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June 2009
Serving the Worldwide Helicopter Industry
The Robinson R44
Helicopters vs. Pirates
What the World Will See
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The Evolution of the Bell 4 Series. Four multimission helicopters, delivering more
reliability, maneuverability, safety and built-in performance. Not to mention the backing of Bell’s
internationally acclaimed support. Welcome to the leading edge of vertical lift .
© 2009 Bell ® Helicopter Textron Inc., all rights reserved.
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Vol. 43 | No. 6
June 2009
Public Service
46 Departments
10 rotorcraft report
Coming Events
Program Insider
Sikorsky’s Training Program
4 editor’s notebook
7 Feedback
8 meet the Contributors
52 eurowatch
54 Law enforcement
Cover: An Atlantic Rotors R44 takes off. Photo by Ernie Stephens.
Here: David Oliver, COO EADS, North America. Photo by Ernie Stephens.
Below: A Eurocopter EC225 leaves an oil rig. Photo courtesy of Eurocopter.
56 military Spin
58 advertisers’ index
60 technology
Cover STory
Crisis in the Gulf of Aden
Nearly every country has joined the fray to stop these bandits and
every country is using helicopters to help. By Richard Whittle
Paris Preview
An historic look at the show that is celebrating 100 years, plus what
visitors will find in 2009. By Douglas Nelms
r44 operator’s report
See what operators and pilots have to say about the R44.
By Ernie Stephens and Bill Richards
ArH Program
Will an armed version of the EC145 be the U.S. Army’s next scout
helicopter? By M. R. Jones
The editors welcome new product information and other industry news. All editorial inquiries should be directed to Rotor & Wing magazine, 4 Choke Cherry Rd., 2nd Floor, Rockville, Md.
20850, USA; 1-301-354-1839; fax 1-301-762-8965. E-mail: Rotor & Wing (ISSN-1066-8098) is published monthly by Access Intelligence, 4 Choke
Cherry Rd., 2nd Floor, Rockville, Md. 20850, USA. Periodical postage paid at Rockville, Md. and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: Free to qualified individuals directly involved in
the helicopter industry. All other subscriptions, U.S.: one year $89; two years $178. Canada: one year $99; two years $198; Foreign: one year $129; two years $258.
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June 2009 | RotoR & Wing magazine
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Editor’s Notebook
By Ernie Stephens
And the Winner of the
New ARH Program Is...
D avid R. Oliver, the chief oper-
slices of my often-convoluted logic to
support my position.
First of all, the 645 will be based on
a platform that’s already in service with
the U.S. Army. Granted, an offering from
Boeing would probably be based on the
AH-6 Little Bird, and if Bell should take
another bite at the apple, its design would
more than likely be loosely based on the
OH-58 Kiowa, which are both versions of
operational military rotorcraft. But what
gives the 645 a leg-up in my mind is that
it is the most recently accepted design in
former Black Hawk pilot who told me it
was harder to fly formations when the
slower AH-6s were escorting UH-60s.
Even with all the stuff that goes “boom”
hanging off its side, the 645 should be
able to keep up with the Hawks with
greater ease.
Then there’s training. If the Army
chooses the 645, transitioning a pilot
into it will mirror most of the process
used to check-out a pilot in the UH-72A.
And besides a few software changes,
current multi-million-dollar Lakota
flight simulators will be able to perform
double duty by training the gunship
aviators—uh, I mean the armed scout
helicopter aviators.
EADS also has a pretty good reputa-
tion in the industry. That’s not to say that
Boeing doesn’t. But it also means it doesn’t
have the black eye Bell got with the ARH.
But this morning, Mike, a recently
transitioned UH-72A pilot I know, said
he wasn’t so sure if I was right about the
ease with which EADS could make the
Lakota work as an armed platform. He
started flying military hardware shortly
after the E ar th co ole d, so I listene d
c aref ully when he said the U H-72A
Lakota’s airframe, in his opinion, wasn’t
beefy enough. He feels the modifica-
t i o n s I th o u g h t w o u l d b e rel at i v el y
simple would be complicated enough
to nullify my arguments, and that the
added weight of guns and a stiffened
hull to carry them would severely rob
the 645 of power and useful payload.
Having weighed the above pros and
cons of the 645, and taking into account
political variables, I still think EADS
will be the winner of an armed scout or
reconnaissance helicopter competition.
All they have to do now is not shoot
themselves in the foot with it.
ating officer of EADS North
A m e r i c a , p a r e n t c o m p a n y
of America Eurocopter,
announced that his organization will be
teaming up with Lockheed Martin to
build the Armed Scout Helicopter 645,
a gun-slinging version of the UH-72A
tw i n-eng i ne, l ight util ity hel icopter
currently being delivered to U.S. Army
National Guard units. The announce-
ment was made during the opening day
of the Army Aviator’s Association of
“I said to myself, EADS has just
won the ARH program.”
America’s annual convention in Nash-
ville, Tenn., known better as Quad-A.
Please note that the Department of
Defense has as yet to officially solicit
bids for an armed “scout” helicopter,
EADS’ name for something that walks,
quacks and swims like the duck formerly
called the armed reconnaissance heli-
copter (ARH); the program won by Bell
Helicopter’s 407 in 2006, but cancelled
by Congress in 2008 for being late and
over budget. The ARH was supposed to
replace the aging OH-58 Kiowa, also a
Bell product.
As soon as the words left Mr. Oli-
ver’s lips, I said to myself, “EADS has
just won the ARH program.” Later that
day, several people asked why I was so
quick to take this position, especially
when you consider how quickly the
wheels can fall off a proposal during
the approval process. In defense of my
kne e- jerk reaction, I offere d se veral
service. So, I think the Pentagon will find
the 645 easier to evaluate and accept,
si nce the b a sic pl atfor m w a s ve tte d
so recently.
The se cond par t of my argument
relates to the first part, in that the 645 will
be so much like the UH-72A, spare parts
and maintenance procedures will be com-
mon between the two. Just ask the folks
at Southwest Airlines how much time,
effort and money they’ve saved through
the years by flying one aircraft model,
the Boeing 737. I suppose there will be
some variations between the 645 and the
UH-72A, but even if half of the parts can
be interchanged, that’s a 50 percent reduc-
tion in the number of non-interchange-
able parts taking up space at the repair
depot. Swapping seats, skids, doors, etc.
between a Lakota and its pistol-packing
cousin will be a snap.
Since I have no personal experience
flying military missions, I will defer to a
RotoR & Wing magazine | June 2009
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