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Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP, Part 4: Use
CakePHP's Session and Request Handler
Streamline PHP applications
Skill Level: Intermediate
Web Application Developer
ID Society
02 Jan 2007
Updated 22 Jan 2008
CakePHP is a stable production-ready, rapid-development aid for building Web sites
in PHP. This " Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP " series shows you how to build
an online product catalog using CakePHP.
Section 1. Before you start
Editor's note: This series was originally published in 2006 and 2007. Since its
publication, CakePHP developers made significant changes to CakePHP, which
made this series obsolete. In response to these changes and the popularity of this
series, the authors revised each of its five parts to make it compliant with the version
of CakePHP available in January 2008.
This " Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP " series is designed for PHP application
developers who want to start using CakePHP to make their lives easier. In the end,
you will have learned how to install and configure CakePHP, the basics of
Model-View-Controller (MVC) design, how to validate user data in CakePHP, how to
use CakePHP helpers, and how to get an application up and running quickly using
CakePHP. It might sound like a lot to learn, but don't worry — CakePHP does most
of it for you.
Use CakePHP's Session and Request Handler components
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About this series
Part 1 focuses on getting CakePHP up and running, and the basics of
how to put together a simple application allowing users to register for an
account and log in to the application.
Part 2 demonstrates how to use scaffolding and Bake to get a jump-start
on your application, and using CakePHP's access control lists (ACLs).
Part 3 shows how to use Sanitize, a handy CakePHP class, which helps
secure an application by cleaning up user-submitted data. It also covers
the CakePHP security component, handling invalid requests, and other
advanced request authentication.
• Part 4 focuses primarily on the Session component of CakePHP,
demonstrating three ways to save session data, as well as the Request
Handler component to help you manage multiple types of requests
(mobile browsers, requests containing XML or HTML, etc.).
Part 5 deals with caching, specifically view and layout caching, which can
help reduce server resource consumption and speed up your application.
About this tutorial
There are multiple ways of saving session data using CakePHP's Session
component, and each method has its advantages. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to
use the Session component by incorporating all three ways into your application, so
you'll be able to pick the best one that works for you. On top of that, you'll learn how
to use the Request Handler component to aid in your handling of various HTTP
requests, including requests from mobile browsers, or requests containing XML or
HTML content.
This tutorial is divided into two main topics:
• The different types of session handling covered by CakePHP — You will
learn the advantages and disadvantages of each, and how to implement
• How to use the Request Handler in your controllers — We will use it for
two purposes: to add an RSS feed of your products and to implement
Ajax functionality.
This tutorial assumes you have already completed Part 1 , Part 2 , and Part 3 , and
that you still have the working environment you set up for those tutorials. If you do
not have CakePHP installed, you should run through Parts 1 and 2 before
Use CakePHP's Session and Request Handler components
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It is assumed that you are familiar with the PHP programming language, have a
fundamental grasp of database design, and are comfortable getting your hands dirty.
For the section on Ajax, it is also assumed that you have a basic understanding of
Ajax. See Resources for links to help you get started with Ajax.
System requirements
Before you begin, you need to have an environment in which you can work.
CakePHP has reasonably minimal server requirements:
1. An HTTP server that supports sessions (and preferably mod_rewrite ).
This tutorial was written using Apache V2.2.4 with mod_rewrite
2. PHP V4.3.2 or later (including PHP V5). This tutorial was written using
PHP V5.2.3
3. A supported database engine. this tutorial was written using MySQL
You'll also need a database ready for your application to use. The tutorial will
provide syntax for creating any necessary tables in MySQL.
The simplest way to download CakePHP is to visit and download the
latest stable version. This tutorial was written using V1.2.0. Nightly builds and copies
straight from Subversion are also available. Details are in the CakePHP Manual (see
Section 2. Tor, so far
Up to now, you have used CakePHP to create a simple application for managing
products and dealers. In Part 1, you gained an understanding of the MVC paradigm.
In Part 2, you used the powerful component of scaffolding to easily develop a
framework for your application. You finished Part 3 with a number of projects to
improve Tor. The first was to sanitize your data.
What to sanitize
When you sanitized your data, you probably noticed that most of the user input so
far is fairly simple. Most of the data input can be filtered using the paranoid
method, since you should not get anything too complex from the user. The login
action of the users controller is shown below.
Use CakePHP's Session and Request Handler components
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Listing 1. Sanitizing the user name input
function login()
if ($this->data)
$results = $this->User->findByUsername(Sanitize::paranoid($this->data
if ($results && $results['User']['password'] == md5($this->data
$this->Session->write('user', $this->data['User']['username']);
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'), null, true);
} else {
$this->set('error', true);
Similarly for registration, you would expect that a user's name should only contain
letters, spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes. However, apostrophes and hyphens can
be bad news for a SQL database. Using the sql method ensures that these reach
the database safely.
Listing 2. You should sanitize different inputs based on their expected values
function register()
if (!empty($this->data))
$this->data['User']['username'] = Sanitize::paranoid($this->data
$this->data['User']['email'] = Sanitize::paranoid($this->data
['User']['email'], array('@', '.', '-', '+'));
$this->data['User']['first_name'] = Sanitize::sql($this->data
$this->data['User']['last_name'] = Sanitize::sql($this->data
$this->data['User']['password'] = md5($this->data
These are just a couple of examples of how you could have sanitized your data.
Securing the application
You next task was to secure Tor using the Security component. If you consider what
forms need to have the most security, a natural guess would be any forms which
change the database. This is a good rule of thumb: If a change is made to the
database, the form should be submitted via the POST method.
One action that fits this description is the product delete action. Since deleting a
product removes a row from the database, it should be a POST -only request. The
code to require this is shown below.
Listing 3. ProductsController requiring POST for delete action
Use CakePHP's Session and Request Handler components
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function beforeFilter()
If you try deleting a product now, you will notice that you get a 400 error. This is
good because it means that any delete has to occur because of a particularly
formatted request. However, we need to get the delete functionality back, so you'll
need to make an appropriate change on your views that point to the delete action.
See Listing 4 for how the new showDelete section could look.
Listing 4. The delete action calls should happen inside forms
<?php if ($showDelete) { ?>
<?php echo $form->create('Product', array('action' => 'delete/' .
<li><?php echo $form->end('Delete product');?></li>
<?php } ?>
You should also require that the registration and login forms be POST requests. The
code will be similar to what we have implemented here.
Giving feedback for invalid requests
Your final task was to use the blackHoleCallback to provide the user with an
appropriate response from an invalid request. Its purpose is to provide some helpful
and friendly feedback, instead of a nasty server error.
One possible implementation for this code is provided below.
Listing 5. Friendlier information for a bad request function beforeFilter()
function invalid() {
header('HTTP/x 400 Bad Request');
echo('<p>We\'re sorry - there has been a problem processing your request.
Please try submitting the form again.</p>');
Changing the default layout
You will be adding a favorite products feature to Tor. The visitors to your site should
be able to save products for later, or use an RSS feed to keep track of new products
Use CakePHP's Session and Request Handler components
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