The Inner Temple of Witchcraft - Magick Meditation and Psychic Development by Christopher Penczak (2002).pdf

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tc Wmm ro THE AutHon
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0rlnrsToPHER PgNczl^K
Llewellyn Publications
St. Paul. Minnesota 55164-0383, U.S.A.
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First Edition
First Priniing, 2002
Book design by Donna Burch
Cover background O 2002 Scudio Backgrounds by PhotoDisc
Cover design by Lisa Novak
Editing by Andrea Neff
Interior Illustrations @ 2OO2by Mary Anrr Zapalac on pages 21, 32, figorc on page 80, I 50, figures on pages
2OO-207, figure on page 206, figure on page 208, figure on page 277, ttee on page 227, 250, 253
Interior Illustrations by the Llewellyn art department on pages 47 , 65 , 7 5 , 80, 102, f23, 727 , 138, 145-145, 164,
1 56, 17 t, t7 9, 189, 200_20r, 206, 208, Zt t, 227, 229, 3 12-3 13
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Penczak, Christopher.
The inner temple of witchcraft : magick, meditation, and psychic development / Christopher Penczak-tst ed.
p. cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
lsBN 0-7387-0276-5
1. Witchcraft. 2. Magic. 3. Psychic ability. I. Titie
8F7556p465 2002
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