The 2 Biggest Mistakes.pdf

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The 2 Biggest Mistakes !
I always start with following, so please read..
B efore we start lets get a few fundamentals out of the way, I assume you are
over 18 years old and you are responsible enough to gamble in a way that is not
going to cause you or your partner/parents/friends/cat etc any financial
If you can not do this then donÓt read this report, throw it away-NOW!
Or delete it!!
Some more ÐMother knows bestÑ words:
Never use money you can not afford to lose.
Remember, this is gambling-there is an element of risk-you may
If you feel you are becoming addicted please seek professional
If you need advice try:
Ok, thatÓs me sleeping with a clear conscience!
Now the legal stuffÈ
Sponsored by: -lay tips you can take to the bank!
¨ Tony James 2007
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The 2 Biggest Mistakes !
What you can and canÓt do with this book! and other legal
Please note the contents of this book are for your own
personal use and benefit.
This book may NOT be given away or sold in any format what
so ever.
The views made in this book are those of the author, they
are not meant to imply that you will be able to achieve the
same results. Results will vary depending upon the readers
approach to gambling. Following the information as stated
in this book, may cause you to lose money as well as make a
profit. You must use your own discretion at all times.
All statements and figures stated in this book are true at
the time of printing. The author is not responsible for any
profits or losses that are made by using the information in
this book.
Sponsored by: -lay tips you can take to the bank!
¨ Tony James 2007
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The 2 Biggest Mistakes !
From: Tony James
Sept 2007
Dear fellow punter,
Before we get the main point of this report you may well be asking why you
should take any notice of what I have to say, and you would be right to ask.
First of all let me tell you what I am not, IÓm not a super high flying know all
writer who has never walked the walk let alone talked the talk!
In fact IÓm not even a writer as you will soon find out, but I do talk from
experience-not all of it good.
I am most probably just like the majority of you, average job, average mortgage,
average car, happily married 2.5 children 1 cat and an old dog, oh and I like to
During my years, especially before I became a full time punter, I tried many,
many different systems and tipsters, always looking for the best.
I tried many ÐcanÓt failÑ systems that eventually did and
super successful tipsters that seemed to get a run of bad
results almost as soon as I joined their service.
I tried dutching, arbing, backing, blackjack, roulette, dogs,
tennis, football and finally found laying horses and this is
where I stayed.
Sponsored by: -lay tips you can take to the bank!
¨ Tony James 2007
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The 2 Biggest Mistakes !
IÓm not saying that this is the holly grail of betting it just happens to suite my
way of betting and it is the method that I have found to produce the most
constant stream of money making results.
You may prefer something else and thatÓs one of the great things about betting
there are hundreds of different ways you can try and make a profit and of course
there are thousands of ways you can lose money!
I made all of the mistakes there were to make and a few more that would have
had you scratching your head and asking Ðwhy on earth did you do that?Ñ and
the truth is looking back, I still donÓt know and I certainly couldnÓt explain it to
Betting can make you act irrationally can bring out the greed in
Often this greed factor is the root of many a
down fall.
The purpose of this report is simple, itÓs to stop you making the same mistakes
as I did, mistakes that cost me a lot of money and heart ache.
If you can only stop yourself from following me on these two points you will be a
better and certainly more successful gambler-something IÓm sure we all want to
Whatever this report is, it is not the Holy grail of betting, in its self it may not
point you towards any more money making horses, but what it might do is to
keep a little more cash in your pocket.
Sponsored by: -lay tips you can take to the bank!
¨ Tony James 2007
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The 2 Biggest Mistakes !
Like many things in life this report came into being as a result of a conversation
in a pub over a few jarsÈlet me explain.
I was having a friendly chat with a mate of mine over a few beers when he
asked me a very straight question, I should perhaps point out he was well aware
that I earned my living from betting.
The question was, ÐwhatÓs the biggest mistake you can make when betting?Ñ I
was tempted to say ÐdonÓt put money on horses!Ñ but I didnÓt, I remember giving
a few quick tips and then moving on to a more safe subject, probably religion or
When I got back home my mind wandered back to his question, was there really
only 1 big mistake or were there several that were waiting for the poor old
After giving it a good deal of thought I came to the conclusion that there were 2
big pit falls and several other smaller ones.
That thought process was the beginning of this report, I canÓt really call it a book
as it only runs to 16 pages.
Please read it and take note of the 2 biggest mistakes that I have made, if you
can avoid them then you will certainly save yourself a lot of grief and hopefully
will keep more of your hard earned cash.
So without further ado letÓs get to the first mistake.
Sponsored by: -lay tips you can take to the bank!
¨ Tony James 2007
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