
can be the same for all of his researched spells.
Some motifs may not be desirable for certain
spells, but by applying a bit of lateral thinking,
some interesting descriptions of the spell can be
made with any of the motifs found in the table
Note: Some of the effects generated by these
tables may not be to the liking of GMs and play-
ers who like to keep their magic unobtrusive.
Some effects could certainly be considered as
Insignificant Chaos Manifestations and are de-
signed as such to reflect the Hedge Wizards
and Witches dabbling in powers he cannot
properly control. The effects described do not
replace the need for an additional Hedge die to
Roll 1d10 to see which chart is used. Then roll
1d100 to see what acts as your spells motif.
Alternatively, choose any one as your motif.
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hedge Magic Spell Creation
Wrapped In Motif: You appear to be wrapped in
your motif for a second after casting your spell.
This is a visual manifestation that has no game
(Roll 2d10 to see which phenomenon manifests
the motif of your spell, or choose any one.)
2 Visage
3 Ghostly Image
4 Brand
5 Imprints
6 Seen from corner of eye
7 Audible Resonance
8 Conspicuous Sighting
9 Mental Image
10 Wrapped In Motif
11-20 Manifestation
Manifestation: Your spell takes the form of your
motif. A Fireball would take the form of the motif,
whilst a healing spell may see the dancing form of
your motif cover the wound. The GM and player
decide upon the exact nature of this visual mani-
festation. This is the most common phenomenon.
The focus must be used in order to cast the spell.
The focus is not considered an ingredient and
does not take the place of an ingredient for spell
casting purposes.
Visage: Your face momentarily reflects the image
of your spells motif to anyone watching. This is a
visual manifestation that has no game effect.
Ghostly Image: A brief ghostly image of your
motif appears right before you and is visible to
anyone within 5 feet for each point of your magic
characteristic. This is a visual manifestation that
has no game effect.
(Roll 1d10 to see how you cast the spell, or
choose any one)
1 Intonations
2 Mannerisms
3 Dancing
4 Shuffle
5 Circle
6 Imbibe
7 Pain
8 Trophy
9 Habits
10 Environment
Brand: A brand of your motif appears on your
cheek. It remains for 1 round for each point of
your magic characteristic. This is a visual mani-
Imprints: When you cast your spell, an imprint of
your motif (if applicable) appears in the earth at
your feet and extends like footprints for 5 feet in
front of you for each point of your magic charac-
teristic. The footprints fade after a minute. This is
a visual manifestation that may confuse tracking
at the GMs option.
Intonation: The first word that you speak whilst
casting the spell must take a particular inflection.
Mannerisms: You must affect one mannerism
whilst casting your spell. This may be anger or
shame or any other mannerism.
Conspicuous Sighting: Your motif can be seen
fleetingly from the corner of the eye whenever
you cast the spell. All within 5 feet per point of
your magic characteristic also get this impression.
This is a visual manifestation and has no game
Dancing: A particular dance step must be per-
formed whilst casting your spell.
Shuffle: You must shuffle your feet constantly
whilst casting your spell.
Audible Resonance: The sound of your motif is
heard audibly by all within 5 feet per point of your
magic characteristic. This is an aural manifesta-
tion and may cause a momentary double take by
those affected at the GMs option.
Seen Nearby: Your motif is seen within an hour of
casting this spell. This is a visual manifestation
that has no game effect.
Circle: You must complete one full 360-degree
turn whilst casting your spell.
Imbibe: You must imbibe a certain type of food or
drink whilst casting your spell.
Pain: You must suffer a particular type of pain
whilst casting your spell.
Mental Image: Anyone subject to your spell gets
a mental image of your motif. This is a mental
manifestation that has no game effects.
Trophy: You must hold in your hands a certain
type of item in order to cast your spell.
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hedge Magic Spell Creation
Habits: You must exhibit a certain habit whilst
casting your spell. This may be drugs or alcohol
or any other habit-forming substance.
01-10 Brand: One of your spell motifs is perma-
nently branded onto his cheek. This can happen
several times. Each new brand result rolled
means that another of the wizard’s motifs has
been branded onto his cheek.
Environment: You must hold a certain type of
earth in your hands when casting this spell. This
could be clay, rock, sand, lime or any other kind
of soil.
11-20 Musk: The scent of one of your spell motifs
(if applicable) follows you around. This scent is
audible to anyone within 5-feet/per times that this
result is rolled.
21-30 Eccentric Behaviour: You become more
unusual in your behaviour. Choose a single type
of object that you collect obsessively or a single
ritual that you must observe every day in order to
remain “safe”.
Passions are subjects that Hedge Wizards find
appealing. The wizard may pick a single skill as
his passion at any time. He may buy that skill for
100 experience points at any time or purchase
mastery in a skill that he already has.
31-40 Conduit: You become a conduit for magi-
cal energy. Your hair often stands on end and
small static shocks ground on surrounding materi-
als. Shaking hands is an electrifying experience!
Old Mother Hubbard’s Curse Of Rust
41-50 Anti-Social Behaviour: You have little
patience for company and are difficult to get
along with. You tend to see the negative in every-
one and seek solitude. Every time this is rolled,
you suffer a permanent –5% to his Fellowship
CN: 9
Motif: The number 7
Phenomena: Manifestation
Focus: Imbibe
Old Mother Hubbard’s Curse Of Rust is cast by
chewing a small amount of rhubarb. When the
spell is cast, the affected article rusts away and
the number seven is always branded into the pit-
ted and useless article.
51-60 Skulker In Shadow: You start to prefer the
shadows of night to the light of day. In daylight,
your Willpower statistic is lowered by 5%. This
penalty is increased by 5% each time that this
result is rolled.
Heinrich’s Omen
61-70 Moment Of Clarity: You suddenly realises
the source of your powers and gain one Insanity
point. This may cause you to seek official tuition
to harness his powers. Of course, for some it may
be far too late.
CN: 4
Motif: Wind
Phenomena: Brand
Focus: Dancing
71-80 Feral Independence: Your sense of inde-
pendence becomes so strong that you gain a bo-
nus of 5% to all Willpower tests. However, this
fierce streak is highly unattractive in social situa-
tions. You suffer a penalty of 10% to your Fellow-
ship statistic.
Heinrich must dance a few steps of the Mid-
denland quickstep to cast the spell. When he has
done so a brand appears on his cheek of a whirl-
81-90 Visitations: You start having ‘episodes’
where a chosen Deity visits you. The delusions
are very strong and may leave you in a soporific
state for many hours after each visitation. The
GM, as appropriate, can decide upon the manner
of each visitation. You will most likely draw some
sense of impending doom from the vision.
Due to their dabbling with magic, Hedge Wizards
and Witches can exhibit a large range of Arcane
Marks. Use the mechanism found on page 175 of
Realms Of Sorcery. If an Arcane Mark results, roll
on the following table. Future duplication can in
some cases increase the effects of the mark (see
91-00 Mark Of Dhar: The rune of Dhar appears
somewhere on your body (GMs choice). You gain
a 10% bonus to Channelling checks when casting
spells from Dark Lore.
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Hedge Magic Spell Creation
spells duration). Anyone outside of this area at
the time of casting is unaware of any buildings
wholly contained within the spells area or station-
ary humanoids that are within the spells radius.
Those outside of the spells area may make a suc-
cessful Intelligence test to see through the magic.
However, as soon as he enters the spell area any
hidden features such as buildings and humanoids
will become apparent, unless alternative methods
of remaining hidden have been employed. This
spell uses a large proportion of Ulgu in it’s weav-
ing and lasts for 1d10 rounds.
Due both to the nature of the magic that the
Hedge Wizard or Witch employs and the attempts
of Witch Hunters and Magisters to hunt them
down, many wizards have created spells down
the years to help them escape detection from
these agencies. Whether the Hedge Wizard/
Witch is a rural hermit or a reclusive town dweller,
escaping detection is of paramount importance in
order for him to continue his studies uninter-
Migration Of Beasts
The new spells detailed here are largely con-
cerned with preserving the wizards safety, along
with a few more overtly aggressive measures that
have been discovered over the years.
Casting Number: 12
Casting Time: Half Action
Ingredient: Stinkbug (+2)
Description: When the wizard casts this spell, all
animals of a specified species move away from
the caster if they fail a WP test. Use the large
template, centred on the caster. This spell effect
is stationary, so if the caster moves, the effect
does not. The affected animals continue to move
away until they are outside of the template. They
are free to prowl, fly or crawl as they wish once
they are outside of the spell area but certain ani-
mals may forget about the caster altogether at the
GMs discretion. However, those animals that
failed their WP test may not re-enter the spell
area until the spells duration has expired. Vermin
such as rats and insects do not get a WP test to
resist. Any animals being ridden can be controlled
if the rider succeeds at a Challenging (-10) Ride
roll. This repulsion lasts for a number of minutes
equal to the wizards’ magic characteristic.
At the GM’s option, the spells may be arranged
into a Rural or Urban Lore that Hedge Wizards/
Witches can learn. However, due to the nature of
their magic, this is not recommended. There is
nothing to stop him choosing a selection from
both groups of spells.
Fury Of The Elements
Casting Number: 8
Casting Time: Half Action
Ingredient: A cup of rainwater (+1)
Description: You cause the elements to batter at
your foes. The spell can be cast to affect any
area within 48 (24 squares) yards. Use the large
template. Heavy wind and rain (or heavy snow in
winter) lashes at any enemies within the spells
area. For 1d10 rounds the spell causes all Per-
ception tests and missile fire within the effected
area to suffer a –20 to the roll. Furthermore, if
the targets wish to move within the area of effect,
then they must make a successful Strength test in
each round that they wish to do so, failure of the
Strength test means that the targets may only
move at half of their movement rate that round.
This spell cannot be cast under a totally clear sky.
Nature’s Cacophony
Casting Number: 7
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Ingredient: A captive songbird (+1)
Description: You designate one spot in a rural
area. Whenever a humanoid comes within 2
yards of that spot, the local wildlife starts to call,
croak, bark or roar at the highest volume they can
manage. This cacophony can be heard at dis-
tances of 100 yards on a normal day. Conditions
such as heavy winds or rain may lengthen or
shorten this distance at the GMs discretion. Nor-
mally, this noise is enough to awaken anyone
within 20 yards of the spot, but may not for those
further away (a Perception test may be neces-
sary). The spell lasts until it is triggered or the
caster designates and casts this spell on another
spot. You may only have one Natures’ Cacoph-
ony in place at any one time.
Hidden Demesne
Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: Full Action
Ingredient: A pair of blinkers (+2)
Description: This spell covers an area of 10-
yards (5 squares) in diameter centred on the
caster (who must remain stationary during the
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