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Multiple Choice
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Multiple Choice
A number of definitions are listed. Below each definition are
4 words that may match the definition. Print the letter of the
word which matches the definition in the space provided by
each definition.
1. Move in an arced motion.
A. about B. perfect C. swing D. wrecked
2. Traveling through water.
A. swimming B. tortoise C. wrecked D. happens
3. As the factory exploded in the distance, James mumbled to himself, "I hate it when this
A. happens B. about C. together D. jail
4. Large land turtles.
A. passengers B. swimming C. tortoise D. about
5. In the area or vicinity.
A. tortoise B. jail C. about D. swing
6. Destroyed in an accident.
A. jail B. swing C. swimming D. wrecked
7. Being without defect or blemish.
A. jail B. perfect C. wrecked D. happens
8. Plural form of "passenger."
A. swimming B. together C. passengers D. tortoise
9. In conjunction with; combined.
A. together B. swimming C. jail D. passengers
10. Where you send bank robbers.
A. jail B. wrecked C. together D. perfect
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