
(82 KB) Pobierz
{1353}{1383} Come on!
{3383}{3448} But you realize | I know nothing about politics?
{3451}{3509} - You voted for him, didn't you? | - Adam Lang? Of course I did.
{3511}{3590} Everyone voted for him. | He wasn't a politician, he was a craze.
{3591}{3623} Well, there you go.
{3625}{3734} Look, it's a new ghostwriter he needs, | not another goddamn politico. |
{3743}{3811} He was paid $10 million for these memoirs,
{3813}{3884} but rumor has it | the manuscript's a crock of shit.
{3886}{3962} Rhinehart's lending him his house | at the ocean so they can fix it,
{3966}{4029} and the pressure | must have gotten to McAra.
{4037}{4095} Pathologist said his blood was, | like, three parts booze.
{4096}{4146} You mean he drowned by accident?
{4151}{4233} Accident, suicide, who cares? | It was the book that killed him.
{4239}{4265} Well, that's encouraging.
{4295}{4335} Who is this McAra? | Should I have heard of him?
{4337}{4433} Yeah. He was some kind of aide to Lang | when he was Prime Minister,
{4435}{4503} so don't admit that you haven't. | He was with him for years.
{4575}{4617} I don't know, Rick.
{4687}{4751} This is a great opportunity for you.
{4755}{4802} Plus the money is good. Kids won't starve.
{4803}{4849} - I don't have any kids. | - I do.
{5199}{5225} Roy.
{5323}{5366} Who're you expecting to bomb you, | Random House?
{5367}{5401} We're publishing Lang's memoirs.
{5403}{5466} That's enough to make us a target, | apparently.
{5480}{5513} Thank you.
{5735}{5827} - How many have you seen? | - Five. You're the last.
{6010}{6039} I must be honest.
{6041}{6093} I don't think you're the right man | for this assignment.
{6095}{6137} Then it's a good job | it's not your decision, Roy.
{6199}{6274} John Maddox, chief executive | of Rhinehart, New York.
{6275}{6299} Sir.
{6331}{6390} Sidney Kroll, | Mr. Lang's Washington attorney.
{6392}{6416} Mr. Kroll.
{6418}{6490} And Nick Ricardelli I believe you know.
{6499}{6522} All right, Rick.
{6618}{6695} All right, I gather from Rick | you're aware of the situation?
{6730}{6763} Perhaps you can enlighten us
{6765}{6840} and tell us what exactly | you're gonna bring to this project.
{6843}{6872} Nothing.
{6931}{6983} No, I'm not gonna pretend | to be someone I'm not.
{6985}{7021} You have my CV.
{7023}{7102} His last effort was | the autobiography of a magician,
{7103}{7158} <i>I Came, I Sawed, I Conquered.</i>
{7159}{7225} Yeah, and it went straight | to number one, so...
{7227}{7278} After you turned it down, Roy.
{7291}{7390} Look, I don't read political memoirs. | Who does?
{7419}{7506} And I gather you've spent | $10 million on this book.
{7515}{7569} How much of that are you gonna see back?
{7571}{7622} Two? Three?
{7623}{7678} It's bad news for your shareholders.
{7679}{7751} And it's worse news | for your client, Mr. Kroll.
{7753}{7866} Adam Lang, he wants a place in history, | not in the remainder tables.
{7867}{7894} Oh, please!
{7895}{7948} It's because I know nothing about politics
{7950}{8039} that I'll ask the questions that get | right to the heart of who Adam Lang is.
{8043}{8099} And that is what sells autobiographies.
{8114}{8143} Heart.
{8188}{8247} Wow! That's nicely done.
{8248}{8311} - What utter balls. | - You think so?
{8313}{8402} John, of course. | Adam Lang's a world historical figure.
{8403}{8463} His autobiography is gonna be | a world-publishing event.
{8464}{8530} Yeah, well, I got warehouses filled with
{8531}{8595} world-publishing events | waiting to be pulped.
{8633}{8659} Sid?
{8678}{8771} Adam is obviously still very upset | by what happened to Mike McAra.
{8773}{8878} He was irreplaceable. | Irreplaceable, and yet he has to be replaced.
{8903}{9011} Adam can certainly appreciate the benefits | of trying someone different.
{9013}{9090} In the end, it's about chemistry. | Do you work out, maybe?
{9091}{9150} - Not really. | - That's a pity. Adam likes to work out.
{9151}{9235} Actually, I know a good writer | on the <i>Guardian</i> who uses a gym.
{9278}{9387} Okay, maybe we could just run over | the publishing schedule, yeah?
{9389}{9423} We need to wrap this up in a month.
{9425}{9455} - A month? | - Yes.
{9456}{9508} - You want the book in a month? | - We already have a first draft.
{9510}{9573} Yeah, well, it needs a lot of work.
{9587}{9691} That's why I like your r�sum� here. | You're fast, and you deliver.
{9693}{9760} You name it, he ghosts it.
{9766}{9799} And you're a Brit.
{9822}{9850} The ghost should be a Brit.
{9852}{9903} To get the jolly old tone right, right?
{9939}{10034} - Do you have any family commitments? | - No, I have no family. Why?
{10036}{10078} Adam is locked into a US lecture tour,
{10079}{10177} also a fundraising program | for the Adam Lang Foundation.
{10179}{10229} It's a month in the States. That's okay.
{10231}{10278} Couldn't I bring the manuscript back here | to work on?
{10279}{10384} I'm afraid not. It's in a secure environment | in Marty Rhinehart's own house.
{10391}{10442} Only a few people are allowed to handle it.
{10444}{10482} Sounds more like a bomb than a book.
{10530}{10632} I will need to see it myself at some point. | I am supposed to be editing it.
{10634}{10716} Yeah, in theory. | Actually, we need to talk about that.
{10765}{10809} - How soon can you get over there? | - As soon as you want.
{10811}{10838} - He'll fly tonight. | - Rick.
{10839}{10863} It's okay.
{11055}{11089} Okay, you're in.
{11123}{11146} Oh!
{11149}{11198} - Congratulations. | - Thank you. Thanks.
{11199}{11233} - Rick. | - Thank you.
{11235}{11299} Actually, I have something here
{11300}{11329} - you might want to look at. | - Is that... Is that...
{11331}{11398} No, no, no, this isn't Adam's book. | No, it's another client of mine.
{11399}{11458} Yeah, perhaps you can let me know | what you think.
{11491}{11517} Sure.
{11519}{11562} Okay, if you're gonna get | that evening flight,
{11563}{11622} we'd better talk contracts with Rick here.
{11623}{11691} Wanna show our friend to the door? | Would you?
{11695}{11721} Roy?
{11769}{11815} Call you in an hour, buddy.
{11819}{11843} Hey!
{11855}{11880} Remember...
{11931}{11967} Heart.
{12045}{12130} There's something not quite right | about this project.
{12135}{12182} - What? Me, you mean? | - Obviously you.
{12187}{12243} And McAra. Suicide?
{12271}{12341} He didn't strike me as the suicidal type.
{12345}{12387} Always nice to see you, Roy.
{12453}{12483} Good luck.
{12784}{12839} Oh, God.
{13207}{13243} Thank you.
{14239}{14287} - Yeah? | - <i>Congratulations!</i>
{14289}{14350} - On what? | <i>- On having me as your agent.</i>
{14355}{14402} Yeah, I can hardly believe my luck.
{14407}{14430} <i>Are you packed?</i>
{14432}{14467} I just got mugged.
{14495}{14561} <i>Shit! Are you okay?</i>
{14563}{14655} Yeah, all they took was the manuscript | that Sidney Kroll gave me.
{14659}{14695} <i>What? Why?</i>
{14703}{14745} I don't know. You tell me.
{14766}{14790} <i>Are you hurt?</i>
{14792}{14866} No, I'm fine. I think they must | have followed me from Rhinehart's.
{14893}{14935} <i>Why would they do that?</i>
{14939}{15009} Well, maybe they thought | I had Lang's book.
{15013}{15067} I knew this whole thing was a bad idea.
{15110}{15146} <i>You're still okay to fly tonight, right?</i>
{15147}{15198} For God's sake, Rick, I'm in shock.
{15199}{15255} <i>Well, here's another shock for you.</i>
{15259}{15327} <i>For one month's work</i> | <i>on a manuscript that's already written,</i>
{15328}{15471} <i>Rhinehart Inc. Is willing</i> | <i>to pay you $250,000, plus expenses.</i>
{15503}{15543} <i>Window seat or aisle?</i>
{15553}{15631} <i>...Islam has</i> | <i>issued a statement claiming responsibility.</i>
{15632}{15703} <i>We hope to bring you more on that</i> | <i>later in the bulletin.</i>
{15704}{15801} <i>Meanwhile, former British Prime Minister</i> | <i>Adam Lang is back in the news tonight.</i>
{15803}{15871} <i>According to leaked documents,</i> | <i>Mr. Lang authorized</i>
{15873}{15925} <i>the illegal use of British special forces</i>
{15927}{16023} <i>to seize four suspected al-Qaeda terrorists</i> | <i>in Pakistan</i>
{16025}{16115} <i>and then hand them over</i> | <i>for interrogation by the CIA.</i>
{16119}{16218} <i>The men, Nasir Ashraf, Marwat Sayed,</i> | <i>Salim Khan and Faruk Ahmed,</i>
{16220}{16339} <i>all British citizens, were seized in the</i> | <i>Pakistani city of Peshawar five years ago.</i>
{16348}{16423} <i>All four were allegedly transferred</i> | <i>out of the country</i>
{16425}{16483} <i>to a secret location and tortured.</i>
{16485}{16541} <i>Mr. Ashraf is reported to have died</i> | <i>under interrogation.</i>
{16569}{16617} <i>Such an operation</i> | <i>would have been illegal under...</i>
{16619}{16658} - <i>Yeah?</i> | - Where are you?
{16659}{16740} <i>Heathrow, like you.</i> | <i>Waiting for my flight to New York.</i>
{16742}{16766} Can you see the news?
{16767}{16828} <i>The Lang story? Yeah, I'm watching it now.</i>
{16830}{16884} What have you gotten me into?
{16886}{16993} <i>I got you into a quarter of a million bucks,</i> | <i>pal, that's what I got you into.</i>
{16999}{17032} <i>They're calling my flight. I gotta go.</i>
{17034}{17069} Listen, I just realized
{17071}{17137} Sidney Kroll could have...
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