Lesson 19 Interview, stress problems(1).doc

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Lesson 19

Lesson 19

Read the dialogue between a GP and her patient and answer the following questions.

Ignore the gaps at this stage.

1. What is wrong with Mr Nowak?

2. What does the doctor suggest?


Dr Friedman: Good morning Mr Nowak, how are you today?

Mr Nowak: Not so good doctor, not so good. At first it was just my throat, now everything seems to be wrong with me. I'm having problems sleeping and I don't have any energy. I'm moody and irritable and often starting arguments with everyone around me.

Dr Friedman: You were here last week, weren't you?

Mr Nowak: Yes, I had a throat infection and you prescribed antibiotics. I've taken them as you told me and everything seems much better.

Dr Friedman: Have you got 1)______ the infection?

Mr Nowak: Almost, but I have not been coping too well 2)______ the side affects of the drugs.

Dr Friedman: What seems to be the problem?

Mr Nowak: Well, I can't sleep and I feel lethargic all the time.

Dr Friedman: That's odd; I haven't come 3)______ those side affects from this drug before. Most patients have no problems with these antibiotics. In fact, according to the research, I've just read only 1% of patients ever suffers any problems with these drugs. Is everything else

in your life okay? How's work?

Mr Nowak: We've got a new boss; she's awful, very bossy always throwing her weight 4)______. We all hate her; she makes me do on average 10 hours overtime a week. Every day is a trial, she's very moody and I never know if she's going to shout at me for no reason.

Dr Friedman: Have you tried talking to someone higher up?

Mr Nowak: Yes, but her boss is determined to support her as she's new to the job. Now my wife is angry because I never spend any time with her and the kids and when I do I'm not good company.

Dr Friedman: This stress may be why you're having problems sleeping. I'll just have a look at your throat, can you just sit down on the couch?

Mr Nowak: Well doctor - what do you think, has the infection cleared 5)______?

Dr Friedman: Yes, I can't see any sign of infection; you seem to have recovered really well. As long as you look 6)______ yourself, you'll be fine. I think your other problems are caused 7)______ stress. I can prescribe something to help you calm down, but it might be better to stick with something homeopathic at this stage. I recommend you talk to the chemist. Can you talk to your boss and try and get her to think 8)______ the consequences of her actions. I could give you some time off work, if you think it would help take 9)______ some of the pressure.

Mr Nowak: I would rather deal 10)______ the problems, put 11)______ things in the short-term. I will talk to her, because I really can't go 12)______ like this. Now I can see this is affecting my health I really have to take some action. My wife has, of course, been saying exactly the same thing.

Dr Friedman: You should take your wife's advice. Come back and see me if you have any more problems.

Mr Nowak: I will - thank you doctor.


moody - humorzasty

irritable - rozdrażniony

throat infection - infekcja gardła

prescribe - przepisać (lek)

bossy - apodyktyczny

calm down - uspokoić się


Part 2

Language Analysis

A) Complete each of the gaps in the dialogue with a suitable preposition then B) match each verb + preposition to the definitions below:

1. postpone_________ _________

2. continue_________ _________

3. to act as if you have a lot of power or authority _________ _________

4. recover from illness/unhappiness_________ _________

5. manage to do (with difficulty) _________ _________

6. take care_________ _________

7. find/meet by chance_________ _________

8. be responsible for, handle_________ _________

9. make something happen_________ _________

10. take something into consideration_________ _________

11. have time away from work_________ _________

12. get better, (medical problems) _________ _________

Part 3

Complete each of the gaps with one of the expressions above.

1. It took him a long time to _________ _________ his operation.

2. The pain was _________ _________ an abscess on his joint.

3. You need to _________ _________ the side affects before you take any medicine.

4. He _________ _________ the demands of the new job well.

5. I recommend you _________ 3 weeks _________ work following surgery.

6. I don't like the new hospital manager; he's always _________his weight _________.

7. Can you _________ _________ the patient when she comes out of theatre?

8. I _________ _________ this cure when I was attending a conference recently.

9. The patient was very sick as she had _________ _________ coming to me for a year.

10. I told the patient he could not _________ _________ with his present lifestyle, if he wanted to be healthy.


Part 1

1. He can't sleep and has no energy.

2. That he deals with the stress at work.


Part 2



1. got over

1. put off

2. cope with

2. go on

3. come across

3. throw (your weight) around

4. throw around

4. get over

5. clear up

5. cope with

6. look after

6. look after

7. caused by

7. come across

8. think of

8. deal with

9. take off

9. caused by

10. deal with

10. think of

11. put off

11. take (time) off

12. go on

12. clear up


Part 3

1. get over

2. caused by

3. think of

4. coped with

5. take 3 weeks off

6. throwing his weight around

7. look after

8. came across

9. put off

10. go on


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