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Frank Kern
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
Live Q&A Call Recording #2 of 5
Audio Transcript Part 1 of 2
Bob: Hi everybody it's Bob Serling. This is call number
2 for Million Dollar Licensing 2.0. A couple of quick things
then we'll get started. The results from people are just kind
of screaming in at a fast rate. I think we have somewhere
between six and eight people that have already landed deals,
so far. Which is fantastic considering this is only the second
week of a five week program.
I'm going to be interviewing a number of those people,
maybe even all of them, and putting those interviews up for
everybody to hear so that it can help you get some ideas for
landing your deal. And I also wanted to remind you that
Glenn Allen is on the line with us today as well. Glenn is.
Glenn: Hi everybody.
Bob: That was Glenn saying hi. As you know, Glenn's
COO of our company and he's been doing a great job of
keeping everybody right on track.
So, today we are going to talk about customer subscriber
activation. Now, you know I'm not really sure how long this
call's going to be. We have 90 minutes set aside. But if
you've gone through the CSA campaign, which I hope you
have by now, you can see that it's actually very easy to use,
very simple, very short. So we'll certainly use the full 90
minutes if we need it. It's possible we may not need to go
that long. But we've got that time booked so we can use it.
I want to do a quick review of just a few points on CSA,
then we'll open it up for questions. So, what I'd like to do is
you can start getting in the queue to ask questions right now
by hitting that one key. And as Stephanie told you, please hit
the one key only once. If you hit it again that takes you out
of the queue. So, here's a quick review then we'll open it up
for questions.
First of all, the reason that customer subscriber activation
is the only campaign you ever want to start your clients with,
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
it's because it is flat out the easiest campaign to run, it's the
easiest for them to understand, and it will make your clients
a lot of money. So that combination makes it unbeatable.
The reason the campaign works so well is because what it's
doing is it's activating, reactivating really, the client
company's customers, and their prospects, and anyone who's
on their list.
So, it covers everybody that's on their list. And because
of that, what happens is that you have to understand that
almost every business has what I call marketing tunnel
vision. And what that means is as soon as they've made the
sale to a customer, they're immediately focused on acquiring
more new customers.
So, they don't do very much, if anything at all, to service
their existing customers and prospects. They're constantly
looking to acquire new prospects, new customers, and that's
a massive mistake because the people who are already on
your list, both customers and prospects, first of all have been
educated somewhat to what you sell. And second of all,
they're the easiest people to contact because you have their
contact information. And that makes it very easy to sell to
them, far easier, less time consuming and less expensive.
With that in mind, I want to cover the five steps that are
involved in the CSA letter or e-mail. Now, the document
you have is in e-mail format, I recommend using it in e-mail
if you can, but you can also use it as a physical letter that's
mailed by postal mail. It works perfectly both ways.
There are only five really simple components. They look
simple but there's a lot of psychological triggers built into
those six paragraphs that makes it very effective. We've been
testing versions of this letter and email for well over
probably 20 years now and this is absolutely the best, most
effective version there is.
So there's five steps to it. I'm going to just run through
them real quick, then we'll open it up for questions.
Step 1 in the letter is that your client thanks their
customer or subscriber for their past support. Step 2 is they
remind them of the benefits that they're going to get from the
product or service. This is where so many letters, just typical
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
failed letters, like 50% off sales letters, fall flat because they
forget to remind the prospect or the costumer of the benefit
that is embedded in the product or service. They assume that
the customer and prospect knows that. But the truth is,
customers and prospects are bombarded with so much
information every day there's no way they're ever going to
remember the benefits of your products, so it's really critical
that that's in there.
Step 3 is to take responsibility for having neglected the
customer if that's occurred. You want to make it really clear
that if you did something, when I say you, I mean your
client's company. If they did something wrong, which
happens occasionally, it happens with every business. That if
they did anything wrong, that they will do everything to
correct the problem.
And then Step 4 is to offer to make it up to them, or you
offer to recognize them for their support, by making them an
offer that's so compelling that very few people reading it can
pass it up without feeling like they're missing out on
something really great.
The final steps that apply is to add in the components of
both exclusivity and urgency. The more exclusive something
is, the more limited it is, the more apt people are to react
very quickly.
Before Million Dollar Licensing 2.0, I don't know if you
remember but there were a whole sequence of e-mails that
went out and the final e-mail had a topic, the subject line
was something like, I can only do this for 24 hours, which
was talking about sales shutting down in 24 hours, that
urgency of that deadline. We sold more on that day than any
other day and more on that day than probably multiple other
days combined because of that urgency factor. So it's really
important to have that in.
That‟s a quick review. Glenn, do you have anything to
add that people need to know operationally, about the sites,
the material or anything? Before we jump into the questions?
Glenn Allen: I think everyone's getting access to
everything just fine. If they aren't or if you're not able to
locate something, please just shoot an email to
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MDL 2.0 Roadmap
back to you.
Bob: Okay. Well with that, let's go to the first question.
Bob: Hi Linda, Welcome.
Linda: I was reading over the presentation. I noticed
there was, I got a little confused between the presentation
that's in the arsenal, right. It seems to address, in the
beginning your addressing existing customers that either
you've upset for a reason I think or their inactive. But in the
original, the first one where we go out to get our first client.
Bob: Right.
Linda: It mentions customers and the prospects so I got
a little confused because we use the same letters.
Bob: Alright. Great question. The arsenal was really
meant for Million Dollar Licensing 1.0, and it was meant
just to give everybody some pre-program information to get
familiar with before Million Dollar Licensing 2.0 kicked in.
But all the materials we're using for this program are those
that you're getting in the five lessons, the five sessions,
there's multiple lessons in each session. So, if there's any
conflict between the materials, and there will be because
MDL 2.0 is actually much easier to use and apply than 1.0
was. So just ignore the stuff on the 1.0 side and focus only
on the materials from 2.0.
Linda: Okay. I was actually looking at a document that
said MDL 2.0, not 1.0. So that's why I was confused. I don't
know anything about one.
Bob: Shouldn't it been?
Glenn: I think that‟s just because of the copyright and
all of that on the Fast Start manual was upgraded to be
included in this program, but I think that's what you're
referring to, correct?
Linda: Yes, and the one that was sent out in the Fast
Start, because I read that over very carefully, and the actual
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
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