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Anna Banasik




Topic: I’m very hungry!  - a project about lunch at Polish schools

Grade: 3, primary school

Group procedure: Ss worked individually


1) PREPARATION: For seven lessons Ss learnt about food – meals, cutlery / crockery, ordering. They enriched their vocabulary and structures connected with this topic. At the seventh lesson we found out how lunches at schools in Great Britain and Greece look like. I asked Ss to prepare some photos, pictures and captions concerning meals, food etc. for the next lesson.


2) Lesson 8 -               PREPARING A PROJECT

a) We revised our knowledge about lunches abroad on the basis of the text in Ss’s coursebooks. Then, using this as a model, Ss tried to say about lunch in Poland.

b) Ss prepared their projects individually making use of brought materials– firstly they were doing a draft in which they decided on the layout of their projects and wrote short sentences according to given pattern (In Poland we eat…). When I accepted their correctness, they glued materials on a sheet from a sketch pad and wrote captions and a text.

c) Finally Ss presented their projects firstly to chosen colleagues, then we hung them on the walls and voted for the best one.

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