30-kW Maintenance-Free Solar Dish Engine.pdf

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30-kW Maintenance-Free Solar Dish Engine
30-kW Maintenance-Free
Solar Dish Engine
DOE Solar Programs
Annual Review
Infinia FOA Program
Austin, Texas
April 22, 2008
Thanks and Congratulations for
the Rebirth of Dish Stirling CSP!
The viability of dish Stirling CSP was demonstrated in
the 70’s and 80’s – then it died ………….
Thanks to the persistence of a few folks at DOE, a
number of true believers, and .... energy costs and
climate change ... It has revived and helped all below
Sandia and NREL have weathered the storm and are
helping on many levels
Congratulations to SES
Breaking their own long-standing efficiency record
Raising $100M+ to support GW+ installations
Recent Infinia capital investment of $60M+
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Presentation Overview
Infinia Background
Company overview
Free piston Stirling engine (FPSE) offers long-
life maintenance-free operation
3-kWe solar dish product
30-kWe engine demonstration plans
Dish Stirling advantages
Technical approach
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We are…
A solar-thermal /
energy technology
Backed by leading
venture capitalists &
private equity investors
Power Play
Located in Washington
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Our Long Life Stirling Engine Enables…
High performance / low-cost solar power
70% overall conversion efficiency (thermal & electric)
24% net electric efficiency
Automotive-scale production cuts costs
Affordable home heating and power appliances
90% thermal efficiency (electric & hot water)
40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
Licensees: Rinnai (Manufacturer), Bosch and ENATEC
Biogas-fired village power systems – EBI
Electricity, heat improve lives in undeveloped regions
Uses locally available fuel in anaerobic digestors
Enables sustainable economic activity
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