
(40 KB) Pobierz
00:03:32:Speech! Speech!
00:03:34:Well, first,|I'd like to thank all of our guests
00:03:37:for joining us this evening to celebrate|our son Tristan's 25th birthday.
00:03:42:We've been blessed in being able to hold|onto him a little longer than we expected.
00:03:46:And we enjoyed every moment.
00:03:49:But as your time as an undergraduate|finally concludes
00:03:53:and you move on to graduate school|and beyond,
00:03:56:we hope that you will carry with you|all that we have learned together,
00:04:00:and that you understand that you can|do anything that you put your mind to.
00:04:06:But more importantly, you have the|love and support of everyone in this room.
00:04:12:- Happy birthday, Tristan.|- Happy birthday, Tristan.
00:04:19:They're beautiful, aren't they?|Look at that.
00:04:22:I hope he doesn't blow this one.
00:04:25:- How are those LSATs coming?|- The LSATs on the birthday.
00:04:28:- Hey. Happy birthday, dude.|- Thanks, bro. Cheers.
00:04:39:It's just too easy.
00:04:41:- That guy cheats.|- Do you have six cards there?
00:04:44:- Give me those cards.|- Count your fucking chips.
00:04:50:- Can we go now?|- Rose, baby, we're just getting started.
00:04:54:Oh! You gotta be kidding me.
00:04:56:Well, I've had enough poker for one night,|so you can find a ride home.
00:05:02:Evan, you've seen the numbers.|This is a good opportunity.
00:05:06:I wholeheartedly agree with you, Ben,|but these things take time.
00:05:10:- You know what they say about Rome.|- We're not building an empire...
00:05:13:Ben, Ben, slow down. There's still|plenty of time to get all this figured out.
00:05:17:I doubt that my retirement will have|the effect that you seem to think it'll have.
00:05:22:And besides, we have|the whole weekend to talk about this.
00:05:25:So let's just|save it for Pismo. Drink?
00:05:28:- Sure.|- Yeah.
00:05:29:Girls, are you coming?
00:05:31:I think I'm gonna stay.|I kinda wanna learn how to play.
00:05:35:No, you don't. You're coming.|You'll thank me later.
00:05:38:- Where are you going?|- The mall.
00:05:40:Hey, Allison, isn't this crew a little young|for you to be hanging out with?
00:05:45:You are such an asshole.
00:05:48:You guys are all assholes.|Let's go.
00:05:50:All right. Ante.
00:05:54:- Bye-bye.|- And they're gone.
00:05:58:Good to see you.
00:06:01:Drive safe, all right?|Take care.
00:06:07:- It's time.|- Nice.
00:06:09:- Where do you think you're going?|- I'm coming with you.
00:06:12:- I don't think so.|- Come on, little guy. Let's go.
00:06:16:Oh, Jesus.|You guys are leaving, too?
00:06:19:- Yeah. And you're coming with.|- Yeah... Let me just ask the warden.
00:06:23:Don't you get some time off|for good behaviour?
00:06:26:- No, man.|- Hey, boys. Thanks for coming.
00:06:33:Sir, I wondered if I could borrow|your boys for a couple of hours
00:06:37:of safe, responsible interaction|with the outside world.
00:06:41:What kind of interaction?
00:06:43:Sir, I'm not gonna lie to you.
00:06:45:Consumption of alcoholic beverages|is probably gonna happen.
00:06:49:But not for this guy.
00:06:51:- Dad, it's his birthday.|- Hayden, be quiet.
00:06:55:Shut up, Hayden.
00:06:58:Well, can I count on you|to make sound decisions out there?
00:07:02:Of course, Dad.
00:07:04:Well, all right. Get your friends out of here|before they wake up the neighbourhood.
00:07:17:- He's such an asshole sometimes.|- Who cares? He's let us go out tonight.
00:07:21:Buddy, you're gonna|have a good time tonight.
00:07:24:- Where are we going?|- Oh, you'll find out...
00:08:05:Brooke, she's awesome, man.|I get it.
00:08:08:Couldn't you see yourself|with someone a bit less... uptight?
00:08:15:You're only saying that|cos you wanna get at her.
00:08:18:This is true.
00:08:23:Man, look at that little fucker go.
00:08:27:Case in point. You could learn|a thing or two from your brother.
00:08:30:Tristan's got more game in his pinkie|than you'll ever have.
00:08:33:This is true. But Marcus,|we're not talking about your cock size.
00:08:40:All right.|Happy birthday.
00:08:42:- Happy birthday, man.|- Cheers.
00:09:14:- Hello, Tristan.|- Hi.
00:09:18:My name's April.
00:09:19:What do you say we ditch these losers|and come follow me?
00:09:23:You know what,|I'm good.
00:09:25:- No, no. He's not good.|- Go. Go.
00:09:28:Take it easy on him, all right?
00:09:32:- Oh, yeah. Yeah!|- Whoo!
00:09:42:You're a quiet one, aren't you?
00:09:45:I'll take that as a yes.
00:09:52:So is it really your birthday?
00:09:54:Yeah, it is.
00:10:22:You know,|usually when I do this...
00:10:26:guys get a rise out of it.
00:10:30:Oh, I'm... getting one.
00:10:32:- What was that?|- Nothing.
00:10:42:You know, if you're gay, I can ask|Javon to come in here and help you.
00:10:48:No. It's just, um...
00:10:52:Don't stop.
00:10:59:- Dude.|- Yes.
00:11:02:- Dude.|- Yes, Hayden.
00:11:04:- We're not going home right now.|- Why's that?
00:11:07:We are going to the after-party on the|beach tonight and you're coming with me.
00:11:11:Ah, man...
00:11:13:Dude, a couple of hours.|If it's shitty, we'll leave. They're strippers.
00:11:17:It's a sure thing.|It's like the bull's-eye tattoo. It's a definite.
00:11:23:- Come on, man. Seriously.|- Oh, man. You heard Dad.
00:11:29:- Fuck Dad right now.|- Fuck Dad?
00:11:32:Stop taking yourself so seriously.|Lighten up a little bit. Come on.
00:11:36:It's your night off.|Brooke's out of town.
00:11:38:- Fuck Dad.|- Fuck Dad.
00:11:40:- Fuck him.|- Just right now. Fuck it.
00:11:42:- All right. We're going.|- Nice! Nice.
00:11:44:I like where your head's at.|All right.
00:11:47:I don't know where my head's at.
00:11:48:- You know I love you, right?|- I know.
00:11:50:Oh, dude, it's gonna be great.|I promise you will not be let down.
00:11:57:Come on. Quit thinking|about Brooke for one second.
00:12:00:- All right.|- I don't see too many people. Let's go.
00:12:15:- Chill out, man.|- You lead the way.
00:12:18:- You know whose house this is?|- Fuck that. No idea, man, no idea.
00:12:24:- I'll get a drink. You want something?|- Yeah, all right.
00:12:46:- Cheers, buddy.|- Cheers. You wanna go in there?
00:12:55:Come on, come on.
00:12:59:Smells good.
00:13:00:What do you mean, why are we here?|We're looking for that schoolgirl.
00:13:04:Are you kidding me?|She was unbelievable.
00:13:07:She's around here somewhere.
00:13:12:- Oh, oh, oh, oh!|- Shit!
00:13:16:- Get it.|- Mm.
00:13:17:Where are you going?|Come back here.
00:13:19:I don't want to.|What the fuck are you looking at?
00:13:24:- Was that some kind of trick question?|- Where are you?
00:13:54:Oh, I can't even believe it.
00:14:07:- Hey.|- This is for you.
00:14:12:No. I'm good.
00:14:15:So, are you guys|with the Wall Street crew or what?
00:14:20:- Not really.|- No shit.
00:14:23:- So, how did you find this place?|- My brother dragged me here.
00:14:29:Does your girlfriend|know you're here?
00:14:34:So, what's your deal, huh?
00:14:37:What girlfriend?
00:14:40:The one waiting for you|in some big house in the hills.
00:14:43:The one who you love to death,|but who also bores you to death.
00:14:48:Which is why you're thinking|what you're thinking right now.
00:14:52:Oh, yeah?|And what am I thinking?
00:14:58:Would it be better?
00:15:00:What exactly|do you do around here?
00:15:03:Listen, you might as well drop it.|It's not gonna happen.
00:15:09:Would what be better?
00:15:18:You already|crossed the line in your mind.
00:15:33:I'm not such a bad guy|once you get to know me.
00:15:36:Really? I don't think|Sebastian would approve.
00:15:39:Sebastian?|Who's Sebastian?
00:15:41:I'm Sebastian.
00:15:47:Hayden Price.|Nice to meet you.
00:15:49:Yeah, that's cute.|Your first and last name - I like that.
00:15:53:- Tristan Price.|- That's me.
00:15:56:Sebastian. UCLA.
00:16:01:Sorry, man.|I... I don't remember you.
00:16:04:Come on.|You don't remember me?
00:16:09:It's my party. Come on.|Let me show you around.
00:16:12:All... all right.
00:16:14:Thanks for keeping her warm|for me there, uh, Hayden Price.
00:16:19:No problem.
00:16:30:What's up, boys?
00:16:36:Javon, Antonio.|Guys, that's Tristan.
00:16:39:How are you doing, Tristan.|Nice to meet you, man.
00:16:44:- Drink?|- Whatever you got, man.
00:16:48:So, how long|have you known April for?
00:16:52:- Actually, I just met her.|- I figured as much. Not really your type.
00:16:58:It's a fucking compliment, bro. Relax.
00:17:01:All right. All right.|Well, in that case, thanks.
00:17:08:So, what happened to you, dude?|You dropped out of school or something?
00:17:13:Uh, something like that.
00:17:15:I'm actually in my last quarter now.|And then off to law school if I'm lucky.
00:17:20:Fucking law school.|Yeah, bro, that sounds real lucky.
00:17:24:That kind of reminds me -
00:17:25:I got this LSAT prep class tomorrow|morning, so I should probably go.
00:17:29:Yeah, man. LSAT prep.|Come on. Just stay for a little bit.
00:17:32:Yeah, I wish I could, but...
00:17:34:All right, dude. OK. Well, it's|fucking great to see you again, man.
00:17:38:- Yeah. You, too, man.|- One more.
00:17:40:All right.
00:17:43:- Yo. Later, guys.|- See you later, bro.
00:17:49:Your new boyfriend's cute.
00:17:54:- Hey, Mr Clean.|- Hey.
00:17:56:- Having a good time?|- Yeah.
00:18:00:Wanna have an even better time?
00:18:13:Trust me.
00:18:57:- Any thoughts yet?|- About what?
00:19:00:About whether this would be better.
00:19:58:{y:i} Sorry. I didn't realise|{y:i}you were in class already.
00:20:02:{y:i}I didn't even hear you leave.|{y:i}Do you know where your brother is?
00:20:05:Uh, n-no.|I... I haven't seen him.
00:20:08:{y:i}OK. Take care of yourself. We'll see you|{y:i}when you ge...
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