2x16 Old Habits.eng.txt

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{784}{833}Can you get a better view?
{888}{938}Omar, a meter to your left.
{1063}{1138}Be careful where you step.|You might kill us all.
{1347}{1379}Land mines.
{1403}{1506}In the Middle East, they're everywhere.|Just walk into a field and help yourself.
{1614}{1701}We will use these to strike terror|into the hearts of our enemies.
{1705}{1786}For a man who is willing to die|for his cause...
{1801}{1841}cannot be stopped.
{1874}{1954}- Don't you agree, my friend?|- Of course.
{1985}{2078}But first, we must kill all the frauds,|all the imposters...
{2080}{2157}and... all the double agents.
{2186}{2217}You understand.
{2295}{2383}Excellent. So far everything's going|as planned.
{3893}{3945}Halir's group is called Bright Star.
{3980}{4055}Their goal is to destroy|all symbols of modern decadence.
{4066}{4142}Their weapon of choice: suicide bombings.
{4157}{4217}The bombs are constructed|from land mines...
{4229}{4279}so the materials can't be traced.
{4304}{4350}Last night we sacrificed a mole...
{4352}{4425}in order to protect|a more important contact:
{4463}{4495}Gregory Formitz.
{4512}{4625}A dealer in forged documents,|passports, visas, press credentials.
{4642}{4717}He supplies Bright Star with fake IDs.
{4736}{4834}If we control Formitz,|we have a chance to stop Bright Star.
{4864}{4962}We've been brought into this one|a little late. So we have to play catch-up.
{4966}{5010}We need any intel we can get.
{5011}{5066}Michael, it's all yours.
{5153}{5204}You'll be our liaison with Formitz.
{5224}{5299}Madeline has prepared a profile.|You may find it useful.
{5494}{5598}Formitz is from a wealthy family.|Intelligent, well-educated.
{5627}{5683}He ranked first in his class|at medical school.
{5685}{5722}Medical school?
{5724}{5777}He dropped out|three days before graduation.
{5810}{5872}He was a younger son, a rebel.
{5874}{5972}He wanted to cause his family|the maximum amount of disappointment.
{5986}{6019}Did it work?
{6024}{6076}Yes. They never spoke to him again.
{6091}{6189}His alliance with terrorists arose partly|as a way of continuing to rebel...
{6202}{6256}partly because danger appeals to him.
{6264}{6352}So, betraying Bright Star to us makes|it even more dangerous.
{6397}{6468}So betraying us to Bright Star in turn...
{6504}{6552}might up the ante even further.
{6566}{6594}Very good.
{6609}{6691}Our analysis indicates there's little chance|of that happening soon.
{6693}{6778}But as time goes on,|the chance will increase. So be alert.
{6918}{6978}- Birkoff, you got a minute?|- No, not really.
{7100}{7170}- We want to tell you something.|- It'll have to wait.
{7234}{7279}We're getting married.
{7328}{7393}I asked her last night.|She accepted right away.
{7472}{7537}Okay, don't congratulate us or anything.|It's all right.
{7595}{7637}I'm sorry. I'm just surprised.
{7638}{7707}Yeah, me, too. But you've got|to get lucky sometimes, right?
{7709}{7747}- When's the big day?|- Tomorrow.
{7749}{7817}I have to hurry because she might|come back to her senses.
{7818}{7854}That'll never happen.
{7907}{7997}- We just wanted you to know.|- Thanks. Congratulations.
{8002}{8032}See you later.
{8591}{8661}Hey, buy you a drink? Come on.
{8662}{8711}- Back off!|- Okay.
{8939}{8978}You go out when I tell you!
{8980}{9040}- I was sick.|- I decide when you're sick!
{9042}{9088}No! Don't!
{9104}{9171}I've been soft on you, huh?|Gonna change now-
{9173}{9198}Excuse me.
{9459}{9514}You get out, and don't come back.
{9685}{9719}You two all right?
{9732}{9792}It's just gonna be worse|when he comes back.
{9804}{9839}He won't come back.
{10276}{10319}- You're my contact?|- That's right.
{10321}{10358}You just took out that pimp?
{10360}{10420}Idiot, the idea is to maintain a low profile.
{10422}{10485}This is not gonna work. I'm out of here.
{10522}{10553}Sit down.
{10607}{10642}Let go of me.
{10673}{10730}If you don't sit down,|I'm gonna make a scene...
{10732}{10800}that'll give you|the highest profile in this neighborhood.
{10801}{10839}Sit down.
{10959}{11018}Fine. But from now on,|we attend to our business...
{11020}{11089}and we let other people|attend to theirs. All right?
{11173}{11258}- You do business with Bright Star.|- Yeah.
{11281}{11365}We want copies of all IDs and credentials|you provide them with.
{11367}{11396}Not the way it works.
{11398}{11461}Halir, their main man, calls me,|tells me where to meet.
{11463}{11510}I bring the blanks, he brings the pictures.
{11512}{11575}He watches me make the IDs,|takes them when I'm done.
{11577}{11646}There are no copies. Except up here.
{11690}{11791}- I need names and descriptions.|- What would I need?
{11817}{11916}Give me your bank account information.|You'll have the money within an hour.
{11941}{11977}Just like that, huh?
{11993}{12096}Of course, if I'm lying,|I never get the chance to spend it, do I?
{12279}{12360}I only have one, so far.|Ahmed Mujani. Posing as a journalist.
{12361}{12450}- Going where?|- First stop, Beirut. After that, I don't know.
{12490}{12563}Halir didn't say.|But I got the impression very soon.
{12750}{12786}See you again.
{12809}{12872}Ahmed Mujani.|Formitz says he's the bomber.
{12874}{12899}Where is he?
{12901}{12961}From Beirut he went to Berlin,|then to Hamburg.
{12963}{13030}He checked into the Milo Hotel last night.
{13032}{13103}Cross-ref the hotel with potential targets.
{13191}{13271}It's three blocks from|the International Trade Center.
{13273}{13343}I'll assemble a team.|You prepare the tactical.
{13632}{13669}Nikita. Status?
{13694}{13775}The delegates are all inside.|There's over 100 in one room.
{13783}{13848}They've been screened.|He'll come from out here.
{13997}{14089}- Michael, report.|- The security team hasn't seen him.
{14113}{14191}- He could be disguised.|- We're aware of that.
{14415}{14490}Craig, check out the elderly lady|with the shopping bag.
{14493}{14520}I'm on it.
{14585}{14617}Excuse me, ma'am.
{14645}{14679}Got the target.
{16037}{16068}Let's go.
{16282}{16314}What's up?
{16330}{16408}- Walter and Belinda are getting married.|- That's great!
{16410}{16486}No, it's not great. Belinda's in abeyance.
{16506}{16596}She's scheduled for the Rio mission.|There's no way she's coming back.
{16620}{16679}Is there anything that you can do?
{16684}{16767}I took her off abeyance once before.|Operations found out.
{16781}{16840}Do you think I should tell Walter?
{16860}{16967}There's no point. Just let them|be as happy as long as they can.
{16990}{17035}Look, I gotta go and meet Formitz.
{17036}{17109}You're gonna be on comm.|Take down the names. Okay?
{17147}{17183}Yeah. Okay.
{17371}{17467}The bomb came from|cannibalized land mines, as we expected.
{17474}{17562}- What about the detonator?|- It's another dead end.
{17564}{17639}Garden variety. Could have come|from a thousand sources.
{17794}{17876}Did the bomber go in the bus depot|as an evasive maneuver...
{17884}{17945}or was that his intended destination?
{17956}{18012}It was his intended destination.
{18028}{18055}You're sure?
{18056}{18156}It was my impression during the mission,|and the tapes confirmed it.
{18196}{18261}Then we're facing an extreme situation.
{18273}{18347}They're targeting innocent people|in public places.
{18349}{18393}Anywhere, anytime.
{18430}{18491}Formitz is the key more than ever.
{18493}{18571}- He and Nikita are getting along?|- Well enough.
{18576}{18681}- She's meeting him again this afternoon.|- Good. Keep me informed.
{18948}{18991}Birkoff, he's not here.
{18992}{19071}He'll show. He was late|last time, too, remember?
{19159}{19226}Okay, it's over an hour.|This guy needs to learn manners.
{19228}{19255}What's his address?
{19257}{19310}We agreed to stay clear ofhis home.
{19316}{19369}Birkoff, give me his address.
{19508}{19557}3301 Van der Weil.
{19857}{19900}- What's up?|- Nothing.
{20016}{20107}Erica, the girl I was with before...|I can't find her.
{20150}{20223}She never stays with a trick.|That's one of her rules.
{20241}{20283}And she wouldn't break it.
{20299}{20363}Especially with what's been happening.
{20399}{20443}What's been happening?
{20554}{20607}Girls have been disappearing.
{20630}{20683}And they find them...
{20745}{20804}- What, murdered?|- Mutilated.
{20858}{20918}I mean, she should have been home|hours ago.
{20939}{20978}She's my friend.
{21000}{21091}- What's your name?|- Danielle. Yeah.
{21107}{21189}Listen, Danielle, I'm sure|that Erica's gonna turn up.
{21240}{21293}Hey, it's gonna be all right.
{22308}{22343}What the hell is this?
{22345}{22385}- Where have you been?|- Occupied!
{22387}{22440}You're not supposed to come to my house.
{22442}{22505}Yesterday, I saw 40 people die.
{22535}{22578}Some of them were children.
{22596}{22648}I don't want|to see that again, understand?
{22650}{22691}Maybe I lost track of time.
{22693}{22732}Don't be late next time.
{22734}{22777}Who pays for my lock?
{22810}{22835}You do.
{22867}{22942}- You had a meeting with Halir last night?|- Yeah.
{23038}{23098}Three. I wrote them down yesterday.
{23175}{23222}When's your next meeting?
{23250}{23283}He'll call.
{23327}{23363}You'll let me know.
{23771}{23818}Where did you find this?
{23874}{23907}It's my sister's.
{24116}{24147}You're lying.
{24184}{24243}It belongs to a girl called Erica.
{24278}{24331}She was at the bar last night.
{24408}{24438}So what?
{24466}{24505}So, she's missing.
{24547}{24601}Missing. What does that mean?
{24630}{24675}Why don't you tell me?
{24802}{24837}Where i...
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