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The Pool Boy
http www fanfiction net s
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The Pool Boy
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whenhetakesupasummerjobatthehouseoftheschoolsbiggestbitch BellaSwan Geekward
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BitchBella Awkward FunnyandLittleLemons A H
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a fan of the word hate so I wouldn t go as far as to say I hated them No I severely disliked them
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Bella Swan was beautiful Big doughy brown eyes soft mahogany hair that cascaded around her
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creamy shoulders my mouth was watering now She was the ultimate perfection if the Oxford
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We had known each other since we were little our mothers were the best of friends Bella and I
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used to be friends up until we started High School years ago She made friends with Alice and
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Rosalie and soon realised the difference between us meant that people like her and people like
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My name is Edward Cullen I have green eyes brown hair with shade of red and I m a total and
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utter nerd I have to wear these big ass black rimmed glasses because contacts irritate my eyes I
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walk with a slouch because my tall frame has to carry my big head full of knowledge not to
I would do anything for Bella Swan to the anger of my best friend Jasper He wants to know why
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I pine so much over a girl who is a complete bitch to everyone
Yeah Bella Swan was a bitch I m not talking about your general gossip behind your back bitch
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no I m talking about a horrible cruel and devious bitch Thus one of the reasons I ha severely
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disliked Rosalie and Alice Bella never used to be like that I remember a time when we were
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friends -
My mom walks into my bedroom to collect the washing and I can feel her scowl at my back You
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spend too much time on that computer Edward It s no wonder you need glasses I just ignore
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I mumble a reply and she tells me that we are going to the Swans for dinner My heart thumps
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and my hands get clammy I wonder what stunt will happen tonight
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Bella usually has friends round at her house in fact I don t think there has ever been a time when
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she is away from her so called friends
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I get this weird feeling every time we go to dinner at the Swans It s a cross between wanting to
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be sick and wanting to sleep I ve debated a few times whether I should type my symptoms into
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I m just about to stand up and pull my black shirt over my weedy body when an IM pops up in the
corner with Jasper s face I snort and click on the box
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Hey Edward Wanttocomeroundtomineforawhile
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It was the cruellest hand of God when he made Rosalie Hale and Alice Brandon I had never been
Why Because of one girl Bella Swan
English Dictionary had to give an example of perfect she would be it
me did not mix
mention that the past few years of bullying has brought my confidence down
her because I m used to her disapproving tone and now it s just routine
Google but I m afraid the first result will be the Wikipedia page for Love
I quickly explain that I have plans at the Swans and that I will go around after I am finished
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prosper !
I chuckle and shut the computer off IM is addictive and once I start I can t stop
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My dad shouts at me from down the stairs and I stumble over myself as I rush to throw on my t
shirt and baggy jeans They are only baggy because I am so skinny
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Alright sheesh I mutter as I barge out of the door and down our marble steps
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My mom and dad don t talk to me in the car on the way I m slouching in the back watching the
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scenery go by and counting down the seconds until we pull up outside Bella s house I pull my
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phone out and consider going on the internet to tweet my fear but then I remember that
BellaBabex is following me and I quickly shove it back in my pocket She would love the
I clean my glasses and run a hand through my hair and before I know it we are at the Swan
house -
I unfold myself from the car accidentally banging my head on the roof as I get out My mom rolls
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mumble an apology My dad tells me to stand up straighter and I do until he turns around
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The three of us walk to the door and I am enthralled by the gnomes in the garden They have
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The door creaks open and Bella s overzealous mom Renee answers the door with a shriek
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I pretend that I am happy to be there and hope to God that Mike Newton or some jock like that
isn t here to overhear me Renee ushers my family in and I follow at the back wiping my feet on
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I notice that they have a new cream carpet in the hallway so unlike my mother and father I am
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considerate and un tie my shoes My sock covered feet burying into the carpet I m aware how
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weird it is that I find the carpet so exciting and nice but I don t really have time to think when I
hear a bounding noise from the stairs
feet Her hair is in a hair tie and a pair of black sunglasses rest on her head She s wearing a short
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denim skirt with a red bikini top covered by a see through white lace thing My eyes nearly pop
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She chews animatedly on some bright blue gum and slowly walks down the rest of the stairs in
Oh OK Goodluckwiththeshedevil dontlethersuckyoudry Staystrong Livelongand
satisfaction of getting to me
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her eyes and my dad disapprovingly frowns they think I m a loser too I straighten myself up and
opening her arms and launching herself towards us I m scared
the rough foot mat
I look up to see Bella leaning over the railings one of her eyebrows is raised as she looks at my
out of my head Why was she so gorgeous
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looking back down at my feet Why are you wearing Star Trek socks
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I look down at my toes the protruding arrow symbol from Star Trek peeking out from the bottom
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I m surprised Usually everything Bella likes is music channels and romantic flicks
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My dads a big fan she says in an offended tone before pushing her glasses back over her eyes
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and walking away My eyes follow her ass as it swaggers towards the kitchen If her skirt was any
Oh Bella has offered to help cook today Renee says in a proud tone I dont miss the glance my
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mom shoots at me before she mumbles something about wishing I was more like that
Yeah I m sure she wishes I were more like Bella I could be an asshole I could go out and get
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wasted every weekend I could sleep with anything that came my way and I could smoke so
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many cigarettes that I was bound to die by the time I was twenty Sure I ll be more like Bella
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Mother -
Renee shows us her new study room decorated in vibrant colours I m bored I want to talk TV
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I quietly leave the room adjusting my glasses as I accidentally barge my shoulder into the door I
I walk past the kitchen door and stop when I hear laughing The door is slightly ajar and I lean
towards it quietly groaning to myself when the outer rim of my glasses hit the doorframe and
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Bella is sitting on the kitchen counter her legs swinging as she holds her phone to her ear
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I swallow and carry on listening I m nosy like that
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Of course Alice when does he ever take them off They re like his signature she slides off the
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counter and turns her back to me stirring something in a large pot I swear the damned things
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nearly steamed up when I walked down the stairs yeah erm the freak does totally need to get
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laid -"
My eyes scrunch as I realise she is most probably talking about me I lower my shoulders further
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Charlie entertained me for two hours talking about how good his baseball team used to be but
bare feet her toes painted a shocking pink Cullen she greets with a nod of her head before
of my pants I just threw them on I shrugged You know Star Trek
shorter it could have been classed as a belt
with Charlie
can hear the television in the lounge and I know that I will find Charlie there
bash into the side of my eye I manage to adjust myself so I can see
I m telling you for real she giggles
and quietly back away I m used to the insults I think I will go see Charlie now
in and takes over the conversation Apparently I am going to Harvard
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Bella comes and goes from the living room She has to sit next to me on the sofa and I can tell
that I repulse her She sniffs a lot and angles her body away from me However her toes are
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pointed towards me I searched body language on Google once and apparently that means they
are into you But I see Bella s awkward position and I realise that the site was full of crap
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Renee brings up my hair saying that she thinks it needs a cut Bella speaks for the first time
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snorting into her lemonade Mom are you seriously going to lecture Edward Cullen on his hair Of
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My mom also cuts in that she likes my hair I sit there and just look at the painting of Seattle on
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Charlie calls us in to dinner and we all congregate to the kitchen like lambs to the slaughter Renee
shuffles me around so that I am sitting opposite Bella I run a hand through my hair I have long
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legs no doubt I will end up kicking her off the chair by accident I would be mortified
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The brief image of Jasper s face after I would tell him makes me laugh to myself He would think
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she deserved it Bella shoots me a hateful glance and starts plating up some carrots
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I think it s wonderful that you can cook so well my dad smiles forking some of his steak
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Thank you Carlisle It s a hobby of mine Bella smiles My lips twitch and the rest
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How are things going with that Mike Newton boy My mom asks sweetly
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Not very well we broke up Bella says in a half amused half sarcastic voice Mike was a pig
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Well I already knew that my dad said elbowing me Remember that time he threw all your
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How could I forget I mumble blushing
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I knew he was a bad one from that day on
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Bella gives a silent snicker so silent that I only hear it My dad mistakes it for an agreement and
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across each other and brush the soft skin of Bella s bare legs She gasps and darts her eyes
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towards me I stumble an apology before lowering my head down to face my nearly empty plate
My eyes shoot up when suddenly I feel something cold and soft going up my trouser leg
Whatever it is sticks to the hairs just where my sock ends and drags them upwards I bite my lip
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now they were rubbish He asks me about what I plan to do after high school when my dad walks
all the things
the wall it is much more interesting than my hair
books down the toilet
smiles I m glad you agree
The table continues with mindless chatter only Bella and I not participating I cross my ankles
of food
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