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Frank Kern
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
Hi, this is Bob Serling, and in this video I am going to
give you a complete overview of The Big Profits from Small
Efforts Roadmap. Now, the reason I am going to do this, it is
really important to have this big picture of exactly what you
are going to be doing from right now until the end of the
It really helps you to take in the material and understand
it in the most effective way possible. In the video here,
which runs about 20 minutes, I take you on a complete tour
of the roadmap, you’ll see exactly how it works, you’ll see
how easy it makes it for anybody, regardless of what level of
experience they have to make licensing a very profitable
endeavor. And,how much your clients are going to like it
because it is so easy to do.
So, with that in mind, let’s get right over to the video
lesson now.
In this session I want to give you an overview of the Big
Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap. It's seven simple steps
that will show you exactly where you are now and exactly
where you're going to end up at the end of this program.
The real purpose of the Roadmap is to show you how to
leverage my local-to-global marketing approach and turn it
into a seven-figure licensing business.
Now, there are seven steps. Each one is easy. They're
logical. You get all the materials to do them. So I want to
give you an overview of them so you understand the entire
process before we get into the detail of each step in these
sessions we're going to have coming up.
Step 1 is the prospecting step, and we use a method here
that we call "start where you're standing". Start where you're
standing means that you're going to start with those
prospects who you already have some established
relationship with. I'll show you how to do that in a second,
but what's equally important is to remember that in this step,
your only goal is to get one local client. That's it. If you can
get one local client – and it's really easy to do when you use
the Roadmap approach – then you can build that from a local
to global licensing business really quickly.
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
So the first step to do this is you're going to list every
business that you come into contact with during your
personal and business activities in a normal day. So you'll
sit down and just think about all those businesses that you
come into contact with over three or four days, and you just
make a list of them.
Once you have that list, we apply what we call the "show
stopper question", which is where is the ad buy? What that
means is you only want to deal with prospects who are
already buying advertising, and I'll teach you how to do that
in an upcoming session.
So once you have your list and you've narrowed it down
first by who's buying advertising, then you want to take the
top five to ten markets of those prospects – for instance, it
could be jewelry stores, it could be restaurants, it could be
vitamin shops, it can have tire stores – anything, but which
are the best markets to start with?
And then we're going to pare it down even tighter. We
start with the low-hanging fruit, and to put it real simply, the
low-hanging fruit are those prospects who you come into
contact with on a daily basis that you have the strongest
bond with. You've known them for a number of years.
Maybe they're even a relative, but they're someone you've
done business with for a number of years, so they have
reason to trust you.
After the prospecting step, we move on to step two,
which is to understand that you're going to start with one
licensing strategy only – no more – because what happens is
if you try to present a prospect with multiple strategies,
you've given them to many options, they can't make a
decision, they put you on the back burner, and then you
never get moved forward again.
Now, we have five strategies that we work with. I'm just
going to tell you what they are – a quick overview – and
won't go into them in detail.
The first one is called PCR, or Past Customer
Reactivation. That's where you help a business take their
past customers who haven't done business with them for a
while and get them to buy again. Real easy to do. You'll get
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
all the scripts for it. You'll get the entire campaign, word for
word, and complete instructions on how to use it.
Next step is a campaign called Customer Subscriber
Activation. It's similar to Past Customer Reactivation, but
here you're working with both their customers and their non-
customers, and what you want to do is activate them. By
activate, I mean motivate them to buy.
The third campaign is called a Scratch and Dent – and
Scratch and Dent only work with a company that has a
physical product. You want to take mildly damaged copies
of that product. All companies have these – things get
scratched or marred in shipping or from use, or they fall off
a shelf – and you're going to sell those at a discount. Again,
you get the entire campaign – everything you need to
implement it.
There's another version of the Scratch and Dent called
the Overstock. This is where you take stock that's sitting
around and is not necessarily scratched or damaged, but you
want to move it quickly. Again, you'll get the full campaign
and complete instructions for using it.
The final campaign is called a Market Test, and you can
use it with any type of product or service, but Scratch and
Dent and Overstock only work with physical products, while
Market Test can work with services and also works with
electronic products, and you may be market testing the price,
you may be market testing an offer – there are many
different elements. I'll show you all of them.
But those are the five campaigns.
Now, out of the five campaigns, there's one that's always
best to start with, and for my money, and let me tell you, for
your money, too, the best campaign to start with is Customer
Subscriber Activation.
And the reason it's the best campaign is because you're
dealing with all of the company's customers and all of their
subscribers and their non-customers – people who haven't
bought yet – all at once. So that means you've got a lot more
people who you can convert.
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
So it's definitely the only campaign I ever start a client
with, and it's the only one I recommend you start a client
with, although you could use the other four.
Now, at the end of the program I'm going to show you
how to use Toll Gate Joint Ventures, as well. They're very
lucrative, but I don't include them in the five main
campaigns because they're more time consuming to do,
they're more difficult to get your prospects to do, but they're
very lucrative, so once you have experience with these
others, then you can start using Toll Gate Joint Ventures, as
So let's take a look at step three, which is what I call the
Local-to-Global Starting Point. Quite simply, you're going
to start locally in a single-niche market. And remember,
you're going to start with one client only. That's all you
need to do.
The next point is that the first campaign or some portion
of it, for the first client only in each local-niche market, is
done for free. Now, if you're familiar with Million Dollar
Licensing 1.0, this is a big difference. In 1.0, we never did
any campaign for free.
I'm assuming here that you're new to licensing and you
don't have a track record to rely on, so what you're going to
do is leverage your trusting relationship with people you
know who you come into contact with every day, and the
fact that you'll do the first campaign or at least some portion
of that campaign for free. And real quickly, a portion is you
might say, "Okay, if you have a list of 20,000 people, we'll
email 5,000 of them and I'll do that for free. The first use of
that is for free. You get that at no cost whatsoever."
Now, all subsequent campaigns or all subsequent
portions of your first campaign are done at 20% of the
profits. That's your share and that's what you get paid.
So it's really important to understand that only the first
campaign or a portion of it is done for free in a new niche
market, and then everything else, they're going to pay you
your 20%.
Step four is the first Local-to-Global Expansion Point,
and I call it Part 1, and it's really easy and very logical.
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
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